2019 November 13 Minutes

Date Published: February 3, 2020
Category: Uncategorized

November 13, 2019

Call to Order: 9:12am Adjourned: 10:35am

Meeting Held at: Port of Hoodsport 24113 N US Hwy 101 Hoodsport, WA

Roll Call: Commissioner Petz – Commission Chair
Commissioner Brazil – present via telephone
Commissioner Booth

Staff Present: K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager
B. Osborne – Director of Maintenance
S. Lindgren – Maintenance

Public: Jan Morris – Hardware Distillery

Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Booth made a motion to approve the agenda as
written; Commissioner Brazil seconded; it was unanimously approved.

Minutes: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the minutes from October 9,2019, Commissioner Booth seconded, it was unanimously approved.

Vouchers: The following Vouchers/Warrants are for approval of payment: Commissioner Booth made a motion to approve November 1 of 1 in the amount of $7,514.58; Commissioner Brazil seconded; it was unanimously approved.

Public Communication: J. Morris said Captain Lee Geist wanted to check the status of the dock for next years Fjordin Crossin event. Commissioner Petz said we will know more after the winter storms. Jan said she will be asking the Alderbrook Resort to help sponsor her event next year. She said as for the new sidewalk crossing on Highway 101 from Old Mill Hill Rd. recently installed by WSDOT; she wants to create a crosswalk waiting area by the library. Creating a pedestrian crosswalk waiting area that could be attractive would increase the curb appeal. She spoke to Dennis Engel from WSDOT who said she would need permits and funds to build it. Jan will be talking to County Commission Sharon Trask for funding ideas.

Commissioner Reports: Commissioner Booth recently attended the ‘Small Ports’ seminar in Leavenworth and made some good port and port affiliate contacts. She said some of the laws have changed in 2019 and particularly noted the bid threshold for upcoming projects was raised from $40,000.00 to $50,000.00 for port projects and bids can now be faxed, emailed using the small works roster from MRSC. Commissioner Booth met with someone who talked about boating some of the grants for boating and infrastructure. There are currently grants that require a 25% match, the matching funds are required to be banked. She suggested the money for the 25% match could be budgeted for as time goes on. Commissioner Petz asked Commissioner Booth if she would do some research to find out which grant accept a 25% match. He also asked her to talk to the County and Tribe to find out if they are willing to help with matching funds. He suggested the port administrator ask WPPA if the Port can accept outside funds for projects. Commissioner Booth spoke to Joe Davis, an insurance adjuster with Enduris Insurance company who has a revised contract and suggested the Port could increase boat slip revenue by renting reserved slips. She suggested marketing to boaters during peak seasons such as shrimping and crabbing season, a database could be created from past shrimpers and crabbers who wrote their information on the moorage envelope, a reservation system could be set up online and someone from the Port could greet the boaters. Commissioner Booth said the Port could get help through the technicians at the Washington Public Port Assn with updating their website. The Port of Kingston links local merchants’ website pages on their port website. She said the port can promote the disc golf course on the website. Commissioner Booth met with WPPA ports attorney Frank Chmelki, who specializes in reviewing lease agreements. She suggested he review the ports lease agreements. Another law that changed was small ports can have an ongoing maintenance contract, for instance; in an annual repair of asphalt, the contract between the Port and the vendor could roll over for 3 years without having to be renewed. Commissioner Brazil said Randy Bruff, the maintenance supervisor for Lake Cushman water and utilities district had a concern with leaning trees on the Lake Cushman maintenance property and wanted permission from the port to use a portion of the Hoodsport Trail park on the South side of State Rt 119 if needed for trees that were fallen.

Port Maintenance Reports:
Hoodsport Trail Park & Disc Golf Park: S. Lindgren walked the trail park to look at the trees, bridges and trails. There is an area that has sloughed off by a bank. S. Lindgren and B. Osborne will re route the trail away from the bank. S. Lindgren suggested a forester look at the health of the trees. Disc golfers are still playing, trash cans are not being abused and the Sani cans at the disc golf parking area are still being used. B. Grondin, warden of the Hoodsport Hills disc golf park said they currently do not need additional bark for the parking area. B. Grondin to determine when and the Sani cans should be removed until next spring. B. Osborne has talked to B. Grondin about becoming a backup contracted maintenance person for the port, they are working on his business license. B. Osborne said all three of the trail park parking areas will need another coating of gravel in 2020. The port administrator will call public works as there is an interlocal agreement with them and they re coated the parking areas two years prior.
Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: S. Lindgren identified the fishing boat moored at the dock that has been moored as the ‘Dirty Oar’. He placed notes on the window for the owner to pay moorage and move the boat, the boat was gone as of November 12th. The hanging flower baskets have been removed from the poles along the sidewalk at the waterfront park and the irrigation system has been winterized.
The dinghy is still bobbing on the beach, there are a lot of big logs on the beach that were brought in during one of the high tides. Another fascia board disappeared during stormy weather.
Public Restrooms: Currently open to the public intermittently as directed by Mason County and the septic specialist. Readings on the septic tank gallonage is monitored as required. B. Osborne looked at the state contract Enterprise services webpage and will contact someone to identify supplies used to determine if their cost is discounted. Commissioner Petz asked S. Lindgren to dig a small hole on the County property to determine what the soil looks like as a precursor to having a perc hole dug in the spring.
Port parking/Office building/Maintenance shed: B. Osborne and S. Lindgren both have App’s on their phones live streaming the surveillance cameras that cover the public restrooms, office, shed, parking lot, waterfront park and the dock.

Port Operations Manager Report
The letter from the Mason County Support services stating they were soliciting comments from the City of Shelton and port districts in Mason County for comments on applications that were received for distribution of the Mason County Rural County Sales and Use Tax fund. They received applications from Mason County for the Belfair sewer and from the Economic Development council. Mason County public works has a project for the Belfair wastewater treatment and water reclamation project, phases 1-4 and capital infrastructure development. They are requesting money for Phases 3-4 as their project cost for phases 1-2 is $53.3 million dollars, in which they have raised the $53.3 million are asking for $450,000.00 per year for years 2020-2021 for annual expenditures related to a treatment and wastewater reclamation facility and the debt service. The Economic development council is requesting $70,040.00 to promote economic well being by actively recruiting new employers and supporting the growth of existing employers. After discussion, the commission asked the port administrator to draft a letter to the Mason County Support Services stating they are opposed to the money going to Mason County public works for the Belfair wastewater treatment and water reclamation project because the money is bed tax money slated for economic development and tourism in rural areas.
Enduris Insurance company sent the port commission 2020 calendars which were distributed. An email was sent to Commissioner Shutty requesting a transfer of the County property above the septic drain field as an alternative drain field for the public restrooms septic system. An email was sent back from Commissioner Shutty stating he would bring it up at the commission meeting and inform the port as to their decision. The port received a letter from the Washington Public Port Association stating the annual membership dues for 2020 will be $600.00. The port administrator spoke to Mike Davies, forester for DNR. Mike agreed to walk the Hoodsport Trail park to give his, ‘opinion only’ at the next port commission meeting.

Budget: October 2019 financial statement was reviewed.

Old Business: As discussed above

New Business: None

Next Meeting: December 11, 2019 to be held at the Port of Hoodsport Office

Adjourn: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Booth seconded, it was unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:48 a.m.

2019 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:
Wednesday’s at 9am
December 11th,
2020 Meetings
January 8th, February 5th

Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil Commissioner Booth