May 18, 2021 ‘DRAFT’ Meeting Agenda

Date Published: May 17, 2021

Port of Hoodsport – 2021 Regular Port Commission Meeting

Virtual ZOOM Meeting ID#  406 238 9936

Tuesday     Port of Hoodsport Office

May 18, 2021       24113 North Highway 101 Suite A

9:00 AM               Hoodsport, WA 98548

Call to Order      of the regular Port commission meeting for the Port of Hoodsport

Roll Call  Commissioner Booth -Chair   Commissioner Kincannon -2nd Chair    Commissioner Brazil – Trustee

Regular Port Commission Meeting

Approval of Regular Port Commission Meeting Agenda:    Dated: May 18, 2021

Public -Open public comment                       
Consent Agenda Minutes: Approval of the Public Hearing Minutes and  Regular Port Commission Meeting Minutes from April 14, 2021

 Vouchers:            Voucher 1of1 April , 2021 in the amount of $11,462.84

Commissioners Reports    Commissioner Booth – Commissioner Kincannon – Commissioner Brazil

PORT Maintenance Reports:   Update Commission on:

* Waterfront Park, Dock, Marina ~ Fire department tested lines on dock. Replace valves. Shrimping scheduled 9am-1pm May 19, May 22, June 2, June 5, and June 16 in 2021. Additional dates may be added if quota remains.

* Office, Parking Area, Shed~

* Hoodsport Trail Park~ open to hikers, trail clean up, signs – CLOSED in Inclement weather, Story book trail

* Disc Golf Course ~ open to disc golfers – CLOSED in Inclement weather, update on French drain prior to regrading and re graveling parking area,

Port Operations Manager Reports                                                                                                        

  1. Schedule 22 Annual Audit in progress – due to State of WA 5-30-2021
  2. Email from Serena Haskell – Farmers market
  3. Email from Hoodsport Fire Chief Ron Satterfield
  4. Public restrooms removed from the port’s assets on Enduris insurance property schedule a $229. Credit for 9.1-8.31
  5. Election postage cost
  6. Hazard tree removed at HTP
  7. Doug WA Fish & Wildlife May 15 – shellfish survey, signs to harvest/cook shellfish

Actions in Response to COVID-19 Outbreak as mandated per Governor Inslee

  1. March 9, 2020 The Port of Hoodsport is started operating at COVID-19 Precautionary Level 2. The regular port commission meeting scheduled for Wednesday March 11, 2020 was cancelled and tentatively rescheduled for Wednesday March 25, 2020, that meeting was cancelled and rescheduled for April via Zoom internet conference. March 20, 2020 the Port commission via an emergency meeting created Resolution 2020-01 authorizing emergency authority to the Executive Director. To keep our Commission, personnel and the public safe, meetings are conducted via Zoom conference.
  2. Meeting and Social Distancing Notices are posted on the Ports website, Port office window, Kiosks at the waterfront park, Dock, Hoodsport Trail Park & Disc Golf Park which remain open with posted social distancing guidelines.
  3. March 20, 2020 the Public restrooms were closed to the public, two portable restrooms with hand washing stations are available to accommodate the public

Budget                                Financial Statement – April 2021

Old Business           Disc Golf Course, dock evaluation    New Business: 

Next Meeting:     Virtual – internet ZOOM conference meeting held in Port of Hoodsport’s Zoom meeting room

2021 Regular Port Commission future meeting dates:    June 16th, July 14th

Meeting Adjourned