2011, 08 23

Date Published: October 11, 2011



August 23, 2011


Call to Order:   9:03am                                                                  Adjourned: 10:03am


Roll Call:                                Commissioner O’Laughlin

                                                Commissioner Brazi

Commissioner Petz


Staff Present:                         Kathleen Wyatt LeMaster, Port Operations Manager

                                               Pat Hoff, Port Maintenance


Public:                                    Forest McCullough – NW Land & Tree

Approval of Agenda:  Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the 8-9-11 meeting agenda. Commissioner Petz made the second, passed unanimously.


Minutes: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the minutes of July 26, 2011. Commissioner Petz made the second, passed unanimously.


Vouchers: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve Vouchers August (1of1). Commissioner Petz made the second, passed unanimously.


Public Communication:   Forest McCullough NW Land & Tree. They are working in the Hoodsport Trail Park & will lock the gates to the Public for one week; some of the trees are really bad in the back. NW Land & Tree has spoken home owners at Lake Cushman, concerned homeowners expressed satisfaction and acknowledge they are managing trees. Signs will be posted “Park temporarily closed due to Removal of Dead & Diseased Tree’s”.

Commissioner Reports:  

Commissioner O’Laughlin will speak to Brian Cook regarding the Visitors Center contract. Commissioner O’Laughlin is locating Jerry the videographer regarding the current under water video tape showing sea life in the Hood Canal as a potential link to the Port website.


Port Maintenance Reports:   Discussed extensive damage done to the Marina dock by the big concrete boat that hit it last year.  Undetected until recently, wood & hinges were separated from the dock; repairs were made with stainless steel brackets, fabricated steel & wood beams.  Asphalt is being tracked in to the restrooms. A hose bib is needed to power wash restroom area. Pat will address the Pet Poop problem at the park by designating a Pet Poop Station across the street by the port o pot restroom area. A pet disposal dispenser & sign has been ordered, a fire hydrant & area will be erected especially for pets to discourage people to let pets poop on the grass and around people picnicking & enjoying the Marina park.


Port Operations Manager Report:

Twanoh State park closure to swimming notice will be posted at the Kiosk.

Tree Management Project was discussed. Real Estate was discussed; a project plan is in the works.  Gallons pumped from the temporary restrooms were discussed, increased volume due to additional days of crabbing, the Marina park area being utilized more & salmon fishing. Discussed totals from the marina park beautification project. News release from the Navy is extending the underwater unmanned range test sites, the closest one being Dabob Bay. Hoodsport Trail map is being reviewed for any changes before going to print. Discussed working on 2012 Budget in September.


Budget:    Review of Expenditures/Revenue

A motion was made by Commissioner Brazil to move $100,000.00 in to the investment account, Commissioner Petz made the second, unanimously approved.


Old Business:

  1. Discussion/Direction Regarding the Septic Design, Temporary & Permanent Restroom Projects: 

Septic Design:  County Environmental Health Specialist is reviewing the Easement.

Put on Hold until more research is done & other avenues explored.  Commissioner Petz expressed more exploration of the Port property South of West Realty as a possible Public restroom site & suggested doing the pre site inspection.

Permanent Restrooms:  CXT Montrose is the consideration.

Temporary Restrooms:  Up & running & being monitored.


New Business:


Setting Dates Next Meetings:  Next meetings dates are Tuesdays August 23rd, September 13, September 27th, October 11th, November 15th & December 20th.


Executive Session:    None


Adjourn: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Petz made the second, meeting adjourned at 10:03 am


Minutes Approved: July 26, 2011



________________________  _______________________  _____________________

Commissioner O’Laughlin        Commissioner Petz                  Commissioner Brazil