October 9, 2024
Call to Order: 9:04am Adjourned: 9:49am
Hybrid Meeting Held at: 24113 North Highway 101, Suite B Hoodsport, WA 98548
Virtual Zoom Conference Meeting Room ID#406-238-9936
Roll Call: Commissioner Kincannon–Chairwoman/2nd Trustee Commissioner Brazil – 2nd Chairman/Trustee (excused absence) Commissioner Morris – Community, Dock repair liaison
Staff Present: K. Wyatt, Executive Director S. Lindgren – Maintenance Facility Supervisor
Public speakers: Jan Morris – Hardware Distillery -Holiday festivities Jen Bly – Port website & Holiday festivities
Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Kincannon motioned to approve the October 9, 2024; agenda as amended to add J Morris and J Bly as speakers; Commissioner Morris seconded; all in favor, unanimously approved.
Minutes: Commissioner Kincannon motioned to approve the regular port commission meeting minutes for September 18, 2024, Commissioner Morris seconded, unanimously approved.
Vouchers: Commissioner Kincannon motioned to approve September 2024 Voucher 1of1 in the amount of $23,385.44 and Dock repair Ck #7- $5,374.33 Commissioner Morris seconded, unanimously approved. The director said the Port’s annual insurance policy invoice of $7401.00 an invoice of $2762.00 for 5 additional T-baskets for the disc golf course and Mule repair of $500.00 were included in Septembers Voucher.
Public Communication:
J Morris with the Hardware Distillery said I am here to talk about the Holiday décor in town. I called and text Ben Fabig to talk about decorating the Port building but got no response. Commissioner Kincannon said I will order the banner; we need a name for the festival so I can get it in by the end of October and I will donate the banner personally. J Morris and J Bly thanked Commissioner Kincannon. Commissioner Morris asked how about naming it ‘Yule Tide’, which would be appropriate because of our tides on the canal. J Morris said YES, let’s do it. Commissioner Kincannon said great I will have the banner designed and send everyone a proof. Commissioner Morris said “did you figure out the Christmas tree situation. J Morris said Rachel Hansen is working with Lissa and Adam at the Hama Hama, they have a crane to pick it up. Commissioner Kincannon said I have lots of trees on my property, you are welcome to use the boughs for decorating and I have lots of those outdoor plastic decorations I will donate. S Lindgren said “I can get a tree and cut it down immediately, we just need a truck. J Bly, president of the Hood Canal Kiwanis is partnering with the Union Lions Club, we would like to put up a banner on the Ports steel railing between November 1st-11th for a Veterans breakfast at Finch Creek Firehouse. Commissioner Morris said I make a motion to approve the Kiwanis Club to put up a banner to support the Veterans breakfast, Commissioner Kincannon seconded the motion, it was approved. J Bly said she is unable to access Port’s website from Google, the link is not connecting. The director said I will contact our technicians; they should be able to troubleshoot and fix the problem.
Commissioner Kincannon said Brianne the artist is working on the container shed, she’s adding picnic tables, the Port emblem and on the right side it will have disc golf baskets. Commissioner Morris said I am still going through the DNR lease and have quite a few notes, I am hoping to get it out soon, when they originally surveyed it, did they provide a map? The Director said, “I believe there is one, I will look through the surveyor’s emails. Commissioner Kincannon said I can help review the lease before submitting it to the attorney. Commissioner Morris said, the Appreciation event and photo ops with the legislators on Friday went well, Holly and Emily thought we did a great job and enjoyed it.
Port Maintenance Reports:
Hoodsport Trail Park & Disc Golf Park: S Lindgren said I would like to walk the second bridge with someone to look at it. Commissioner Morris said I will walk with you, just let me know when. S Lindgren said If we call the new towing company owners, we can get updated towing signs for the parking lots in town and at the trail park. The director said I will call the owner and arrange it. The County Environmental Health department said to take down the yellow shellfish signs on the beach. The Skokomish police took the boat that capsized last Friday in front of all of us while we were standing on the dock, the guys swam to the dock. It was a shallow boat with a lot of weight in it and couldn’t take the wake, so they bailed out, we helped them up on the dock. Ben, with the Department of Ecology, talked to Dan Griffey and me, he probably won’t pursue it. Got the Mule back from getting fixed it was expensive to send to the dealership. People are using the back 9 holes already for disc golf and dog walking, they are not getting along. Commissioner Kincannon said we can order signs to post on the kiosk, so people know discs are flying through the air and the disc golfers have the right of way. Commissioner Morris said maybe we should say people should observe the rules of the Disc Golf game, is it posted on the website? People are still dumping trash at the main trail park parking lot.
Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: A big, oversized boat was at the end of the dock. It was an old derelict 43’ crabbing trawler with a boat tied to its side. They ran out of fuel, I saw an anchor chain, but it had no anchor, it was hanging over 15’ and 5’. I told him he had to leave; he said he was calling the coast guard; I offered him my phone; he was gone within a few hours. It was a calm day and there was no damage to the dock.
Portable Restrooms: The Port of Hoodsport and Hood Canal Market Fresh share the cost of renting portable restrooms with hand washing stations for the public’s use. In the summer season, May–October, five portable restrooms are serviced 3 times per week. In winter, October – April three rentals are serviced twice per week. The Ports maintenance department monitors them for trash and additional toilet paper as needed in between services.
Port parking/Office building/Maintenance shed:
Port Directors Report:
The director said to recap the Appreciation Day event on October 4th. Invitations were sent out to the community, an invitation was published in the Journal, on the Ports website, in the Chamber news, and on flyers around town. We had a low turnout but Senator MacEwan, Representative Griffey, Eric Ffitch WPPA Executive Director, Holly & Emily, our lobbyists, J Morris and J Bly, a few community members and a reporter from the Journal who took photos, were there to help the Port celebrate the capital funding received from the collective efforts. It was a beautiful day, after an appreciation speech from Commissioners Kincannon and Morris we moved to the brewery for refreshments. The director asked Commissioner Morris if we could put closure to the email received from YSS Dive Shop in July 2024 notifying the Port that their boat had an engine failure and ran into the dock. Commissioner Morris said when the piling inspection was completed, it was determined the dock did not have any damage from the YSS Charter boat. Holly with Gordon Thomas Honeywell said at the appreciation event she would be emailing the new lobbyist contract for signature which will be the same amount as the previous year. Commissioner Kincannon asked if we could move the November 6th meeting to November 20th, the director said that it works better so we can give the County more time to submit our October financial statements. Commissioner Morris said that works for me. At the November 20th regular port commission meeting the Commission will approve the 2025 Port of Hoodsport’s budget at the Budget hearing meeting scheduled for that day at 9am. I will email the commission with YTD breakdowns and a preliminary budget for review before the meeting.
Budget: Financial statements for September were reviewed
Old Business: As discussed above New Business: As discussed above.
Next Meeting: November 20,2024
Adjourn: Commissioner Kincannon made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Morris seconded, it was unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at am 9:49am
2024 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:
Wednesday’s at 9am: November 20th, December 11th
2025 Budget Hearing meeting is scheduled for November 20th at 9am
Commissioner Kincannon Commissioner Morris