2019 June 26 Minutes

Date Published: August 27, 2019
Category: Uncategorized


June 26, 2019

 Call to Order:   9:00am                                                    Adjourned:  11:07am

Meeting Held at:    Port of Hoodsport 24113 N US Hwy 101 Hoodsport, WA

Roll Call:      Commissioner Petz – Commission Chair, Commissioner Brazil

Staff Present:                    K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager, B.Osborne – Director of Maintenance, S.Lindgren – Maintenance

Public:       Jan Morris – Hardware Distiller – Fjordin Crossin, Morgan Rothrock – Shelton Disc Golf Assn, Bill the Warden – Hoodsport Hills Disc golf course warden,Karen Booth, local resident

Approval of Agenda:  Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the agenda as written; Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.

Minutes: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the Regular Port Commission minutes from June 12, 2019, it was unanimously approved.

Vouchers:   The following Vouchers/Warrants are for approval of payment: none to approve

Public Communication:  Jan Morris said everything was going well and on schedule for the Fjordin Crossin event on Saturday June 29th.  She has a list that she will email to the port administrator detailing events minute by minute.  The Vendors will be parking behind the Landing building.  The Shelton Norwegian Elkhound Society of Puget Sound will be bringing little Norwegian elkhound dogs for people to pet.  Rachel Hansen will be there to have kids’ activities. Nina’s is cooking Swedish meatballs for 200 people.  The Tides restaurant will be serving chowder and skewers.  The weather is supposed to be about 68 degrees and there is a 40% chance of rain.  Jan said she may be forming a committee or subgroup branch of the Chamber of Commerce for the business owners in Hoodsport, which is intended to benefit our community.

Morgan said they were making headway on the 9-hole disc golf course, there are 3-4 people working on identifying how to move debris around which is what needs to be done before they can complete the disc golf course.  Once the 9-hole course is complete, they want to move over to the other side of the trail park to finish the 18-hole course.  Morgan said the best way to access that side of the park is to go through the DNR gate on the adjacent property, so they don’t have to go through Dow Creek Campground.  Commissioner Petz asked the port administrator to contact DNR regarding a gate key.  Commissioner Brazil reiterated that he would like to get the course finished and open this summer and hold a grand opening tournament.  Bill said he knows someone who is developing land, has a rubber track machine, is licensed and bonded and is willing to help the community by moving the piles on the course and move some of the large trees that came down over the winter.  Morgan endorses everything Bill suggests and said Bill is the course warden for Hoodsport Hills Disc Golf Course and is a member of the Shelton Mason County disc golf association.  Commissioner Petz asked Morgan what is remaining after all of the groundwork is done.  Morgan said once he gets the feedback from the players, they will figure out where to place the T pads and signage which is currently defined by stakes.  Commissioner Brazil wants to know when it will be playable so the Port can advertise.  The port administrator said there is $1200. left in the disc golf course budget for 2019 and they will need to figure out what the priority is.  Bill said it will cost $1200. for the guy and his dozer to do the remaining work needed.  Commissioner Petz and Brazil encouraged Bill to have his guy do the job.

Commissioner Reports:  Commissioner Brazil introduced Bill who is a resident of Lake Cushman, the course warden for the Hoodsport Hills disc golf course and an active volunteer with his time to develop the 9-hole disc golf course.  Bill is here to talk about the disc golf course improvements.  Commissioner Brazil said he would like to see them step up their efforts to get the 9-hole course finished and ready to play.  He has had a lot of feedback and discussion with residents who keep asking when the course will be playable.

Port Maintenance Reports:

Hoodsport Trail Park:  B. Osborne ordered 44 yards of gravel to top dress the parking area which will need to be spread around.  He’ll be installing 4×4’s, cable and locks to secure the family friendly disc golf parking area on the south side of State Rt 119.  Morgan has some other ideas to block off the roadway which will be looked at prior to purchasing the materials.

Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: S. Lindgren pressure washed the dock and sidewalk area to get ready for the Fjordin Crossin event.  The abandoned paddle boat is still sitting on top of one of the fingers of the dock, there is another abandoned paddle boat on the North side of the port’s beach.  Commissioner Petz said that from a liability standpoint they both need to be removed and asked the port administrator to find out if they can be donated.  B. Osborne said a week ago 6 plants were stolen from the port’s planters.  He said a week before that, 2 plants were stolen.  S. Lindgren said the NO FIREWORKS signs were put up along the fence, around the waterfront park and on the dock.

Public Restrooms: Currently open to the public intermittently as directed by the septic system specialist and Mason County.  B. Osborne and S. Lindgren both have App’s on their phones connected to the surveillance to watch the public restrooms, office, shed, parking lot, waterfront park and the dock.

Port parking/maintenance shed: Household trash is regularly being left in trash receptacles at the port restroom, waterfront park area, the Hoodsport trail park and by the Port dumpster.  S. Lindgren re painted curbs and lines to identify parking areas for the Fjordin Crossin event.  B. Osborne & S. Lindgren installed the surveillance cameras which are up and running.  They both have Apps on their phones to observe the 4 cameras, there is a 48-hour continual loop in the cloud, however in order to save the information from the cameras the system will need a backup hard drive.  The Port administrator purchased an external hard drive to save surveillance information.  B. Osborne said a basic computer had to be purchased for the surveillance cameras to connect to.

Port Operations Manager Report

The Port administrator forwarded the email that was received from Dennis Engel WSDOT to Commissioner Kevin Shutty.  The email stated that WSDOT had two prices for flashing crosswalk beacon lights, one was connected to power and one was a solar power battery.  Commissioner Shutty said he received the email and he, along with the County public works department were working with WSDOT to find a solution for installing crosswalk beacons.  Dennis said WSDOT internally approved another crosswalk at the location of Schoolhouse Hill Rd and Hwy 101, and they would wait until fall when they received more funding to install the crosswalk.

There was discussion at the last regular port meeting on whether pumping of the septic tank chamber should be before or after events and major tourist week ends.  The port administrator asked B. Sund to discuss the situation further with Royal Flush so there were no questions as to the pumping schedule.  The port administrator was asked to contact the Washington Public Ports Administration regarding advertising the unfilled Commissioner position.  WPPA indicated transparency was the best rule and said to run an ad in the newspaper to find out if anyone else was interested in putting in a resume.  An ad was placed in the local newspaper and will run for two weeks.  The Port administrator forwarded the Port’s application to the state enterprise services so that supplies can be ordered at a state rate.  The application is pending approval on the state side.  The port administrator added S. Lindgren to all the Vendor accounts so he can purchase items needed for maintenance.  Two extra portable restrooms were ordered and verified to be delivered for the Fjordin Crossin event.  An external hard drive was purchased for the surveillance system to back up surveillance video.  A year to date comparison was presented to the port commission, the port is close to being right on track with the budget except in the septic system repair costs which will exceed the budgeted amount.  The port administrator asked the commissioners what date they would like to have a public meeting to discuss where the public wants to go with the public restrooms, they said to table it for after the 4th of July and to put it on the agenda at the next regular port commission meeting.  The port administrator will ask the local business owners when they will have the time to discuss the public restrooms, then a date will be set.  The business owners, public, County Commission, WSDOT, WA Tourism will all be invited to discuss who should be the steward for the public restrooms.

Budget:                  April and May financial statements were reviewed

Old Business:        As discussed above

New Business:       None

Next Meeting:          July 10th to be held at the Port of Hoodsport Office

Adjourn:                Commissioner Brazil made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 11:07 a.m.

 2019 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:

 Wednesday’s at 9am

 July 10th, July 24th, August 14th, August 28th, September 11th

________________________  _______________________

Commissioner Petz                  Commissioner Brazil