Saturday May 27, 2023 Start Time: 10:00am End Time: 11:00am
Grand Reopening at: Hoodsport Trail Park & Hoodsport Hills Disc Golf Course State Route 119 Hoodsport, WA 98548
Present: Commissioner Kincannon – Chairwoman / 2nd Trustee.
Commissioner Brazil – 2nd Chairman/Trustee
Commissioner Morris
K Wyatt – Executive Director
S Lindgren – Facility maintenance supervisor
F McCullough – NW Land & Tree
Commissioner Kincannon and K Wyatt set up tables with frisbee discs and pine tree seed packets stamped with the Port’s logo to be given to the public in attendance for the Hoodsport Trail Park’s Grand re opening. Commissioner Brazil set up a drink and snack station on the picnic tables at the entrance to the Disc Golf course. S Lindgren and F McCullough were onsite to discuss the trail park hazard tree removal operation, renovation, and reforestation. There were many people walking their dogs on the disc golf course trail. A worldwide disc golf tournament was being held at the Shelton disc golf course today so some of those disc golfers showed up to play the 9-hole course at the trail park. They all loved it, praised the beauty and said it was a nice executive Par 3 course. By 10:15am no one else from the public showed up to the event, family, dog walkers and people playing disc golf, stopped to listen to the ribbon cutting speech given by Commissioner Kincannon, they were given snacks, drinks and giveaway items. Commissioner Kincannon introduced herself, thanked everyone for coming and said she was pleased to announce the reopening of the 80-acre Hoodsport Trail Park and the Hoodsport Hills Disc golf course in this beautiful setting emphasizing the natural landscape attracting the public and professional and amateur disc golfers. The year long project to remove diseased, dying and fallen hazard trees has finally been completed! As a part of the restoration project, 3000 cedar trees were replanted within the park to restore the forest and wildlife habitat and to protect the soil and water resources. With continued support and investment, our park has the potential to make a lasting impact on the environment, ecosystems, and economy of our community. I would like to thank our Executive Director, K Wyatt, for all her hard work in coordinating the year-long project and keeping us all on track. Most importantly, we really would not have been able to do this today without all of the hard work and perseverance of Scott Lindgren, Port of Hoodsport Facility Maintenance supervisor and Forest McCullough of NW Land & Tree Service. They both have put in many hours through snow, wind, rain, and a pandemic to turn this beautiful trail park into the gem it is today.
Thank you for all you have done, you are appreciated!
Lastly, we want to thank the community for their patience and I’m sure you will believe, like we do, that it was all worth it. Now, Commissioners Morris and Brazil will cut the ribbon to reopen the Hoodsport Trail Park and Hoodsport Hills Disc Golf Course, officially on May 27th, 2023
Thank you again for your support of the Port of Hoodsport and our great community.
People who were in attendance disbursed, Commissioner Morris took the discs and seeds to give out to the public. Commissioner Kincannon said let’s pack it up, Commissioner Brazil said that’s a good idea and the ceremony ended at 11am.
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Commissioner Kincannon Commissioner Brazil Commissioner Morris