Port Commission Minutes

2023 March 8 Regular port commission meeting minutes

Port of Hoodsport Letterhead


March 8, 2023

Call to Order:   9:00am                                                   Adjourned:  10:12am

Hybrid Meeting Held at:   24113 North Highway 101, Suite A

Hoodsport, WA 98548

Virtual Zoom Conference Meeting Room ID#406-238-9936  

Roll Call:   Commissioner Kincannon – Chairwoman / 2nd Trustee., Commissioner Brazil – 2nd Chairman/Trustee, Commissioner Morris

Staff Present:                    K. Wyatt, Executive Director, S. Lindgren – Maintenance Supervisor

Public:                Forest McCullough – NW Land & Tree, Katherine & John Yackel – YSS Dive Shop

Approval of Agenda:       Commissioner Brazil motioned to approve the March 8, 2023, agenda as amended deleting C Kronamen, Kiwanis as a speaker, Commissioner Morris seconded; all in favor, unanimously approved.

Minutes: Commissioner Kincannon motioned to approve the regular port commission meeting minutes for February 8, 2022, Commissioner Brazil seconded, all in favor, unanimously approved.

VouchersCommissioner Kincannon motioned to approve the Vouchers for February 2023, in the amounts of $19,498.00; $9,954.88 and $16,138.62, Commissioner Brazil seconded, all in favor, unanimously approved.

Public Communication:   

K Yackel said we are having an anniversary underwater expo event with a large sponsorship from Seiko. This will be a big event, bigger than we have had in town, the PADI conference is worldwide training. Through many applicants in different locations, they chose us to have their event here. There will be news media, photos, drones and videos covering the cold-water scuba diving underwater cleanup event with PADI divers. The Glen Ayre is sold out, this could potentially be good for everyone, people have been supportive of our diving community.  For this event we estimate there will be up to 50 divers and at least100 attendees.  As per the Facility Use Agreement, we feel we will need to rent Sani cans with hand washing stations this time because of the number of people coming.  We are working on parking, in the past we’ve used the Oyster Bank parking lot, church and fisheries.  We will be reaching out to the Lucky Dog Casino Skokomish tribe to talk about shuttles.  Commissioner Brazil said for big events, we used to run buses up the hill to pick up people parked at the Maintenance company, we used Mason County Transit to pick them up and bring them down to town.  K Yackel said we are interested in help with that.  Commissioner Kincannon said congratulations on that!  We have a couple of parking spaces, you can use them for VIP’s, we can put ‘reserved’ signs on them if you coordinate with us, let us know how we can support you.  K Yackel said send me information on parking.  Commissioner Morris said I will put you in touch with Jan at the Hardware Distillery, she can give you tips on parking from her research for the Fjordin Crossin event.  K Yackel said she has been brainstorming and we need to put lipstick on it to get it ready for this event.  Commissioner Kincannon said when you are talking about lipstick, are you talking about underwater? K Yackel said yes.  J Yackel said as a dive inspector, I have video that shows mussel growth but it’s not bad. K Yackel said we can clean it in an hour.  There are no missing floats but there is missing hardware like lag bolts, brackets and rollers, carriage bolts and corroded lag bolts underneath the dock.  The structure under the deck boards needs to be secure to support the top deck surface.  We can help with that; we just need to make sure it’s okay to do it.  Commissioner Morris said I will help you with the dock, we need a rough list of parts needed.  We can reach out to the Port of Shelton for spare parts, let’s put a list together and coordinate with Brandon at the Port of Shelton.  When I met with DNR and the Department of Ecology they said small repairs to make the dock safe were alright, but if there were any major repairs, we would have to be compliant with code.  Commissioner Kincannon said we look forward to your event.  We will email the Facility Use Agreement to you for signature.  Commissioner Kincannon welcomed Jennifer to the meeting, she owns the Canal Side store, formerly Laurie’s gift shop, and asked if she wanted to say anything.  I am here to listen and observe, I would like to get more involved in the community.  Commissioner Kincannon said we encourage everyone to attend our meetings.  F McCullough gave the commission an update on the Hoodsport Trail Park, the snow has put a damper on progress, we got another two inches today and have about a foot.  As soon as the snow melts, we will be able to work on the parking lot again.  We had it graded, then it snowed, then people went in and made donuts on it.  We have plans to clean up the trail, replant trees, cap the parking lot and put a big log on the West side parking lot to keep people from making donuts.  We will be making the pad for the container shed once the snow is gone.  Commissioner Kincannon said are we still going to meet our goal for you to be out at the end of April so we can get work parties in and have our grand opening on Memorial Day weekend?  F McCullough said yes, we are still on schedule for the end of April.  Commissioner Kincannon said keep us posted, we are planning a volunteer weekend or two before the end of May. F McCullough said okay, I will get together with S Lindgren to schedule a walk through before we are done.  Commissioner Brazil said I can walk around it; we can talk about anything that can become and issue.  The parking lot at the disc golf course is looking really good, there is nothing we can do with snow on the ground.  What about the piles of debris on the disc golf side?  F McCullough said I can scatter that; it will become nutrients for the ground.  Commissioner Kincannon said thank you for the good work Forest.

Commissioner Reports    

Commissioner Kincannon said the director and I are working on different policies, forms and the newsletter.  The website has been updated with information about what’s going on at the Hoodsport Trail Park.  Commissioner Brazil said I am working with the Kiwanis volunteers and will ask them to help next month to spread the hog fuel big wood chips.  Commissioner Kincannon said if you already have a couple of work dates scheduled, we can let the public know with flyers and post it on the website.  On which days will you be available, lots of people want to help.  Commissioner Brazil said okay, I will coordinate that.  Commissioner Morris said my apologies for missing the February meeting, I was completely down with COVID, it hit me hard.  I have fallen behind with many things and will be looking for different sources to evaluate fees, policies and private source funding.  Two weeks ago, I hosted some business owners at the brewery, there’s been a massive change of guards for small businesses along Hwy 101 here in Hoodsport.  I am here to help with issues through my port commission.  Katherine and John will be having a massive event, diving is a niche I think this event will be a big deal.  I want to help with making sure the Port’s dock is in photogenic shape.  Having them help with the underside certainly will relieve Scott.  Commissioner Kincannon asked if Commissioner Morris came up with the new moorage fee so we can start printing new moorage fee envelopes, change the fee on the website, and signs at the dock’s kiosk.  Commissioner Morris said I am reaching out to make sure we are at market rate; we don’t have the ability to measure boats and I think we should stick with a flat rate.  I will shoot everyone a flat rate within a week or two.  I met with County Commissioner Kevin Shutty who will be determining who can be eligible for the lodging tax.  I will be attending a meeting to try and secure funds, with our small budget any amount we can get helps.  With the disc golf grand opening, how can we help as a brewery with promo’s or get the work out?  Maybe after a shift, Volunteers can come down to get a free beer.  Commissioner Brazil said the disc golf course is not for profit.  Commissioner Kincannon said I can meet with Rachel at the Oyster Bank to talk to the brewery, maybe an offer to set up a booth or table at the event.

Port Maintenance Reports:

Hoodsport Trail Park & Disc Golf Park:  S Lindgren said we made some big purchases, we got a UTV and a container shed that will be delivered and set when the snow is melted, both will come in handy.

Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park:  S Lindgren said there’s been a lot of household garbage being dumped into all of the public garbage cans. We should increase the garbage pickup at the end of April.  If flowers arrive early, the irrigation system is shut down until the threat of frost is over.

Portable Restrooms:  The Port and Hood Canal Grocery both rent 3 portable restrooms each with hand washing stations for the public’s use in the summer season, they are serviced 3 times per week.  In winter there are 2 rentals, each serviced twice per week.  The Port monitors them for trash and additional toilet paper needed in between services. We should increase the number of Sani cans and services by the end of April.

Port parking/Office building/Maintenance shed:  People are dumping their household trash.

Port Directors Report:

The Port director will check with the vendor to verify when flowers will arrive for the planters in town.  I am working with Commissioner Kincannon on policies, forms, insurance, updates, and the newsletter.  Commissioner Brazil made a motion to move an additional $5,000. from the Hoodsport Trail Park funds into the general funds to cover the additional cost of the UTV implements and gravel for the disc golf parking lot at the Hoodsport Trail Park, Commissioner Morris seconded, all in favor, the motion passed.  The director will move funds as specified.  Commissioner Morris requested more time for the evaluation of the moorage increase and will let the director know what the amount will be.  Commissioner Kincannon asked that a motion be made to approve the amount so that new envelopes for moorage payment can be printed, changes can be made on the kiosk, signs, and website. Commissioner Morris made a motion to accept the new moorage rate fee which will be determined so changes can be made prior to the next regular port commission meeting, Commissioner Brazil seconded, all in favor, it was unanimously approved.  The director has updated the website bringing it current after the wed designer finished with all of the design changes.  The YSS May 6th event flyer will be uploaded to the website under community events.  Q1 commissioner timesheets are due and have been emailed to the port commission.  Upcoming regular port commission dates need to be determined for the next few months.  Commissioner Brazil said we used to have meetings twice a month in the spring through fall.  Commissioner Kincannon said we all have stuff on our agendas, we will have a busy couple of months, we may need to have another meeting at the end of May to get together and discuss the Grand opening. I think it is working and we can get together when needed.  Commissioner Morris said he agreed he’s got conferences and meetings two or more times each week to get ready for the season.  Commissioner Morris said people in town are interested in resurrecting the ‘Events Committee’, he spoke to Mollie at Hood Canal Grocery who expressed interest in participation since she watched it over the years.  The director said she was on the ‘Events Committee’ and is happy to share information.

Budget:    February financial statements were reviewed.

Old Business:  As discussed above        New Business:    As discussed above.

Next Meeting:    April 12th

Adjourn:          Commissioner Brazil made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Morris seconded, all in favor, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:12am

2023 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:

Wednesday’s at 9am April 12th, May 10th, June 7th

_______________________  _____________________  _________________________                  

Commissioner Kincannon         Commissioner Brazil         Commissioner Morris

2023 February 8 regular port commission meeting minutes

Port of Hoodsport Letterhead


February 8, 2023

Call to Order:   9:01am                                                   Adjourned:  9:48am

Hybrid Meeting Held at:   24113 North Highway 101, Suite A

Hoodsport, WA 98548

Virtual Zoom Conference Meeting Room ID#406-238-9936  

Roll Call:                             Commissioner Kincannon – Chairwoman / 2nd Trustee

                                              Commissioner Brazil – 2nd Chairman/Trustee

                                              Commissioner Morris  -Excused absence

Staff Present:                    K. Wyatt, Executive Director, S. Lindgren – Maintenance Supervisor

Public:                                 Forest McCullough – NW Land & Tree, Katie Zech – Zech Designs

Approval of Agenda:       Commissioner Brazil motioned to approve the agenda dated February 8, 2023, Commissioner Kincannon seconded; all in favor, unanimously approved.

Minutes: Commissioner Kincannon motioned to approve the regular port commission meeting minutes for January 18, 2022, Commissioner Brazil seconded, all in favor, unanimously approved.

VouchersCommissioner Kincannon motioned to approve the Vouchers for January 2023, in the amount of $9,186.08, Commissioner Brazil seconded, all in favor, unanimously approved.

Public Communication:   

F McCullough gave the commission an update on the Hoodsport Trail Park, we are getting closer to getting it done, mother nature is giving us some headaches with the weather.  The upper parking lot will be cleaned, fixed and ready for top rock and beauty bark when the weather is dryer.  Commissioner Kincannon asked if the end of April is still the target, and will you be grading it and spreading the top tock? F McCullough said Yes, once we start, we need three good dry days to wrap it up. The port will pay for the rock and beauty bark, I sourced some larger rock to bring into the disc golf parking lot to shrink it a bit and take care of the drainage issues.  The trailside main parking area won’t change much, there are no drainage issues on that side.  Commissioner Brazil said he would like to see a log in the middle for people who like to make fast turns and spin in circles. We will bring some of the big trees to add to the middle of the parking lot as a deterrent for people to do brodies up there, they destroy the gravel on the parking lots. We will also transplant some of the trees around the parking lot area.  Commissioner Kincannon asked if we could do a walk through before it is finished as there may be some suggestions while your crew is still there.  F McCullough said, I would prefer that too.  Commissioner Kincannon said we would like to have you attend the Grand opening and bring an excavator for kids to see.   K Zech said she launched the Port’s new website over the weekend and shared her screen to show the commission a comparison of the old/new websites.  It has the same content but has been streamlined to look clean, easy to see the information and it directs people to the Port’s Google business profile.  The website is now mobile friendly, it scrolls down easily and has a navigation with cleaner pages, updated trail park maps and information.  This site can be easily updated and has room for updates and pictures, we can even create a slideshow gallery. I added Google analytics to see how people are accessing the website which is pushed out by Google. Google is quirky and sometimes rejects pictures and content if too much is added at once as it thinks it may be a hacker so we will be careful as we add and change content, Google will see the interaction. Commissioner Brazil said I can send pictures of people playing disc golf. Commissioner Kincannon said that’s great, before; no one could find the website, it is now very modernized.  We have a Hoodsport trail park update I would like to email it to you to upload under the Hoodsport Trail Park tab.  K Zech said I noticed there is not a separate tab for the Disc Golf Course, we can add a tab to specifically post under it. Commissioner Kincannon said I like the idea of having separate pages for the trail park and disc golf course.  K Zech said now that we have claimed the Port of Hoodsport on Google, we can add updates and pictures.  there are FAQ’s.  In speaking to the director, one of the 5 common questions was if the port had a boat launch, her answer not only said no, but it also directed people to where the nearest boat launches were.  We now need 4 more common questions asked by the public and the answers to post.

Commissioner Reports    

Commissioner Morris has COVID and is not feeling well today.  Commissioner Kincannon asked the director to email the DNR and Ecology people who met with him on Monday to notify them to the exposure.  Commissioner Brazil said he invited C Kronaman with the Kiwanis to attend the meeting to discuss their volunteer program, she did not show up probably because her husband has COVID.  Commissioner Brazil said we will defer her to the March meeting.  Commissioner Kincannon said we are currently working on streamlining the Volunteer Waivers.  I have been up at the trail park; F McCullough is working hard on the upper North side of the park.  I have not seen B Grondin, disc gold warden lately.  I do know the Disc Golf Association has a new president and will get their contact information. Commissioner Kincannon said maybe you could reach out to the disc golf community to find out if they have their volunteer group who can help get the disc golf course in shape before the month of May.  Commissioner Brazil said, I will see if we can get a work party together.  Commissioner Kincannon said she received three quotes for 40-foot Containers and the least expensive once is $5300.00, the color choices are Tan or Gray and to paint them it costs an additional $3000.00, I don’t think it is worth it.  Delivery is $300.00 the tax is approximately $600.00, and shelving may cost up to $500.00.  S Lindgren said it will be placed on the upper North parking area.  I would like to make a motion to approve $6700.00 for the container, delivery, shelving, and tax through United Rentals.  Commissioner Brazil seconded the motion, it was unanimously approved.  The director said since we have the numbers for the Container, the UTV and 2023 budget resolution for the trail park, the commission should make a motion to move the total funds of $66,700.00 from the investment account into the general fund for the Hoodsport Trail Park.  Commissioner Kincannon said I would like to make a motion to move $66,700.00 from the investment account into the general fund specifically for the container, UTV and as per the 2023 budget resolution.  Commissioner Brazil seconded, it was approved.

Port Maintenance Reports:

Hoodsport Trail Park & Disc Golf Park:  S Lindgren said he is playing disc golf daily, bringing a rake to take care of areas that need clean up, the disc golf course looks awesome.  The disc golf parking lot will be looking great when the gravel is spread out and it is condensed.  I will be making some trips to Olympia and Tacoma for the UTV and container. 

Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park:  S Lindgren said it is quiet in town.  Commissioner Morris and I met with people from DNR and the Ecology group at the dock.  DNR is extending the width of the amount of room boats can moor at the dock as the old lease agreement did not allow for bigger sized boats.  The Ecology person would like to see the Port take out the wooden deck and replace it with a more ecological friendly material, she also wanted a piling assessment.  We will need to order the flowers for May delivery for the waterfront park planters and hanging baskets. The director will  make contact and place the order.

Portable Restrooms:  The Port and Hood Canal Grocery store rent 3 portable restrooms each with hand washing stations for the publics use in the summer season, they are serviced 3 times per week.  In winter there are 2 rentals each, serviced twice per week.  The Port checks them for trash and additional toilet paper in between services.

Port parking/Office building/Maintenance shed:  People are dumping their household trash.

Port Directors Report:

The Port director said Commissioner Brazil will re invite the president of the Kiwanis elaborate on their volunteer policies at the March meeting.  I am reaching out to other ports and the Washington public ports association to look at their policies around facility usage for events, private donations, dock use, moorage, UTV’s and volunteers.  The ports insurance company has also been contacted for their input.  Commissioner Kincannon and I will be reviewing policies, insurance, use agreements and waivers, we will then run everything by the port’s attorney for approval to create streamlined policy process for all areas and have proper paperwork needed. The moorage rate increase discussion will be tabled for March as Commissioner Morris was spearheading that topic.  Commissioner Kincannon will get the final draft of the update on the Hoodsport Trail Park to me and K Zech for the Port’s website.  The required aquatic survey was done for the DNR Lease renewal, was finished, and forwarded to DNR, the survey cost $3420.00.

Budget:               January financial statements were reviewed; however the county treasurer is to re issue financial statements to reflect correct balances.  They will be reviewed again in March.

Old Business:  As discussed above        New Business:    As discussed above.

Next Meeting:    March 8, 2023

Adjourn:          Commissioner Kincannon made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Brazil seconded, all in favor, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 9:48 a.m.

2023 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:

Wednesday’s at 9am March 8th, April 12th

_______________________  _____________________  _________________________                  

Commissioner Kincannon         Commissioner Brazil         Commissioner Morris