2019 July 10 Minutes

Date Published: August 27, 2019
Category: Uncategorized


July 10, 2019

Call to Order:   9:00am                                                    Adjourned:  10:10am

Meeting Held at:    Port of Hoodsport 24113 N US Hwy 101 Hoodsport, WA

Roll Call:                    Commissioner Petz – Commission Chair, Commissioner Brazil

Staff Present:           K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager,B.Osborne – Director of Maintenance, S.Lindgren – Maintenance

Public:                         Karen Booth, local resident. Commissioner applicant

Approval of Agenda:  Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the agenda as written; Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.

Minutes: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the Regular Port Commission minutes from June 26, 2019, it was unanimously approved.

Vouchers:   The following Vouchers/Warrants are for approval of payment: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve July 1o1 in the amount of $10,704.35, it was unanimously approved.

Public Communication:  Morgan said their schedules have been moving around as far as timing for spreading gravel around on the disc golf course parking area.  They determined a machine with rubber tires would work best so it doesn’t churn up the dirt under the gravel.  There is a work party scheduled for July 20th for clean up and spreading chips.  They will start forming up the T-pads.  Commissioner Brazil asked what the logistics are for pouring concrete. Morgan they will clearing tributaries so they can drive through using a truck to haul the concrete, then will be pouring 4×8 pads if they can get within 100-200 feet with wheel barrels.  Commissioner Brazil asked how far out to pour concrete for the T-pads.  Morgan said they have prep work to do and they are about a month out.  Commissioner Brazil said he wants to talk about a trial opening to play the course.  Morgan said he will talk to the guys so a date can be defined and to make sure everything will be set up.  Morgan will send an email with several dates in mind.

Commissioner Reports:  Commissioner Brazil said he has spoken to many people and there is a definite increase in interest of the disc golf course.

Port Maintenance Reports:

Hoodsport Trail Park:  S. Lindgren said the parking lot was cleared of debris, leveled and a dangerous tree was removed in preparation for spreading gravel.  The gravel is scheduled to be spread on July 12th and it’s all coming together.

Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: B. Osborne said the Fjordin Crossin event was a big success, well organized and the best one ever.  Parking worked out for the event, portable restrooms were available, and the public restrooms were not an issue.  Residual trash from fireworks were neatly piled up near the trash cans along the waterfront park.

Public Restrooms: Currently open to the public intermittently as directed by the septic system specialist and Mason County.  Readings on the septic tank gallonage is monitored during restroom usage days.  The septic system was pumped before the 4th of July.  The septic system chamber and crust will be monitored to make sure the septic system is not stressed.

Port parking/maintenance shed: Household trash is regularly being left in trash receptacles at the port restroom, waterfront park area, the Hoodsport trail park and by the Port dumpster.  B. Osborne and S. Lindgren both have App’s on their phones connected to the surveillance to watch the public restrooms, office, shed, parking lot, waterfront park and the dock.  B. Osborne purchased a basic laptop computer to run the dvr for the surveillance cameras.  He will set it up to go through the dvr and schedule the automatic back up on the external hard drive.

Port Operations Manager Report

The port administrator ran an ad in the local newspaper on June 27th and July 3rd for the replacement of the Port Commission position that is available after Commissioner O’ Laughlin resigned.  There were no applicants or inquiries received from the advertisement.  In the meantime, Karen Booth, a resident within the Port of Hoodsport’s tax district expressed the desire to fill the position and submitted a resume at the end of May.  After consideration by both Commissions Petz and Brazil, Commissioner Brazil made a motion to appoint Karen Booth for the open Commissioner Position #3 which expires on November 2021 to fill the position for the remaining term.  Commissioner Petz seconded the motion, it was unanimously approved.  Karen Booth was sworn in and assumed the office of Port of Hoodsport Commissioner position #3 on July 10, 2019.  The Certificate of Appointment along with these approved minutes will be submitted to the election’s office at Mason County after approval on July 24th.  The Port administrator contacted Ben Blocker with DNR regarding access to the DNR gate by the Lake Cushman store for the ports access for ongoing maintenance and repairs to the Hoodsport Trail Park.  B. Blocker was on the agenda and slated to attend this regular port commission meeting to talk about an easement application and to bring the key, however he arrived after the meeting adjourned.  The Port administrator will be talking to the local business owners to find out when they are available to attend a public meeting to discuss the public restroom situation.  The date for the public meeting with the local business owners, the public and public entities who may enlighten the port on the situation will be tabled until it is determined whether the port is able to dig another septic drain field in the reserve area of the existing drain field area.  Commissioner Petz asked the port administrator to identify a piece of property owned by Mason county that is located close to the existing drain field and may possibly be utilized as an alternative.

 Budget:                  June financial statements were reviewed

 Old Business:        As discussed above

New Business:       None

Next Meeting:          July 24th to be held at the Port of Hoodsport Office

Adjourn:         Commissioner Brazil made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m.

 2019 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:

 Wednesday’s at 9am

 July 24th, August 14th, August 28th, September 11th

 ________________________  _______________________  _____________________

Commissioner Petz                           Commissioner Brazil               Commissioner Booth