Port of Hoodsport 2022 Budget

Date Published: November 10, 2021
Category: Budget
Ending Bal  2021Beginning Balance JAN 2022 $              95,956.00
362.40.00.3020Moorage Fees (Port Dock/Marina) $                          800.00
311.10.00.3000Property Taxes Levy      $                  100,786.00
337.00.00.3020Timber Excise Tax $                       7,000.00
361.40.00.3010Leasehold Excise Tax
317.30.00.0000Refund Levy Tax $                          259.00
386.00.14.0000Sales Tax (Moorage) $                             50.00
361.11.00.0000Investment Interest $                          205.00
361.10.00.3000Non budgeted Income $                          125.00
361.10.00.3000Investment fund (Move to HTP & DGC) $                     20,000.00
2022 Total Revenues $            129,225.00
Total Funds Available for Port of HoodsportPort of Hoodsport         $                  225,181.00
781.10.00.0010Commissioner Position 1 $                       2,500.00
781.10.00.0020Commissioner Position 2 $                       2,500.00
781.10.00.0030Commissioner Position 3 $                       2,500.00
781.21.00.0000Social Security $                       1,500.00
781.22.00.0000L&I, PFML,  $                             80.00
781.41.00.0010Office & Maintenance Supplies  $                          800.00
781.41.00.0020Small Tools PC $                          900.00
781.41.00.0030Postage $                          200.00
781.31.00.0010Attorney Services $                       2,500.00
781.33.00.0010 Administration/CPA/Computer Tech IT $                     40,000.00
781.33.00.0010State Auditor -Schedule 22/Assessment $                       2,000.00
781.60.00.0010Other Lease/Rent $                       4,200.00
781.71.00.0020Election (Mason Co. Election Fees) $                       1,500.00
781.72.00.0010Lodging.Seminar.Parking.Meals $                       5,000.00
781.72.00.0020Mileage $                       1,300.00
781.73.00.0010WA Gov Entity Pool – Enduris $                       6,500.00
781.74.00.0010Newspaper Notices $                          300.00
781.75.00.0010Membership/Dues $                          720.00
781.79.00.0010Marketing $                       1,000.00
781.88.00.0010Telephone/Fax/Internet/Website $                       3,500.00
781.88.00.0020Email & On-Line Charges $                          200.00
783.30.00.0010Waterfront Park  $                       9,000.00
783.30.00.0020Marina/Dock $                     10,000.00
783.30.00.0030Port Office $                          500.00
783.30.00.0040Hoodsport Trail Park  $                     14,000.00
783.30.00.0050Public Restrooms $                       9,000.00
783.30.00.0060Surveilance $                          900.00
783.30.00.0080Disc Golf Course  $                       6,000.00
781.90.00.0010Warrant Costs $                          100.00
781.90.00.0030Prop Taxes $                             25.00
Total Expenses $                  129,225.00
2020Projected Ending Balance $                     95,956.00