
‘DRAFT’ 2021 AUGUST 11 Agenda

Port of Hoodsport – Remote VIRTUAL Zoom meeting ZOOM Meeting ID#  406 238 9936

 Regular Port Commission Meeting


Wednesday                                                                                  Port of Hoodsport Office

August 11, 2021                                                                          24113 North Highway 101 Suite A

9:00 AM                                                                                      Hoodsport, WA 98548

Call to Order      of the regular Port commission meeting for the Port of Hoodsport

Roll Call              Commissioner Booth -Chair   Commissioner Kincannon -2nd Chair    Commissioner Brazil – Trustee

Regular Port Commission Meeting

Approval of Regular Port Commission Meeting Agenda:    Dated: August 11, 2021

Public -Open public comment                       
Consent Agenda

               Minutes:                Approval of the Regular Port Commission Meeting Minutes from July 14, 2021

               Vouchers:            Voucher July 15, 2021 amount of $14.74 Q2PFML   July 31,2021 in the amount of $14,995.83

 Commissioners Reports               Commissioner Booth – contact Justin Johnson -Journal 2022 Mason Co. Visitors guide Commissioner Kincannon – HTP trail GPS or internet mapping, Breakwater information Commissioner Brazil –

PORT Maintenance Reports:   Update Commission on:

* Waterfront Park, Dock, Marina ~ repaint areas

* Office, Parking Area, Shed~

* Hoodsport Trail Park~ open to hikers, trail clean up, signs – CLOSED in Inclement weather

* Disc Golf Course ~ open to disc golfers – CLOSED in Inclement weather. Upgrade on parking area

Port Operations Manager Reports                                                                                                        

  1. Assessment Audit -Exit
  2. New Portable restroom
  3. Port Parking signs/notices
  4. Stumps on beach
  5. Breakwater
  6. Enduris property schedule, invoice
  7. EV Charging Stations

Actions in Response to COVD-19 Outbreak as mandated per Governor Inslee

  1. March 9, 2020 The Port of Hoodsport is operating at COVID-19 Precautionary Level . On March 20, 2020 the Port commission via an emergency meeting created Resolution 2020-01 authorizing emergency authority to the Executive Director, due to confined office space, port commission meetings continue via Zoom conference.

Budget                                Financial Statement – July  2021

Old Business                      Disc Golf Course parking area , dock evaluation           New Business: 

Next Meeting:                   Remote Virtual ZOOM meeting held in Port of Hoodsport’s Zoom meeting room

2021 Regular Port Commission future meeting dates:   September 15th          Meeting Adjourned                                                                                    

2020 November 11 – 2021 Budget Hearing Minutes



November 11, 2020

Call to Order: 9:10am                                                  Adjourned: 9:30 am

Roll Call:                                        Commissioner Brazil – Commission Chair

                                                            Commissioner Booth

Staff Present:                                   K Wyatt, Administrative Director

                                                            B Osborne, Port Maintenance

                                                            S Lindgren, Port Maintenance

Public:                                              Mike & Geri Purvis – Hood Canal Grocery

                                                           Jann Goodpastor – Hoodsport Resident

                                                            Lori Kincannon – Hoodsport Resident

                                   Heidi McCutchen – Mason County Chamber

                                                          Lisa Perry –                                         

A Public Hearing was held to consider testimony before adopting the FINAL 2021 Port of Hoodsport Budget. 

The Public was invited to speak, H McCutchen asked why the port spent more money on the Hoodsport trail park than was budgeted and was it justified, K Wyatt explained there were hazard trees that endangered the public which were removed. H McCutchen asked what about the dock, why did you spend additional money, K Wyatt explained there were areas of the dock that were dangerous to the public and needed repair. Commissioner Booth said the dock repairs were unexpected.  H McCutchen asked if the septic repair was removed from the budget at the direction of the commissioners, Commissioner Brazil said, yes, we do not have the money in our budget.  M Purvis said you are on the right course with the budget, we need to find another plan that does not affect your budget.                                                                   

M Purvis said I am willing to take a closer look at my septic system and the ports septic.  H McCutchen said you may want to bring M4 Real estate in the loop because they are having problems with their septic system.  M Purvis said there is no possibility of that in any way, we do not provide septic solutions, you can shut that down right away.  We will help the Port in any way we can to find a way to get creative beyond the Ports income. We have to bring together ourselves and other businesses who it benefits with state grants or an entity.  What about working with grants with the Indian nation, they are really great at grants, they may be a big help and can possibly aide us in writing a grant. H McCutchen said maybe a LID Local Improvement District or increase the spread on the business community.  Commissioner Brazil said we need help locally to pay for it.  M Purvis said it was a good suggestion which can be voted on by the people, the people need to approve it.  I am eager to help with a plan to pay for it because it is not in the Port’s budget.  We will find out where the drain field can go and look at the cost of the septic system then go out to the public to see if they want to pay for it.  I am willing to pay for the plan and hire a septic designer and pay them directly.  We need to find out if the people want a LID.  Commissioner Brazil said he was willing to go talk to the right people with M Purvis to find out about the LID. 

There were no other comments or questions, and the Public Hearing was closed.

Commissioner Brazil thanked the port director for her hard work on the Ports balanced 2021 budget. 

Commissioner Booth motioned to let the record reflect that the 2021 Budget is a balanced budget, and made a motion to accept the 2021 budget as prepared.  A motion was made by Commissioner Brazil to approve the 2021 Budget Resolution 2020-05 to reflect the Beginning Balance of $111,172.00, Income Revenue amount being $110,119.00 Expenditures $110,119.00 with the expected ending balance of $111,172.00; the motion was seconded by Commissioner Booth and it was unanimously approved.

The 2021 Budget hearing was adjourned at 9:30am

__________________     ___________________     _______________________

Commissioner Brazil     Commissioner Booth