June 12, 2019
Call to Order: 9:00am Adjourned: 10:40am
Meeting Held at: Port of Hoodsport 24113 N US Hwy 101 Hoodsport, WA
Roll Call: Commissioner Petz – Commission Chair, Commissioner Brazil
Staff Present: K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager, B. Osborne – Director of Maintenance, S. Lindgren – Maintenance
Public: Jan Morris – Hardware Distiller – Fjordin Crossin, Morgan Rothrock – Shelton Disc Golf Assn – via telephone, Karen Booth, local resident
Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the agenda as written; Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.
Minutes: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the Regular Port Commission minutes from May 22, 2019 and the Pedestrian Traffic Safety Meeting Minutes, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.
Vouchers: The following Vouchers/Warrants are for approval of payment: June 1of1 in the amount of $8,565.68.
Public Communication: Jan Morris had the Fjordin Crossin advertisement sign put up over Highway 101 in downtown Hoodsport. She checked out a spot under the dock and found a great place to set up the AquaVit Grotto Bar. As far as Vendors who will be at the event, the Salmon Center will be bringing reading material for the preservation of the Hood Canal. Nina’s restaurant will be selling Swedish meatballs, the Tides restaurant will be serving clam chowder, the friends of the library will be having a used book sale and the Sons of Norway will be dressed in costume. There will be a small parade of Vikings making their way to the dock with music between 12:30-12:45, they will be walking along the sidewalk from the Distillery to the boat dock. Regarding parking, there will be 10 spaces available at the Library in the overflow parking lot. There will be an additional 62 parking spaces at the Church & Bank, 14 spaces at the Port parking area, spaces are available behind the Landing building and Laurie’s is donating a few spaces as well. We will be having joyful music going on during the launch of the boat taking the AquaVit across the Fjord. We are renting a grill to cook oysters, chairs, tables & umbrellas for the Aqua Vit bar. Could we store those items in the Port office? Commissioner Petz said yes, B. Osborne will put the items in the office and open it up so Jan can access them the morning of the event. K. Booth asked if there was power at the waterfront park for vendors to use. Jan said last year the Dive shop let them use their power and extension cords, they will ask them again this year. The event will be setting up Saturday June 29th at 7:30am, the festivities will be starting at noon. The Port administrator reminded Jan that Hood Canal Adventures Certificate of Liability for the Hood Canal events has not been received, Jan said she will email it as soon as possible. Commissioner Brazil asked if they had security, Jan said the State Patrol will be in attendance if they don’t have somewhere else to be. She said Kerry mentioned the Coast Guard will be in attendance as security on the water. The port administrator asked if Jan contacted Hama Hama Oyster company to ask to borrow their event ‘traffic ahead’ signs. The port administrator will be verifying the dates and location of the two portable restrooms for the event and have them contact B Osborne for placement. Jan said they will have trash cans around the waterfront park and asked if she could use the Ports dumpster. The port commission said yes, the administrator said that Hood Canal Grocery has a trash compactor if the dumpster was full and there was nowhere else to dump the trash. Morgan Rothrock gave the port commission an update on the 9-hole disc golf course via telephone. He said primarily the layout and baskets are installed on the 9hole disc golf course side. The feedback from the players has been positive and they may not change the layout too much. Commissioner Brazil asked when the volunteer work parties will be working, because he has had numerous individuals asking if they can get involved to help. Morgan said volunteer work parties have been working on the weekends arriving between 9-10am. The next one is scheduled for June 15th. Commissioner Brazil said he would put the word out. Morgan said Holes 3-4 look pretty good, the only issue is moving the big piles of debris which is their number one priority. Also, there are many trees that were planted densely which are now 4-5 feet tall, they brought water and fertilizer to transplant quite a few trees moving them off the course. The goal is to get the course roughed in and the pads down so they can set up a rotation during the summer every other weekend from 10am-1pm for local people to show up so they can be informed on how to use the course. Commissioner Brazil said he would really like to have a Grand Opening event serving hot dogs and refreshments. He said there are many very interested people at lake Cushman who are coming out of the woodwork to play disc golf. He said it should not be a problem to set up repetitive blocks of time to help people new to the sport, get started. Morgan said with 15 minutes of instruction, people and their families will be able to get started and play the course in one hour. Commissioner Petz asked Morgan what he wanted to name the 9-hole disc golf course. He said the club came up with 3-4 names to call the two different courses. There is the Region name which is ‘Hoodsport Hills’, then as course identifiers, each course will have a unique moniker, the 18-hole side will have a name and the 9-hole side will be named. One of the suggested names for the 9-hole side currently is the Cushman Crawl. Karen Booth asked the commission how they are coming along with appointing another port commissioner. Commissioner Brazil said Commissioner O’ Laughlins resignation is dated May 22nd and they have 90 days to appoint a new commissioner. The commissioners asked the port administrator to find out exact protocol from the WPPA to make sure the port is transparent and everyone who may be interested will know that they have an equal opportunity.
Commissioner Reports: Commissioner Brazil has talked to a lot of people at lake Cushman who are excited, like and want to play disc golf. Commissioner Brazil wants the Port to have a Grand opening at the 9-hole disc golf course and would like to invite the Shelton and Olympia disc golf players to the opening. The port will be hosting the event with hot dogs, chips, soda’s and water. S. Lindgren has been playing the course and said the 9-hole disc course is almost finished. S. Lindgren and B. Osborne will move one of the cement trash cans from the Hoodsport trail park to the 9-hole disc golf course parking area. Commissioner Brazil said there was someone shooting a gun somewhere around the Hoodsport Trail Park, so he got in his truck and drove around to find out who it was. He never was able to find anyone but could hear gun shots by Dow Creek. S. Lindgren said he heard them while he was playing disc golf and looked for them as well but could not find anyone either. The port administrator will be ordering a ‘No Shooting’ sign for the trail park kiosk. Commissioner Brazil said he would not be present at the August 28th meeting. Commissioner Petz said they may cancel if we don’t need two meetings in August.
Port Maintenance Reports:
Hoodsport Trail Park: B. Osborne and S. Lindgren are coordinating with the disc golf association on mutual directional trail signs to be placed at trail intersections at the trail park and the 9-hole disc golf course. Signs will be placed on the upper area of the trail park first then the 9-hole side. S. Lindgren continues to remove branches and clear debris on the trail. S. Lindgren said all three trash cans are always full at the trail park. B. Osborne said he is looking for another source to dump a load of gravel to top dress the parking area. He will be installing 4×4’s, cable and locks to secure the family friendly disc golf parking area on the south side of State Rt 119.
Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: S. Lindgren will be periodically pressure wash the dock and will keep an eye on the fascia board affixed to the outer edge of the dock. The paddle boat is still laying on top of the dock. B. Osborne said the weed eater is in the shop for repair.
Public Restrooms: Currently open to the public intermittently as directed by the septic system specialists and Mason County. B. Osborne said they will be running the wire and setting the surveillance cameras. There will be an app on the maintenance contractors’ phones to watch the public restrooms, office, shed, parking lot, waterfront park and the dock.
Port parking/maintenance shed: Household trash is regularly being left in trash receptacles at the port restroom, waterfront park area, the Hoodsport trail park and by the Port dumpster. S. Lindgren will be re painting curbs and lines to identify parking areas. B. Osborne & S. Lindgren installed the surveillance cameras which are up and running. They both have Aps on their phones to observe the 4 cameras, there is a 48-hour continual loop in the cloud, however in order to save the information from the cameras the system will need a backup hard drive. The Port administrator will be purchasing an external hard drive to save the information.
Port Operations Manager Report
The Port administrator gave the Commission binders with the finished annual state audit Schedule 22 for 2018. The septic pumping company Royal Flush was asked if they could enter into a contract to pump the septic system chamber and not the tank before each event and more frequently during the summer to take the strain off the septic system. He was asked to re-negotiate his fee and contract since there the system will be pumped more frequently. He suggested pumping after each event and was asked to consult with the septic designer for detailed instruction. The port administrator will be adding S. Lindgren to the port’s maintenance vendor accounts. S. Lindgren was asked to paint Port and West Realty on each parking space around the Ports Office and parking area to delineate who can park in the spaces. The port administrator was asked to contact the Director at the Washington Public Ports administration to find out if the Port can accept donations or contributions to help defray rising costs with the public restrooms. The port commission discussed the email that was received from Dennis Engel, WSDOT PE Region manager regarding the cost of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) for crosswalks. Dennis indicated it would cost $9,400. for a hard wired RRFB and $11,000. each for Solar, which is only the cost for purchasing the equipment. He said their traffic office was willing to install them at WSDOT’s expense. The County Commission (who this project was turned over to in the Charette meeting) will need to enter into an agreement to maintain the equipment. And if they chose to hard wire, the county or community would have to pay for the electric bill and if solar, someone would have to purchase a new battery every two years. He said they would not allow for a crosswalk mid-block but a crosswalk at the intersection near the library at N Schoolhouse Hill Rd. would be allowable. WSDOT agreed that they would install the crosswalk at no cost to the county or the community, this will be done in late summer because they are waiting for new funding after July 1st. He also said they are working on the draft report which will be compiled from the Charette meeting discussion. The port administrator reminded the commission and maintenance department that Fish and Wildlife extended Shrimping days to Friday June 21st and Saturday June 22nd from noon to 4pm so the docks should be cleaned, monitored and checked for overnight moorage fees. Denis Engel had someone in their WSDOT office send information and an application from the Department of Enterprise Services so the Port may inquire about buying supplies through a Master contract which can save the port money on supplies for the public restrooms. The port received bids to replace a drain field for the septic system from contractors under the MRSC small works roster which were under the limit allowed before the port would have to put the job out to bid. Commissioner Petz asked if the port administrator could have the bids and scope of work reviewed and to find out if there was anything else to consider by the septic designers’ consultant.
Budget: No financial reports were reviewed. April and May will be reviewed at the June 26th meeting
Old Business: As discussed above
New Business: None
Next Meeting: June 26th to be held at the Port of Hoodsport Office
Adjourn: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.
2019 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:
Wednesday’s at 9am
June 26th, July 10th, July 24th, August 14th, August 28th, September 11th
________________________ _______________________ _____________________
Commissioner O’ Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner