2018 May 16 Minutes

Date Published: March 8, 2019
Category: Uncategorized



Call to Order:
                Adjourned: 9:45am

Meeting Held at:
Port of Hoodsport 24113 N US Hwy 101 Hoodsport, WA

Roll Call:
Commissioner Petz – Commission Chair,
Commissioner O’ Laughlin, Commissioner Brazil – excused absence

Staff Present:
K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager, B. Osborne – Maintenance Director, S. Lindgren – Maintenance

Jan Morris – Hardware Distillery Fjordin Crossin, Captain Lee Geist – Business owner

Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner O’ Laughlin made a motion to approve the agenda as written, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.

Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the Regular Port Commission minutes and the Traffic Safety workshop minutes of April 25, 2018 Commissioner O’ Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved.

Commissioner O’ Laughlin motioned to approve the following Vouchers for payment: May 1of1 in the amount of $374.31 and May 2018 2of2 in the amount of $5,782.27 Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.

Public Communication:
Commissioner Petz asked Captain Lee Geist what he wanted to talk about. He said he was still wondering how things are coming on the dock repair. Commissioner Petz said we will be discussing that later in the agenda. Jan Morris brought her version of the facility use agreement. After reviewing the agreement, Commissioner Petz asked her if she made arrangements with IGA regarding the parking. Jan said yes, IGA will have a booth outside in their parking lot and they will tell Jan where the designated event parking area will be. Commissioner O’ Laughlin thanked Jan. Commissioner Petz made a motion allowing K. Wyatt to sign the new facility use agreement on the Port’s behalf, Commissioner O’ Laughlin seconded. Jan said that South Sound and Hama Hama Oysters will have a joint Oyster booth and a touch tank for children. Union City Market and Union Country Market will be there. The Norwegian club will be providing costumes.

Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner Petz said in regards to the septic drain field situation, a week ago he spoke to a septic company and asked for a plan of action on how to proceed and asked if the toilets were high or low flow. He heard nothing back from them, he asked them to remove their lock on the control system, not a word so B. Osborne cut the lock off and called to tell them their services were not needed. S. Lindgren said three of their trucks showed up on Monday and told S. Lindgren their lock was gone. S. Lindgren said maybe they should call their office to find out if they were supposed to be here. They called and immediately packed up their trucks and left. Commissioner Petz said they were on a path with them that was going nowhere. He then called Jim Ayres, the original septic designer who has a good grasp on what might be going on and since there was not a big learning process, he asked J. Ayers to give the port a plan of action. Jim was able to give a brief plan of action. Commissioner O’ Laughlin read it and said it was not definitive enough. Commissioner Petz said we can ask him to tighten it up. Commissioner O’ Laughlin said we need to keep Mike Purvis in the loop. Commissioner Petz said he thought the tanks were good and the odds are that the drain field will need to be extended into the reserve drain field area. J. Ayres can do the pressure test, gather the information of everything that has already been done, sort it out and contact the person at the County who shut down the Public restrooms. Commissioner O’ Laughlin said the Kiwanis did traffic control at the Hama Hama Oysterama event and they had a D.O.T. approved “event ahead” sign with stands. They drew a big crowd of over 1000 people. Hanging flower baskets were ordered through the Women’s Correction Center and picked in Gig Harbor up by Commissioner O’ Laughlin.

Port Maintenance Reports:
Hoodsport Trail Park: B. Osborne asked K. Wyatt to order a Port o pot for the trail parks upper parking area. K. Wyatt ordered 19 trail signs. The dangerous leaning tree at the trail park was felled into the park without incident or having to conduct traffic control on State Rt 119.

Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: B. Osborne said they amended the 40 planters with new soil, planted flowers and hung 6 hanging baskets on the poles along the waterfront park. They will be monitoring the sprinkler system to make sure it is working correctly and will be adjusted if needed. K. Wyatt spoke to the garbage company to increase the pick up to once per week, they said the dumpster wasn’t rolled out at the last pick up. The Kiwanis will be removing their plant sale sign from the railing. K. Wyatt said $213.00 was collected from overnight moorage during the first week of shrimping.

Public Restrooms: Currently closed to the public and will be repainted during this time period. The five port o pots has increased service to Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Special tamper proof screws were ordered for the valve covers at the septic drain field.

Port parking/maintenance shed: Household trash is regularly being left in all of the trash receptacles at the port restroom, waterfront park area and by the Port dumpster.

Port Operations Manager Report:
K. Wyatt said fish and wildlife granted a repair permit, the contractors received the fabricated parts for the dock repair and will start on Monday May 21st on the outside edge. K. Wyatt read an email from Morgan Rothrock, with Shelton Disc Golf who said he was committed to creating the family friendly disc golf course, had people who were interested in volunteering to work on the course and they were waiting to hear on insurance needed to start the project.

Budget:     The April Financial Statement was reviewed

Old Business:     As discussed above    New Business:     None

Next Meet:      May 30, 2018 to be held at the Port of Hoodsport Office

Adjourn:     Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner O’ Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m.

2018 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows: Wednesday’s at 9a.m. May 30, June 13, June 27, July 11, July 18, August 8, August 22