‘DRAFT’ 2021 AUGUST 11 Agenda

Date Published: August 10, 2021
Category: Uncategorized

Port of Hoodsport – Remote VIRTUAL Zoom meeting ZOOM Meeting ID#  406 238 9936

 Regular Port Commission Meeting


Wednesday                                                                                  Port of Hoodsport Office

August 11, 2021                                                                          24113 North Highway 101 Suite A

9:00 AM                                                                                      Hoodsport, WA 98548

Call to Order      of the regular Port commission meeting for the Port of Hoodsport

Roll Call              Commissioner Booth -Chair   Commissioner Kincannon -2nd Chair    Commissioner Brazil – Trustee

Regular Port Commission Meeting

Approval of Regular Port Commission Meeting Agenda:    Dated: August 11, 2021

Public -Open public comment                       
Consent Agenda

               Minutes:                Approval of the Regular Port Commission Meeting Minutes from July 14, 2021

               Vouchers:            Voucher July 15, 2021 amount of $14.74 Q2PFML   July 31,2021 in the amount of $14,995.83

 Commissioners Reports               Commissioner Booth – contact Justin Johnson -Journal 2022 Mason Co. Visitors guide Commissioner Kincannon – HTP trail GPS or internet mapping, Breakwater information Commissioner Brazil –

PORT Maintenance Reports:   Update Commission on:

* Waterfront Park, Dock, Marina ~ repaint areas

* Office, Parking Area, Shed~

* Hoodsport Trail Park~ open to hikers, trail clean up, signs – CLOSED in Inclement weather

* Disc Golf Course ~ open to disc golfers – CLOSED in Inclement weather. Upgrade on parking area

Port Operations Manager Reports                                                                                                        

  1. Assessment Audit -Exit
  2. New Portable restroom
  3. Port Parking signs/notices
  4. Stumps on beach
  5. Breakwater
  6. Enduris property schedule, invoice
  7. EV Charging Stations

Actions in Response to COVD-19 Outbreak as mandated per Governor Inslee

  1. March 9, 2020 The Port of Hoodsport is operating at COVID-19 Precautionary Level . On March 20, 2020 the Port commission via an emergency meeting created Resolution 2020-01 authorizing emergency authority to the Executive Director, due to confined office space, port commission meetings continue via Zoom conference.

Budget                                Financial Statement – July  2021

Old Business                      Disc Golf Course parking area , dock evaluation           New Business: 

Next Meeting:                   Remote Virtual ZOOM meeting held in Port of Hoodsport’s Zoom meeting room

2021 Regular Port Commission future meeting dates:   September 15th          Meeting Adjourned