Port Commission Minutes

2019 March 7 Minutes


March 13, 2019

Call to Order:
                Adjourned: 10:05am

Meeting Held at:    Port of Hoodsport 24113 N US Hwy 101 Hoodsport, WA

Roll Call:     Commissioner Petz – Commission Chair

                Commissioner O’ Laughlin

Commissioner Brazil

Staff Present:     K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager

                B. Osborne – Director of Maintenance

                S. Lindgren – Maintenance

Public:         Sharon Trask – Mason County Commissioner

                Jan Morris – Hardware Distillery

Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the agenda as

written; Commissioner O’ Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved.

Minutes: It was noted that the February regular Port commission meeting was cancelled due to inclement weather.
Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the Regular Port Commission minutes from March 13, 2019, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.

The following Vouchers/Warrants are for approved of payment: February 1of1 in the amount of $6,219.92 and March 1of1 in the amount of $6,353.79

Pub Communication:
Mason County Commissioner Sharon Trask said she was very interested in pushing through the pedestrian traffic safety topic. She believes she and the Hoodsport District County Commissioner Kevin Shutty have a way to provide traffic speed calming devices. They are very aware of the elderly long time resident in Hoodsport being hit by a car in December whiling crossing the highway in the crosswalk located in front of Columbia bank. Commissioner O’ Laughlin said the Port has been involved with WSDOT for the past 7 years since 2012 attempting to accomplish implementation of traffic calming devices for pedestrian safety. The port administrator gave Sharon a timeline of all of the pedestrian traffic safety meeting dates and history. It was suggested that May 15th would be possibly be a good date to have the WSDOT ‘Charette’ involving the community, local business owners, Mason County Commissioners and the Port of Hoodsport Commissioners. Commissioner O’ Laughlin reminded everyone that it is probably a shrimping day as shrimp season starts in May and is usually on a Saturday and Wednesday. The Port administrator will contact WSDOT to verify that date and time will work, and coordination with business owners as to the date, time and location. A Flyer will be created for the local residents and a publication in the local newspaper so the public will be aware and can attend the meeting. The port will facilitate the meeting and officially turn the pedestrian safety issue over to the County Commission as they have the resources and personnel to spearhead the project and move it forward. Jan Morris talked about the Fjordin Crossin event she will be hosting on Saturday June 29th at the Ports waterfront park and reserved part of the port dock for their Viking ship. She said Bruce Osborne is the new face of the Fjordin Crossin as he participated last year and painted a self portrait as a Viking. Bruce will be wearing his Viking apparel again this year and will be part of the crew taking the traditional barrel of Aquavit across the canal. Columbia Bank will be helping out this year; the state patrol said they would be present if there were no roadway accidents that called them away during the event. Vendors will be stationed in tents throughout Hoodsport at different locations starting at 11a.m., friends of the library will have a book sale, and the watercolor class will be selling their paintings. The advertisement sign has been made and will hang downtown over the highway. Food will be provided by the Tides and Nina’s café, friends of the Scandinavians’ may have a food booth. The boat carrying the Aquavit and the paddle races will launch from the Hoodsport dock at noon and there will be awards for paddling. Jan said there would be room for one more person if anyone from the Port was interested. The Lady Alderbrook will be joining in with an onboard event. Commissioner O’Laughlin said the Hama Hama Oysterama will be having their event on April 20th that draws 4900 people to the Hama Hama Oyster Co. in Lilliwaup and they have an approved WSDOT sign they may be willing to lend Jan.

Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner Brazil suggested making some professional looking signs for the front of the public restrooms to let people know the public restrooms are intermittently closed and that there are portable restrooms available. The port administrator will order metal signs. Commissioner O’ Laughlin said he has been here for 9 years since 2010 with both commissioners, together they accomplished many of things the public requested in a survey that was taken prior to this commission. In the last 10 years, this commission has done many projects such as beautifying the waterfront park so the public could have a place to have events, picnics and enjoy sitting by the waterfront marina, the public restrooms were installed in 2013, the Hoodsport trail park was saved from diseased trees, trails were blazed and maintained, the disc golf course has been a work in progress and will be a tremendous asset that will bring many tourists. We have done most all of the things we set out to accomplish, we have never had a 2-1 vote; we have worked well together to get things done. My house is selling and when it does, I will be resigning as a Hoodsport Port commissioner. There are a couple of well qualified people I know of who would be interested in the position. The Port commission will have 90 days to appoint someone to fill the position once I resign.

Port Maintenance Reports:

Hoodsport Trail Park: B. Osborne is coordinating with the disc golf association on mutual directional trail signs to be placed at trail intersections at the trail park. S. Lindgren has been removing branches and clearing debris on the trail. S. Lindgren said all three trash cans are always full at the trail park. B. Osborne suggested with better weather coming, it is possible to re open the trail park at the end of the month. The port administrator received an email from someone stating there were trees blocking the lower loop trail.

Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: S. Lindgren said in the high tide storm water, the dock lost a couple of bolts off of the rollers and the front fascia is loose. He said he will need to drill new holes through the plate and will be using double nut lock washers but will wait for better weather. Commissioner O’ Laughlin asked S. Lindgren to call the contractors and ask them about the bolts and fascia. The port administrator noticed people dragging a paddleboat from the dock toward the street and questioned the people as to whether it belonged to them. They said It did not belong to them and drug it back onto the dock. The port administrator will order the flowers for the planters and baskets for the spring season; they usually arrive at the beginning of May.

Public Restrooms: Currently open to the public intermittently as directed by the septic system specialists and Mason County.

Port parking/maintenance shed: Household trash is regularly being left in trash receptacles at the port restroom, waterfront park area, the Hoodsport trail park and by the Port dumpster.

Port Operations Manager Report:

The port administrator received and shared an email with the Mason County Levy summary showing levy rates for all County agencies.  Commissioner O'Laughlin asked that the draft addendum for the septic drain field lease agreement be tabled and re visited in the April or May at a regular port commission meeting due to how extremely busy Mike Purvis has been.  2019 first quarter time sheets were distributed to the port commissioners to be submitted to the County for payroll.  An email was read from Morgan Rothrock, Hoodsport Hills Disc Golf Warden stating there is not a lot to update everyone on since work parties have been on hold due to all of the snow. They are waiting for a good day to rake and pick up branches.  The next step will be sinking in baskets; he realized he was four locks short to secure the baskets. B. Osborne said to have Morgan call him, he has extra locks keyed the same.  

Budget:     The January and February financial statements were reviewed

Old Business:     As discussed above
New Business:     

Next Meeting:      April 17th to be held at the Port of Hoodsport Office

Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.

2019 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows: Wednesday’s at 9a.m. April 17th, May 15th, June 12th, June 26th, July 10th, July 24th, August 14th, August 28th, September 11th



2019 January 9 Minutes


January 9, 2019

Call to Order:
                Adjourned: 10:45am

Meeting Held at:    Port of Hoodsport 24113 N US Hwy 101 Hoodsport, WA

Roll Call:     Commissioner Petz – Commission Chair

                Commissioner O’ Laughlin – excused absence

Commissioner Brazil

Staff Present:     K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager

                B. Osborne – Director of Maintenance

                S. Lindgren – Maintenance

Public:         Mike Purvis – Hood Canal Grocery

        Ed Knizel – Resident

Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the agenda as

Written; Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.

Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the Regular Port Commission minutes from December 19, 2018, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.

The following Vouchers/Warrants are for approved of payment: December 1of1 in the amount of $10,065.75 and 4th ¼ Commission Payroll in the amount of $979.45 totaling $11,045.20

Public Communication:
Mike Purvis wanted to discuss further language to create an addendum to the existing ground lease between the Port of Hoodsport and Mike and Geri Purvis, owners of Hood Canal Grocery (HCG). The Purvis’ (HCG) dedicated portions of their property for the purpose of the Port of Hoodsport to build a public restroom, a septic system, and drain field with a reserve area for the Community and publics use. In 2018, the public restroom was shut down due to excessive and overwhelming use which created a strain on the existing septic systems drain field. After consultation with the environmental health department and septic design experts, the solution is to create an additional drain field for the septic system to tie into. The reserve area that was dedicated for the additional drain field is very valuable to the Purvis’ and to their future plans. Mike Purvis stated they are being very cautious of this land, as it is a limited resource and they definitely do not want to cut off options for their future growth. Mike told the commission he had parameters in which it could be utilized and wanted assurances that he could use the property he needs for his business’ future. IGA’s criteria’s are that if the additional drain field was created, they would want to eliminate the sanicans, as they definitely need the use all of their parking spaces. They would also like to agree on the hours and days of operation. He said they were adding two new public restrooms in their grocery store which would be utilized to serve their customers. Commissioner Petz said in regards to the limited hours of operation of the public restrooms, the port was having great success in deterring vandalism and drug activity with reduced hours in the early morning and late evening. Commissioner Brazil said most of the offenders were coming down from Lake Cushman in the morning to use the public restrooms, the bicyclists also wash their clothes in the sinks, and that he noticed the state limited their hours to the public restrooms at the state park. Mike Purvis asked if it was possible that the current drain field property could be strengthened and utilized somehow to maximize its potential as a mound system or something that could be used as the alternative drain field to give the new drain field a rest by switching drain fields every 6 months. Commissioner Brazil said the restroom usage far exceeded the Ports expectation which in turn is a tremendous burden of cost to the port for supplies and maintenance. S. Lindgren said he would flag the new septic system site area that is to be used so there is a visual aide for Mike Purvis. Mike Purvis would like to sit down with the Port of Hoodsport commission and focus on the plans which are mutually agreed upon in a way that fits both HCG and the Port; the verbiage can then be written as an addendum to the original ground lease agreement between the Port of Hoodsport and Hood Canal Grocery. Commissioner Petz asked how Mike wanted to proceed. Mike Purvis HCG said a good description of the property that is to be used needs to be written, he wanted verbiage to ensure the distance of the laterals were at least 12 feet apart so HCG could use the ground in between the drain field laterals in if needed. Commissioner Petz said lets go over the items needed. 1) it will be written as an Addendum to the original lease agreement 2)language to include drain field laterals to be built at a distance of at least 12 feet apart, holding the designer to this parameter 3) language for agreed upon hours of operation. A guest Ed Knizel suggested using a bio digestive system as a mini sewer treatment plant. Mike Purvis said it was a federally accepted system but not state accepted.

Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner Brazil said he noticed trees had fallen down on both sides of SR 119 within the distance of the trail park. He suggested to B. Osborne that we close the trail park during high winds and storms and asked B. Osborne to call WSDOT to find out if they can take down the leaning trees that were in the SR 119 right of way. Commissioner Petz asked S. Lindgren if he has been checking the septic drain field laterals during heavy rain. S. Lindgren said the same two laterals numbers 8 & 9 are filling up when it rains. Commissioner Brazil said the Port is currently talking about capital funding for the dock replacement, it will not last forever and is a huge maintenance concern especially in the winter. Mike Purvis said there was a good Grant writer in Hoodsport who writes grants for the District 17 Fire Department, he said Jim Boldt would know her name. Commissioner O’ Laughlin has a contact at the state level named Richard Ramsey who will be able to walk the Port through the paperwork for Capital Funding. Commissioner Petz asked the port administrator to get Ramsey’s phone number, the port needs to figure out whether they are heading down a design path with break water or to replace the existing dock as is.

Port Maintenance Reports:

Hoodsport Trail Park: B. Osborne is coordinating with the disc golf association on mutual directional trail signs to be placed at trail intersections at the trail park. S. Lindgren will be removing branches and debris on the trail. S. Lindgren said all three trash cans are always full at the trail park.

Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: S. Lindgren said in the high tide storm water, the dock lost a couple of bolts off of the rollers and the front fascia is loose. He said he will need to drill new holes through the plate and will be using double nut lock washers but will wait for better weather. There was a paddleboat that was shoved up under the dock from the wind and high water, he bailed it out and walked it to shore where it is currently tied up.

Public Restrooms: Currently open to the public intermittently as directed by the septic system specialists and Mason County.

Port parking/maintenance shed: Household trash is regularly being left in trash receptacles at the port restroom, waterfront park area, the Hoodsport trail park and by the Port dumpster. S. Lindgren said he cleaned the debris from behind the Port shed, there was a lot of water pouring in to the drain in the parking area by the shed, he pulled the lid off and there quite a bit of debris. Commissioner Petz asked whose drain it is. Mike Purvis said PUD#1 has a vacuum truck; they might be able to help suck out the debris. S. Lindgren will check with PUD#1 and also keep in touch with Mike Purvis as he may be hiring a guy to suck out their drains.

Port Operations Manager Report:

In regards to the ongoing traffic safety discussion, the Port administrator read an email response from Dennis Engel, WSDOT; who said he did hear about Mrs. Gray who was hit by a car in the crosswalk in front of the Hoodsport Columbia Bank and was sorry to hear about a community member getting hurt.  He was asked in an email to explain how a 'charette' moves the community forward in the installation of traffic safety devices along Highway 101 through Hoodsport and to outline what the agenda would look like.  Dennis said the 'Charette' agenda would have introductions, discussion on the purpose and goal of the meeting, identify the issues/goals, analyze the problem, discuss options for traffic calming, proposed solutions by the port commission and public then prioritize the solutions.  Once the 'charette' is completed, WSDOT will write a report detailing what was heard from the public and discussed, prioritize solutions including the planning level and estimates of the work.  WSDOT's intentions would be to send the draft to the port commission for review and editing before it is finalized.  He also mentioned that Steve Roark, WSDOT Region Administrator explained at one of the regular port commission meetings, they do not have any funding to install flashing signs at crosswalks or radar speed signs at this time.  In doing the report, the County or local community can then compete for funding grants to accomplish the work.  The report could also be used by WSDOT if funding becomes available for this type of request.  The report would be an important step in finding funding for traffic safety improvements along Hwy 101 through Hoodsport. 

Commissioner Petz responded by saying if this is the type of report that is needed to move forward in funding for someone to pick up the ball and run with it, the Port of Hoodsport is in full support of hosting the public meeting to get it done.  He said it would be best to turn it over to the Mason County Commission since they have access to funding and it could benefit their constituents, the citizens in Northern Mason County.  He asked the port administrator to contact the new County Commissioner Sharon Trask and invite her to the next regular port commission meeting, share the last 8 years worth of emails, meeting minutes and notes from discussions between the Public, the Port and WSDOT to discuss details and provide support.  The Port administrator will contact Commissioner Sharon Trask, local business owners and will make a flyer for the locals to find out when would be the best time to host the 'charette'.  Mike Purvis said he would like to see some policemen once in a while take the time to come to our community.  There is 5000 people living on and around the Hood Canal out of 30,000 people living in all of Mason County. All of these people live in our community; however, there are never police here to patrol or when we need them.  Someone needs to represent and take care of the people in and around Hoodsport.

Budget:     The December financial statement was reviewed

Old Business:     As discussed above    New Business:     None

Next Meeting:      February 13, 2019 to be held at the Port of Hoodsport Office

Adjourn:         Commissioner Brazil made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.

2019 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows: Wednesday’s at 9a.m. February 13th, March 13th, April 17th




________________________ _______________________ _____________________

Commissioner O’ Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil