Call to Order:
Adjourned: 10:30am
Meeting Held at: Port of Hoodsport Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA
Roll Call:
Commissioner Petz – Commission Chair,
Commissioner O’ Laughlin – Excused Absence,
Commissioner Brazil
Staff Present:
K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager, B. Osborne – Maintenance Director, S. Lindgren – Maintenance
Morgan Rothrock – Shelton Disc Golf Warden of Hoodsport Hills, Captain Lee Geist – Business owner
Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the agenda as written, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.
Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the Regular Port Commission minutes of March 14, 2018 Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.
Commissioner Brazil motioned to approve the following Vouchers for payment: April 2018 1of1 in the amount of $2,875.32 and 1st ¼ Commission Payroll in the amount of $1,840.82 Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.
Public Communication:
Commissioner Petz asked Captain Lee Geist what he wanted to talk about. He said he was wondering how things are coming on the dock repair because he has not seen anyone starting the repairs. Commissioner Petz said we will be discussing that later in the agenda. Morgan Rothrock met with J. Goodpastor regarding the design of the disc golf course on the 20 acre side of the Hoodsport trail park, they walked the area and have a good understanding of what the concept is. He said J. Goodpastor was going in for heart surgery and would be out for 6-8 weeks. After talking to J. goodpastor, he could address the technical part of the course with surface leveling and clean up the path however he does not know how to do the artistic stuff. Morgan said he has a volunteer who could go in as soon as possible who knows exactly where to rough in the entire loop and could scratch in the flat stuff which could take about 8-14 hours without getting hyper sensitive about stumps and the big stuff. Morgan said they circled the loop close to where the fairway is by hole #1. He said it would be easy for people to access the new course with a short walk from the Lake Cushman Pro Shop straight through the greenbelt to the disc golf course. Commissioner Brazil said there was a section of forest with orange tape that delineates state property and because of the size of the 20 acre area there might be tight areas to throw the discs. Morgan said they were using the GPS and realized they could stay well away from all of four sides and that one of the T pads would be by the road but that the golfer would be throwing the disc away from the road and away from the danger of anything near. Hole 5 is at least 50 feet from the tree line. Commissioner Brazil said he played golf alongside disc golfers at Horseshoe Lake and there was no conflict between the golfers and disc golfers. Morgan said yes, disc golf is low investment and low impact; that is the first course that has gone dual and nice for the disc golfers to use carts. He said that they also have a fee which is significantly more expensive than normal, because normal is free. Morgan said at the Hoodsport Hills disc golf course, they would not have to get within 200 feet of the buffer between the 20 acres and the row of houses in the Lake Cushman subdivision. Commissioner Petz said he spoke to a County official regarding a complaint about what if a disc goes off course and lands in the foliage, would it damage the salal or plants. Commissioner Petz answered with the chances of an errant disc landing in the same spot every time is slim. Commissioner Brazil said they would not be cutting any large trees but will be taking out brush, stumps, dead and downed branches and relocating small trees that may be on the course trail. He said there were still some trees that have root rot. Commissioner Petz said the volunteers must wear protective safety gear and be safe. Commissioner Brazil said this project was approved at a prior regular port commission meeting and he thought it was reasonable to have Morgan’s volunteer come in and do 12-14 hours of course design work, then have J Goodpastor come in later to refine the course. B. Osborne said there are two padlocks on both sides of the chain going across the parking area into the 20 acre side, one is the Ports and one is the disc golfers. B, Osborne said they would be assembling the Gazebo that was donated by the Lions club on the gravel at the upper parking area by where the trail comes out by the clearing. Commissioner Petz asked Morgan where they were with the association nonprofit information for the Port to include into the Memorandum of Understanding. Morgan said he would follow up with the current president to get the information. Commissioner Petz also requested a copy of the lease that the Shelton Disc Golf Assn has with the City of Shelton.
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner Petz said in regards to the septic drain field situation, a diverter valve was replaced which will put the system in its original design mode. Now we are in wait mode to see if it dries out. The expectation is that it won’t dry out and we will have to put in another drain field. In the meantime, Geri and Mike Purvis, owners of IGA generously rented two more port o pots for use by the public.
Port Maintenance Reports:
Hoodsport Trail Park: B. Osborne said they are starting to clear out winter debris off the hiking trails. B. Osborne has re thought the design of the trail signs to be more cost effective. Household trash continues to be left by the trash can.
Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: A wounded sea lion has been lying around on the ports dock. The proper authorities have been notified, they were sent photos of him and said he will probably survive his wounds. They said sea lions get bitten by great white sharks and hit by boat propellers often, unless it penetrates a vital organ, they usually survive it. They said they would be monitoring him at this point. Flower baskets have been ordered for the planters and large baskets of flowers have been ordered to hang on the power poles along the port waterfront.
Public Restrooms: Currently closed to the public and will be repainted during this time period.
Port parking/maintenance shed: Household trash is regularly being left in all of the trash receptacles at the port restroom, waterfront park area and by the Port dumpster.
Port Operations Manager Report:
K. Wyatt signed the agent authorization for the WA Department of Fish and Wildlife's application to repair the dock.
The contractor is meeting with the area habitat biologist the week of the 16th to take a look at the repairs to be done.
Captain Lee said he has contacted RCO and they said the Port should be contacting them.
K. Wyatt said the Port has emailed their grant manager several times requesting a successful sample boating infrastructure grant application.
Captain Lee said the port should have a conversation with Tacoma Floats and that the dock should be a linear dock or T dock which is
much more durable. Commissioner Petz said to Captain Lee you brought up a good point, I have had many conversations with four
different dock builders, and they would not give an opinion about building a dock here because of the open water and the wind/wave action.
All of them have said without a breakwater dock, it will always be exposed to severe weather both from the North and South. It is a very difficult
location and no one knows how to design docks here on the hood canal. If we were to go down the path of your idea of a longer dock, it would
put more approvals from different officials to rebuild. There was a technical study done about wave and water action which posed questions as to
whether the docks should be hinged or not hinged and pulled tight. I also talked to a lady in North Seattle who does big docks all around the world,
she would not give an opinion as to whether the dock should be hinged or to make it solid. The conclusion was that hinges would not work for the
port dock and we will probably have to put in different pilings. The approach now is to tie it down tight using large steel angles. We have a plan
and it's in the permitting process. The Port will be holding a pedestrian traffic safety meeting on Wednesday April 25th at 9 a.m. at the Hoodsport
Library to address ongoing traffic safety issues. K. Wyatt was contacted most recently by John Huestis, PE Deputy Director at Mason County
concerning a complaint received by Commissioner Shutty from the Hoodsport librarian regarding safety of pedestrians crossing highway 101.
K. Wyatt shared that traffic calming devices and flashing crosswalk beacons have been on the ports agenda with WSDOT since 2012.
The business owners in Hoodsport and the general public have been invited to express their concerns and ask specific questions. In attendance
will be representatives from WSDOT, the County Commissioner, the County public works engineer and other concerned business owners and the
public. A biennial report stating what the current use and future plans of the Hoodsport Trail Park was written, reviewed and approved by the port
commission; it will be sent to the National State parks representative in Quilcene to be filed. Hanging Flower baskets have been ordered from the
Horticulture department of the Washington state Women's correctional facility and will be ready by Mothers day. Flowers have also been ordered
for the planters at the waterfront park. K. Wyatt requested that the July 25th regular port commission meeting be changed to July 18th, the
commission had no problem with the change. Geri and Mike Purvis, owners of IGA generously ordered and are paying for two additional port o
pots for the public to use until the public restroom septic drain field is repaired.
Budget: March 2018 Financial Statement was reviewed
Old Business: As discussed above
New Business: None
Next Meet: April 25, 2018 Traffic Safety Meeting and Regular Port Commission meetings to be HELD AT THE HOODSPORT LIBRARY
Adjourn: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
2018 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows: Wednesday’s at 9a.m. : April 25, May 16, May 30, June 13, June 27, July 11, July 18, August 8, August 22