June 10, 2015
Call to Order:
Immediately after the Public Hearing Adjourned: 10:50 am
Meeting Held at: Hoodsport Port Commission Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA
Roll Call: Commissioner Brazil – Commission chair
Commissioner O’Laughlin
Commissioner Petz
Staff Present: K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager
B. Osborne, Director of Maintenance
Public: Morgan Rothrock – Shelton Disc Golf Assn.
Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the 6-10-15 meeting agenda, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.
Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the regular port commission minutes of May 13, 2015. Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.
Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the following Vouchers for payment: May 2015 2of2 totaling $11,198.00 June 1of1 $6,611.98, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved. See attached Itemized Voucher details.
Public Communication:
Morgan R. has spearheaded three work parties at the Hoodsport trail park clearing areas and making adjustments for the design of the disc golf course. Morgan plans on scheduling more work parties throughout the summer as volunteers have the time. The preliminary design of the course is finished with the layout and hole lengths which are subject to changes and adjustments. Commissioner O’Laughlin asked at what point the course will be in playable shape to the Public, Morgan said it will be in temporary playable shape before the winter of 2015 and complete by Summer 2016. This will be a professional disc golf course for Professionals around the world and amateurs, a side note; Amateur disc golf tournaments have been selling out within 10 minutes. Morgan will be making inquiries on the cost of disc baskets and flags to mark which T’s they are.
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner O’Laughlin said that crabbing season opens early this year on June 15, 2015 and asked B. Osborne to prepare the dock for the Public. Commissioner O’Laughlin was approached by a downtown business owner asking if the Port could buy property for public parking as there is a parking dispute between business owners in the downtown area. Commissioner O’Laughlin stated that most of the parking along the highway was on the WSDOT right of way and that the Port explored additional public parking in the past, there are currently no properties available in Hoodsport for public parking. Commissioner O’Laughlin sits on the Shelton High School Scholarship Review Committee and commented that Shelton High School was a Good school and they had Great kids, he pointed out that there were 48 homeless kids at the high school, some of them applied for scholarships, he was deeply saddened by their situation.
Port Maintenance Reports:
Hoodsport Marina & Waterfront Park: Hanging Flower baskets have been hung on telephone poles along Port property along Highway 101 and the drip systems are in good operable shape. The grass is requiring more mowing because of the weather. B. Osborne will be checking the dock periodically to make sure it is clean and safe for the public.
Public Restrooms: Normal usage, still some graffiti
Hoodsport Trail Park: There is not as much ‘trash’ being dumped at the trail park.
Port Operations Manager Report:
K. Wyatt spoke to A. Sporseen at WSDOT; permits have been signed for access into the Hoodsport trail park. A pre conference meeting will be held prior to starting work. K. Wyatt received an email from WA State Parks representative Doug Hinkle who has acknowledged the required Biennial report and the revised Program of Utilization for the Hoodsport Trail Park. Katie Manning will be available to speak about park ‘concessions’. A copy of Resolution R15-01 adopted in the Public Hearing today will be sent to the Chamber and distributed to their media contacts in an effort to let the public know there will be no public fireworks display due to the Hoodsport Community Events Association’s decision to CANCEL the fireworks display. The Resolution to prohibit the general public from discharging fireworks on Port property is to protect the general public and port property as there will be no one to monitor the public in case of injury and to minimize exposure to fire danger during an extreme drought year. The Port of Hoodsport may grant permission to discharge fireworks on Port of Hoodsport property and would be in support of future community events providing all safety measures and permitting are in place. Commissioner O’Laughlin is the only candidate who filed for the Port Commissioner Position #3 in the general election. The annual mandatory Schedule 22 state audit was completed and submitted to the state auditor, a copy was distributed to the Commissioners.
Budget: Review of Port of Hoodsport Financial Statement for May 2015 with an Ending Balance of $131,730.76 Port of Hoodsport Investment Account Balance $226,952.00
Old Business:
Disc Golf is being a popular sport with low impact on the environment and current usage of the trail park. This sport will bring tourism, local jobs and revenue to the Hoodsport area. Ongoing discussion, fact finding, exploration and research continue regarding Disc Golf as part of what is regarded as the highest & best use and enjoyment at the Hoodsport Trail Park.
New Business: None
Next Meetings: Next Regular Port Commission meeting is Wednesday June 17, 2015 at 9am.
Adjourn: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port meeting, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:50 am.
2015 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:
Wednesdays at 9a.m. June 17, July 8, July 15, August 12, August 19
Minutes Approved: May 13, 2015
________________________ _______________________ _____________________
Commissioner O’Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil