
2019 December 11 Minutes



December 11, 2019

Call to Order:   9:00am                                                    Adjourned:  10:58am

Meeting Held at:    Port of Hoodsport 24113 N US Hwy 101 Hoodsport, WA

Roll Call:            Commissioner Petz – Commission Chair (excused absence) Commissioner Brazil  Commissioner Booth

Staff Present:    K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager B. Osborne – Director of Maintenance  S.Lindgren – Maintenance

Public:                              none

Approval of Agenda:  Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the agenda as

written; Commissioner Booth seconded; it was unanimously approved.

Minutes: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the regular port commission minutes and a motion to approve the minutes from the Public Hearing to approve the 2020 Port of Hoodsport Budget meeting, both on November 13, 2019, Commissioner Booth seconded, they were unanimously approved.

Vouchers:   The following Vouchers/Warrants are for approval of payment: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the Voucher for December 1 of 1 in the amount of $8,145.20; Commissioner Booth seconded; it was unanimously approved.

Public Communication:  none

Commissioner Reports:  Commissioner Booth said one of the take a ways from attending the port directors seminar, was that when a commissioner will be out of town or out of cell phone range, they should notify the port administrator.  Commissioner Booth will be attending the January 8th meeting via teleconference call.  Commissioner Brazil received paperwork in the mail from the Mason county elections office for him to swear into office in front of a notary as the incumbent and elected port commissioner for a new 6-year term.  An appointment was made to have Linda Turner, manager at Columbia Bank swear him in and notarize the paperwork.  The port administrator will then take the document to file at the county elections office.  Commissioner Brazil said he spoke to the owner of Doos Donuts, Christopher McNeely who was interested in setting up a live Christmas tree at the port’s waterfront park.  C. McNeely spoke to business owners in Hoodsport and said they would all chip in for the tree. The port administrator told him to talk to the Kiwanis and the ports maintenance department because they have an annual routine of putting up, decorating and lighting a structure that fits over and around the Japanese maple tree.  C. McNeely said he would contact them and discuss making a change if he and the business owners were planning on buying the tree, decorating, maintaining and taking it down.  C. McNeely was asked to attend a port commission meeting after his discussions and prior to the setup, to talk to the port commission. He would have to fill out an event on port property application and provide a certificate of liability. C. Mc Neely was not present at this meeting and sent an email to the port December 26th stating they decided not put up a tree this year, he said he planned on resurrecting the events committee to plan events throughout the year and would re visit erecting a live Christmas tree prior to December 2020.  Commissioner Brazil asked if Mason County Commissioner Shutty approved deeding the County property to the port for the alternative septic drain field.  The port administrator said Commissioner Shutty said he was going to take the request to the county commission for approval then get back to the port.  S. Lindgren said he dug a hole 2 feet deep on the county property to look at the soil, in his opinion, he thought it looked good for the type of soil needed for a drain field.  Commissioner Brazil said he noticed a tree leaning out on State Rt 119 at the Hoodsport Trail park across the street from the subdivision mailboxes.  B. Osborne said WSDOT just went through and cut trees on their easement that were leaning out toward State Rt 119. Commissioner Booth was curious as to how many trees were cut by WSDOT in their right of way along the Hoodsport trail park property.

Port Maintenance Reports:

Hoodsport Trail Park & Disc Golf Park:  S. Lindgren roped off the area in the trail park where the bank sloughed off so hikers can avoid and walk around it.  Hiking trails are being maintained by S. Lindgren.  The trail park will be closed during inclement weather.

Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: B. Osborne said the Kiwanis asked him to prune back the Japanese maple tree because it is growing too large for the Christmas tree structure.  He said they put it up quickly without damage to the maple tree.  B. Osborne and S. Lindgren will trim the maple when it is the right time of year.  S. Lindgren said there are several big logs that have washed up on the ports beach from winter storms.

Public Restrooms: Currently open to the public intermittently as directed by Mason County and the septic specialist.  Readings on the septic tank gallonage is monitored as required.  B. Osborne said texture on the floor in the public restrooms is in good condition, it will be re-applied again in the spring.

Port parking/Office building/Maintenance shed: B. Osborne and S. Lindgren both have App’s on their phones live streaming the surveillance cameras that cover the public restrooms, office, shed, parking lot, waterfront park and the dock.

Port Operations Manager Report   The port administrator reminded the port commission that Mike Davies, forester for Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will be attending the January 8th meeting.  M Davies will talk to the commission about walking the Hoodsport trail park and discussing his findings on the health of the trees in the trail park 8 years after trees that were identified with root rot were removed.  He said the bacteria is in the soil and will eventually kill the other trees that were left standing.  The Hoodsport trail park was reforested in 2013 with 16,500 trees that were not as prone to root rot as the trees that were removed from the park.  The port administrator spoke to James Thompson, executive director for the Washington Public Ports Assn regarding per diem for the Commissioners.  The Port of Hoodsport commissioners do not receive a salary like most all other ports, they only receive per diem.  J. Thompson said the ports RCW’s recite port commissioners can receive up to $10, 500.00 per commissioner per year which covers meetings attended and is limited to one meeting per day.  He said port seminars, meals and travel are reimbursed separately.  J. Thompson asked the port administrator if she could attend the Directors seminar this July which will be held at the Alderbrook resort.  Commissioner Brazil said he was in favor or the port administrator attending the Directors meeting in July 2020.  The port administrator collected port commissioner time sheets for October through December to submit to the CPA.  The port administrator asked if the commission would be opposed to changing the February 2020 meeting to the 5th instead of the 12th, Commissioners Brazil and Booth were fine with the change.  The port administrator spoke to Gerry O’Keefe from the Washington Public Ports Assn. who met with Commissioner Booth during one of the port seminars.  Gerry was filled in with the history of the public restrooms and suggested talking to the state legislators to determine what can be done to save the public restrooms and unburden the port of the ongoing responsibilities.  The public restrooms are a necessity to support the local economy, however it is not where the Port district adds value to the community.  Gerry suggested meeting with the senate and house representatives on January 28th , which is Port day at the state capital. In talking to the representative’s assistants about their schedules on Port day, there are no appointments left.  The port administrator will call to schedule individual meetings with Senator Tim Sheldon, House Representatives Dan Griffey and Drew McEwan.

 Budget:                  November 2019 financial statement was reviewed.

 Old Business:        As discussed above  New Business:       None

Next Meeting:          January 8, 2020 to be held at the Port of Hoodsport Office

Adjourn:   Commissioner Brazil made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Booth seconded, it was unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:58 a.m.

2020 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:

Wednesday’s at 9am

January 8th, February 5th

 Commissioner Petz                  Commissioner Brazil                Commissioner Booth

2019 November 13 – 2020 Port of Hoodsport Budget Approval Minutes



November 13, 2019

Call to Order: 9:00am            Adjourned: 9:11am

Roll Call:                               Commissioner Petz – Commission Chair

Commissioner Brazil – present via telephone

Commissioner Booth

Staff Present:                        K Wyatt, Port Operations Manager

B Osborne, Port Maintenance

S Lindgren, Port Maintenance

Public:                                    Jan Morris – Hardware Distillery

A Public Hearing was held to consider testimony before adopting the FINAL 2020 Port of Hoodsport Budget.

The Public was invited to speak, Jan noticed the projected ending balance had a 2019 date instead of a 2020 date, it was noted to change the final copy.

Commissioner Brazil acknowledged the ‘Security’ Line item that was discussed at the October meeting was not inserted in the budget. Commissioner Petz asked the port administrator to remove $100.00 from each commissioner per Diem line to insert into a created ‘Security’ line to show $300.00 in the ‘Security’ budget as discussed at the previous meeting. Changes to be made on the final copy of the 2020 Budget.

Commissioner Brazil acknowledged and gave K Wyatt credit on the incredible effort put into the balanced 2020 budget.

There were no other comments or questions and the Public Hearing was closed.

Commissioner Petz motioned to let the record reflect that the 2020 Budget with the changes, is a balanced budget, Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.

A motion was made by Commissioner Brazil to approve the 2020 Budget Resolution R19-01 to reflect the Beginning Balance of $121,088.00, Income Revenue amount being $179,154.00 which includes a transfer from the investment account of $60,000.00 for septic drain field repairs, Expenditures $179,154.00 with the expected ending balance of $121,088.00; the motion was seconded by Commissioner Booth and it was unanimously approved.

Commissioner Booth motioned to close the Public Hearing for the 2020 Budget, Commissioner Brazil seconded, it was unanimously approved.

Commissioner Petz            Commissioner Brazil           Commissioner Booth

Ending Bal  2019 Beginning Balance JAN 2020  $            121,088.00
362.40.02.0000 Moorage Fees (Port Dock/Marina)  $                          600.00
311.10.00.0000 Property Taxes Levy  $                     97,498.00
312.10.00.0000 Timber Excise Tax  $                     15,550.00
317.20.00.0000 Leasehold Excise Tax  $                                   –
317.30.00.0000 Refund Levy Tax  $                          456.00
386.00.14.0000 Sales Tax (Moorage)  $                             50.00
361.11.00.0000 Investment Interest  $                       5,000.00
369.90.00.0000 InvestmentTransfer Septic System Repair  $                     60,000.00
2020 Total Revenues  $            179,154.00
Total Funds Available for Port of Hoodsport Port of Hoodsport  $                  300,242.00
781.10.00.0010 Commissioner Position 1  $                       2,400.00
781.10.00.0020 Commissioner Position 2  $                       2,400.00
781.10.00.0030 Commissioner Position 3  $                       2,400.00
781.21.00.0000 Social Security  $                          850.00
781.22.00.0000 Industrial Insurance  $                          100.00
781.41.00.0010 Office & Maintenance Supplies  $                          700.00
781.41.00.0020 Small Tools PC  $                       1,200.00
781.41.00.0030 Postage  $                          300.00
781.31.00.0010 Attorney Services  $                          250.00
781.33.00.0010 Administration/CPA/Computer Tech IT  $                     33,600.00
781.33.00.0010 State Auditor -Schedule 22/Assessment  $                       2,600.00
781.60.00.0010 Other Lease/Rent  $                       4,200.00
781.71.00.0020 Election (Mason Co. Election Fees)  $                       1,000.00
781.72.00.0010 Lodging.Seminar.Parking.Meals  $                       3,000.00
781.72.00.0020 Mileage  $                          900.00
781.73.00.0010 WA Gov Entity Pool – Enduris  $                       5,000.00
781.74.00.0010 Newspaper Notices  $                          200.00
781.75.00.0010 Membership/Dues  $                       1,500.00
781.79.00.0010 Marketing  $                          200.00
781.88.00.0010 Telephone/Fax/Internet  $                       2,500.00
781.88.00.0020 Email & On-Line Charges  $                          200.00
783.30.00.0010 Waterfront Park  $                       6,000.00
783.30.00.0020 Marina/Dock  $                       8,000.00
783.30.00.0030 Port Office  $                          300.00
783.30.00.0040 Hoodsport Trail Park  $                       4,900.00
783.30.00.0050 Public Restrooms  $                     28,000.00
783.30.00.0060 Securiity  $                          300.00
783.30.00.0080 Disc Golf Course  $                       4,000.00
783.30.00.0090 Septic System Repair  $                     62,000.00
781.90.00.0010 Warrant Costs  $                          100.00
781.90.00.0030 Prop Taxes  $                             54.00
Total Expenses  $                  179,154.00
2020 Projected Ending Balance  $                  121,088.00