2019 April 17 Minutes

Date Published: August 27, 2019
Category: Uncategorized


April 17, 2019

 Call to Order:   9:00am               Adjourned:  10:55am

Meeting Held at:    Port of Hoodsport 24113 N US Hwy 101 Hoodsport, WA

Roll Call:                           Commissioner Petz – Chair  Commissioner Brazil Commissioner O’ Laughlin – excused absence

Staff Present:                    K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager  B.Osborne – Director of Maintenance S.Lindgren – Maintenance

Public:                             Kristin Mastellar, Jack Janda -PUD#1, Mike Purvis –Hood Canal Grocery, Brian Sund –Septic Design Specialist, Karen Booth –Local Resident, Kerry Myers –Hood Canal Adventures, Jan Morris –Hardware Distillery, Eric Hagen & Marie Sommers –Local Residents

Approval of Agenda:  Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the agenda as written; Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.

Minutes: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the Regular Port Commission minutes from March 13, 2019, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.

Vouchers:   The following Vouchers/Warrants are for approved of payment: April 1of1 in the amount of $9,493.41. The port administrator noted a new computer and external hard drive were purchased to replace the Port’s 12-year-old computer.

Public Communication:  Brian Sund referenced the new drain field in the drain field reserve area on the County approved map which will be where new laterals are going to be created as a secondary septic drain field to service the existing public restroom septic system.  Brian emphasized the importance of having the work done in a very sensitive manner and that the new laterals must be done right.  It should be dug only when the soil is dry in order to keep the integrity of the drainage area intact, so it does not compromise the effectiveness and longevity of the drain field. He thinks that it should be done in the driest part of the year, probably July –September.   Mike Purvis was adamant about leaving space in between the new laterals so their own septic system and growing business will have room in the future to use for their own purposes. Brian said he is willing to be present to supervise when the new drain field laterals are being dug. Mike Purvis suggested having a one topic meeting to discuss the language of what will be in the addendum to the Ground lease pertaining to the public restroom septic system.  Important items to include are hours of operation, it will include the County approved drawing on how the new drain field will be built.  Commissioner Brazil asked how we would alternate usage of the drain fields.  Brian said there will be a switch.  S. Lindgren said the septic tanks were just pumped out.  Kristen said she was here to follow up on the Electric Vehicle Car Charging Station.  The Port of Hoodsport participated in a group grant effort along with PUD#1 to electrify the Hwy 101 loop in 2018, the grant was not funded.  Kristen said they were talking to another entity who was interested in picking up the project under the guise of urban sprawl for tourism.  She is going to dust off the grants for the next round with the same participants around the Hwy 101 corridor and the North Olympic Development Council.  Their plan is to collaborate with as many businesses around the Hwy 101 loop including the Casino’s.  PUD#1 has the level 2 electric charge which gets usage but is a very slow car charge.  Commissioner Petz said the port was very disappointed with the last round of grants due to other participants who did not have their information together.  Mike Purvis said he was still on board with this concept as people have used an extension cord to try and charge their cars in front of his grocery store.  Commissioner Petz said the port is in favor of electric car charging.  Jack Janda said the electric rates went up 5% in April and water rates will be going up as well.  Jan Morris said their plans for the Fjordin Crossin are moving forward.  Kerry said she is the outdoor recreation event coordinator.  Last year 20 non motorized boats and floats participated, and they anticipate 30-40 this year, they will have waivers for participants.  The coast guard and salmon enhancement group will be in attendance.   Beachside, they plan on activities for kids and hosting an Aquivit bar with grilled oysters.  Commissioner Brazil asked if they needed food service permits, Kerry said yes.  Commissioner Petz asked if they have a parking plan this year.  Jan said it will be the same as last year however Columbia Bank will be a sponsor and people will be able to park in their spaces.  They are also coordinating with Hood canal grocery and will have some parking there as well.  Jan asked if they could have only one port o pot with a hand washing station this year. Commissioner Brazil said the port will put 2 more portable restrooms in the parking area next to the port shed for the week of June 23rd through July 7th.  Commissioner Petz said they could assume the Fjordin Crossin does not have to put in another portable restroom in the parking area.  Commissioner Brazil asked if the event needed more trash cans, B. Osborne said No, they were sufficient last year.  Eric Hagan said amazingly, after 13 years they will be allowing people to fish for squid.

Commissioner Reports:  Commissioner Brazil said he has seen through face book there are volunteers cleaning up the trails at the new disc golf area on the South side of the Hoodsport Trail Park.  Morgan emailed an update stating they are having more work parties on Sundays to try and finish up the course.  S. Lindgren said a big tree fell on one of the disc golf baskets and smashed it on the North side of the Trail Park; the other basket that was inserted in a big tree stump was stolen.  Karen Booth asked if anyone was removing the invasive scotchbroom plants, so it does not spread, Commissioner Brazil said we currently do not have volunteers to work on specific types of noxious weed removal.  Commissioner Brazil said Hood Canal Communication has been laying fiber optic along State Rt 119 and has done a good job at clearing brush and trimming trees along the road.  Commissioner Brazil said the Kiwanis asked if they could put up their banner alongside the metal railing to advertise for their annual plant sale.

Port Maintenance Reports:

Hoodsport Trail Park:  B. Osborne is coordinating with the disc golf association on mutual directional trail signs to be placed at trail intersections at the trail park.  They will go on the upper area first then the family friendly side.  S. Lindgren is removing branches and clearing debris on the trail.  S. Lindgren said all three trash cans are always full at the trail park.  B. Osborne requested that the portable restroom be placed back up at the upper parking lot starting May 1st.  S. Lindgren said Royal Flush pumped the outhouse at the lower parking area.  B. Osborne said he would have a load of gravel to top dress the parking area, purchase 4×4’s, cable and locks to secure the family friendly disc golf parking area on the south side of State Rt 119.

Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: S. Lindgren is constantly checking the fascia board on the front of the dock which gets continually beat up in high tides and wind.  Commissioner Petz suggested possibly hinging external laterals.  S. Lindgren says the pilings save the dock and says there is no wave break, he suggested installing a log boom to stop waves from hitting the dock.  Eric Hagen said as an Engineer there is European technology whereby something is installed to absorb the energy, collects it and turns it into power. He will send an email with information on technology for the European technique.

Public Restrooms: Currently open to the public intermittently as directed by the septic system specialists and Mason County.  B. Osborne said they just need to run conduit to protect the writing to connect the 3 cameras which will point to the public restrooms, marina dock and the shed.  There could be a 4th camera directed at the Highway.

Port parking/maintenance shed: Household trash is regularly being left in trash receptacles at the port restroom, waterfront park area, the Hoodsport trail park and by the Port dumpster.

Port Operations Manager Report:

The port administrator asked Jan if she could provide the Port with the ‘Facility Use Agreement’ for the Fjordin Crossin as soon as possible, Jan said she would email it.   She was also asked to provide the port with certificates of liability from her business and Hood Canal Events.  The public meeting to discuss the Pedestrian Safety and Traffic Calming Devices has been scheduled for May 22nd at 1:30pm, it will be held at the Hoodsport library.  Flyers will be distributed to be posted in local businesses, the port website will post a flyer and the newspaper will publish the public meeting.  The port administrator will be submitting Vouchers to the County Auditor in the first week of the month so invoices will be paid on time.  There may possibly be a second voucher submitted if needed.  The ports insurance company will be notified there are assets such as surveillance cameras, disc golf equipment, the gazebo at the upper trail park and office equipment to be added to the Port of Hoodsport property schedule.  A daily deposit exception letter will be submitted to Mason County Treasurer allowing the administrator or authorized personnel to deposit moorage revenue weekly instead of daily.  The Spring newsletter was written and submitted to the Lake Cushman administrator for publication in their newsletter displayed in the port’s office window, posted at the library and to the Ports website.

Budget:                  The March financial statements was reviewed  Old Business:        As discussed above  New Business:       None

Next Meeting:          May 22nd to be held at the Port of Hoodsport Office

Adjourn:                Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:55 a.m.

 2019 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:

 Wednesday’s at 9a.m.

May 22nd, June 12th, June 26th, July 10th, July 24th, August 14th, August 28th, September 11th

Pedestrian Safety and Traffic Calming devices Public Meeting

Wednesday May 22nd 1:30pm

________________________  _______________________  _____________________

Commissioner O’ Laughlin        Commissioner Petz                  Commissioner Brazil