2019 July 24 Minutes

Date Published: August 27, 2019
Category: Uncategorized


July 24, 2019

Call to Order:   9:00am                                                    Adjourned:  10:35am

Meeting Held at:    Port of Hoodsport 24113 N US Hwy 101 Hoodsport, WA

Roll Call:       Commissioner Petz – Commission Chair, Commissioner Brazil, Commissioner Booth

Staff Present:    K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager, B.Osborne – Director of Maintenance, S. Lindgren – Maintenance

Public:      Mike & Geri Purvis, owners of Hood Canal Grocery, Morgan Rothrock – Mason County Disc Golf Assn, Jan Morris, owner of the Hardware Distillery

Bill Grondin – MCDGA – Warden Hoodsport Disc Golf Course

Approval of Agenda:  Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the agenda as written; Commissioner Booth seconded, unanimously approved.

Minutes: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the Regular Port Commission minutes from July 10, 2019, Commissioner Booth seconded, it was unanimously approved.

Vouchers:   No Vouchers were submitted for approval

Public Communication:  Jan recapped the Fjordin Crossin event and said most everyone had a good time. The library allowed people to park in their parking lot since they sold books at a Vendor booth, there were 42 parking spaces between the bank and the church, and parking behind the Landing building.  There was a great Aquavit Grotto on the beach under the pier, everyone loved petting the Norwegian elk-hounds.  We did well income wise this year but are not yet back in the black as there were some big expenses such as photography, insurance and radio.  Jan received the email from Dennis Engel regarding the crosswalk that is slated to be installed on the north side of Schoolhouse Hill Road.  Jan talked to Jeanne and Margaret because they will be impacted by the ‘No Parking’ areas.  They are hoping WSDOT takes only one parking spot since parking is at a premium.  Commissioner Petz said he will continue talking to Commissioner Shutty regarding the flashing crosswalk beacons.  Commissioner Shutty is working with WSDOT and Public Works to get the beacons installed by fall.  M. Purvis said those are nice but by the time drivers see it, its too late, he says it would be better to have traffic calming devices.  Commissioner Petz said Commissioner Shutty will be talking to the Sheriffs department for portable radar speed feedback signs, M. Purvis said that is a deterrent and would be most effective.  M. Petz said the tribe put a radar speed feedback sign up and its been turned off.  S. Lindgren said people got used to it and they don’t see it anymore.  Commissioner Petz said the septic designer was supposed to be here to talk with M. Purvis but has not shown up.  M. Purvis said he wonders if we can dig both laterals at the same time, so a machine doesn’t need to dig or put more pressure on top of the new laterals.  Commissioner Petz said we will contact B. Sund to find out when we can all meet as soon as possible.  Morgan said the machine work is done, the disc golf course is looking good and coming together, he likes the feeling it evokes.  Holes one, two and three are really nice and people will enjoy playing the course.  Commissioner Brazil asked if he could start telling people its open.  Morgan said yes, lets get another weekend of work in, I would like to have 12–15 people with rakes walk it, we need one last big push before we open.  We will need a truckload of chips, 3-6 dump loads, Bill and my dad can get it spread out.  Commissioner Brazil asked Morgan if he can get the club to play it on August 3rd.  Morgan said they have picked out a format and will pick a date.  He wants to start Saturday morning workshops and will publicize it once all of the people have committed to teaching.  Commissioner Booth asked if you can have people working while people are playing?  Morgan said it should not be a conflict because most of the holes are short enough for good visibility.  Morgan is building the T boxes and markers at his house, he needs to finish putting them together, then they will be painted.  B. Grondin said it was his opinion that the grand opening should be August 10th.  He wants to announce its opening when its ready for play.  They had a work party last Saturday and everyone played the course instead of working, he believes it’s the most fun 9-hole course in the state.  Everyone enjoyed the course from beginning to the end.  Commissioner Brazil said we need a map for the hole from start to finish.  Morgan said he wants a workshop on August 3rd from 9-noon and he wants to play a Birdie Bash on August 10th,  it is an event where people can play with friends, score aces and birdies to experience the course and have fun.  They will come up with the extra discs for beginners to use.  Morgan is working on a map and flyer right now, he will email it to the port administrator as soon as it is finished.  S. Lindgren asked why the goals are galvanized gray, why can’t they be safety orange.  Morgan said to buy them in color, they cost a $100. more per basket.  What we will do is put toppers with branding decals for garnish and a burst of color, you can use flags so you can see them when the wind is blowing or steel inserts, there are visual things you can do for visual effect from long distances.  They will be putting markers spiked into the earth with the hole number and distance.  The name has been established for the 9-hole course as ‘The Cushman Cruise’.  The overall Disc Golf Couse (both sides of the road) is called Hoodsport Hills Disc Golf Park.  Commissioner Petz asked what the parking capacity is?  B. Grondin said there is a total of 40-50 parking spaces, if there is a big event, they can guide people.  B. Osborne said he can spray paint lines.   Commissioner Petz said we need to look at the parking situation, once the disc golf course is well known, there will be lots of people.  B. Grondin said he can do center parking with two sides that can have about 60 parking spaces.  Morgan said he has a 12-15’ fir to take down and will use a good portion of the log for one of the baskets.  B. Grondin will be putting up a sign using blue and gold because they are the Ports logo colors.  B. Osborne will be moving a picnic table, trash can and sign at the disc golf parking area. B. Grondin said he can open and close the gate every day for the workers. B. Sund came into the meeting and said he wants to talk about the drain field situation, he will find a good time to get together with M. Purvis to discuss it.

Commissioner Reports:  Commissioner Brazil said he has spoken to many people and there is a definite increase in interest of the disc golf course.  Commissioner Booth said she will be in touch with Laura at the Washington Public Ports Association to learn the role of Port commissioner and take the required classes that are offered online.  The port administrator ordered her name plate and contacted the telecommunications company so she can set up her port mail.  Commissioner Petz spoke to Commissioner Shutty, he suggested helping the port with access to tourism money which is governed by the tourism board who then disperses money.  Commissioner Shutty said he considers the public restrooms a huge support of tourism in Hoodsport.  Commissioner Shutty said he may be able to help defray the cost of the drain field.

Port Maintenance Reports:

Hoodsport Trail Park:  B. Osborne said he will be ordering a load of bark for the T pads

Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: S. Lindgren said people have been asking if they can pay for moorage for 5 days in a row.  Commissioner Petz said it’s a 72 hour limit, paid daily on a first come first serve basis.  S. Lindgren said he got rid of one of the peddle boats.

Public Restrooms: Currently open to the public intermittently as directed by the septic system specialist and Mason County.  Readings on the septic tank gallonage is monitored during restroom usage days.  S. Lindgren said HCG disconnected their water line from the Public restrooms.

Port parking/maintenance shed: Household trash is regularly being left in trash receptacles at the port restroom, waterfront park area, the Hoodsport trail park and by the Port dumpster.  B. Osborne and S. Lindgren both have App’s on their phones connected to the surveillance to watch the public restrooms, office, shed, parking lot, waterfront park and the dock.

Port Operations Manager Report

The port administrator ordered Commissioner Booths nameplate and will submit todays signed minutes, the certificate of appointment and John O’ Laughlins resignation letter to the elections office so she will officially be considered a Port Commissioner with the County elections department.  The port administrator met with Ben Blocker who works with DNR, he gave the port a key to the gate by Lake Cushman store to access the Hoodsport Trail Park for regular maintenance and repair of the park’s trails and disc golf course.  The Port administrator obtained the information for the County property that is close to the public restrooms drain field for possible use in the future.  The port administrator will talk to the business owners in Hoodsport to find out when it would be the best time to have a public meeting to discuss the public restroom situation.

 Budget:                  No financial statements were reviewed

 Old Business:        As discussed above

New Business:       None

Next Meeting:          August 14th to be held at the Port of Hoodsport Office

Adjourn:        Commissioner Brazil made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Booth seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m.

 2019 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:

 Wednesday’s at 9am

 August 14th, August 28th, September 11th

 ________________________  _______________________  _____________________

Commissioner Petz                  Commissioner Brazil                Commissioner Booth