2024 January 17 Port of Hoodsport Regular Port commission Meeting Minutes

Date Published: March 10, 2024


January 17, 2023

Call to Order:   9:13am                                                   Adjourned:  10:46am

Hybrid Meeting Held at:   24113 North Highway 101, Suite A

Hoodsport, WA 98548

Virtual Zoom Conference Meeting Room ID#406-238-9936  

Roll Call:                             Commissioner Kincannon–Chairwoman/2nd Trustee

                                                Commissioner Brazil – 2nd Chairman/Trustee

                                                Commissioner Morris

Staff Present:                    K. Wyatt, Executive Director

                                                S. Lindgren – Maintenance Supervisor

Public speakers:             

Approval of Agenda:       Commissioner Kincannon motioned to approve the January 17, 2024, regular port commission agenda.  Commissioner Morris seconded; all in favor, it was unanimously approved.

Minutes: Commissioner Kincannon motioned to approve the regular port commission meeting minutes for December 13, 2023, Commissioner Brazil seconded, it was unanimously approved.

VouchersCommissioner Kincannon motioned to approve December 2023 Voucher, 1of1 in the amount of $10,728.10 and Q4 Commission Payroll in the amount of $1,392.38 Commissioner Morris seconded, it was unanimously approved.

Public Communication:   

Jan Moris with the Hardware Distillery handed S Lindgren a donation check in the amount of $500.00 for the Ports public dock repair fund.  Commissioner Kincannon thanked J Morris, owner of the Hardware Distillery for her generous donation and support. The director said the port is authorized to accept donations as per its ‘Donation Policy’, Resolution POH2023-02 accepting donations to serve a public purpose in support of specific projects or a donation in general. J Morris asked if the Port is going around to the businesses in Hoodsport for donations.  Commissioner Kincannon said yes, the Port already asked all business owners for donations in an email when we asked for their endorsement of the letter of support.  The Port commission will be asking legislation to apply for state capital funding in the 2025 session for either a full repair or replacement of the public dock.  It’s been said that when applying for capital funding, in their review of the application, it helps to see that the agency demonstrated fund-raising efforts.  J Morris said if the Port would like to have a presence at the Fjordin Crossin event, you are welcome to have a spot to set up a fundraising table for the dock repair.  Commissioner Kincannon said yes, that would be awesome, the director and I have been brainstorming with ideas for fundraising. Commissioner Morris said I would like to set up a table during Shrimp season for fundraising.  Commissioner Kincannon asked J Morris where they are with the EV charging stations.  J Morris said we are at a stumbling block, trying to get in touch with Blink is totally impossible, the engineer looked at the EVC spot at the ‘Landing Building’, said there were a couple of parking spaces, and that the pole would have to be upgraded to support a slow-fast charge.  He said the pole next to the portable restrooms and ports office could work, but the grocery store is at their limit.  We need to find out who owns the parking spaces, the director said the store owns the three parking spaces next to the portable restrooms.  J Morris said there is an EVC going in at the Sunrise Motel for their guests, but it is a 1 phase slow charge.  Commissioner Kincannon said if you need help, call me.  J Morris said on Friday night at the Brewery between 5;30-7pm there will be a meet and greet with the Superintendent for the Hood Canal School board, it will be informational, we would love to see you there to support.

Commissioner Reports    

Commissioner Morris said here’s an update on the dock, we got a bid from Marine Floats, the ports attorney sent them our contract and they submitted it to their legal department.  After reviewing the ports contract, they changed the hourly rate from $105. p/hour to $145. p/hour to meet prevailing wages.  It adds up to possibly about a 7% increase or $7,000., not nearly as dramatic of an increase of what was expected at 10%, the bid will be revised, doing rough math to about $48,264. We are waiting for the revised invoice.  Commissioner Kincannon asked the director if the port has enough funds to start the project while waiting for capital funding.  The director said yes, the end of year numbers shows the port collected all its property tax levy, collected $10,000. additional in Timber taxes and an additional $12,000. in interest. 2023’s end balance is $21,000.00 over what was estimated.  Commissioner Kincannon said I would like to make a motion to approve Marine Floats bid up to $50,000. Commissioner Morris seconded the motion, all in favor.  Commissioner Kincannon said everyone who was contacted for their endorsement on the letter of support was kind and supportive, we have verbal support and logos from local business owners and prominent community members and are still waiting to hear from a couple of business owners in Union.  We were advised to get the letter finalized now, as it is the cutoff time for the original ask for capital funding.  Commissioner Brazil said it will be tough pulling in money until summer can we ask small ports to contribute?  Commissioner Kincannon said we did receive the Washington Public Ports Association’s endorsement and logo to use on the letter.  Commissioner Kincannon asked if J Morris advertised the Fjordin Crossin event in the Fjord magazine, J Morris said yes, we don’t know when the next deadline is, it usually comes out in the spring and again just before the Fjordin Crossin event.  Rachel writes stories, maybe the Port could give her bullet points and ask her to include an article about what you want to raise funds for.  Commissioner Kincannon said it would be a great opportunity for the Port to advertise and keep the public informed on what is happening with the port’s public amenities, the dock repair, and be another resource for public donations.  Commissioner Morris said you may want to explore KMAS radio station and get an interview with Jeff Slakey with talking points about where the port is at with the dock situation and how to donate to help with dock repair. Commissioner Brazil said we need to let people know from outside the Hoodsport area before they come to the dock about what is going on. The director said we can start a campaign of awareness by creating a link on the port’s website specifically for the dock, showing the docks history, emergency dock situation and future dock repair information, a QR code and link to a donation page with information on how to make a donation can be established.  Commissioner Morris said that’s a great idea to get the community together with the limited repair also setting a template for the big ask next year.  The director said I will work with the web page designer and Commissioner Kincannon on the port’s website.  Commissioner Kincannon said we can reach out to the Shelton Mason County Journal to write an article to update the public with information, a direct contact and where to go to read about dock repair specifics.  Commissioner Morris said we are planning to attend Port Day at the capital in Olympia on February 2nd, do we need to sign up?  Commissioner Kincannon said there is an open schedule, we are working with the lobbyist to set up specific meetings with legislators.

Port Maintenance Reports:

Hoodsport Trail Park & Disc Golf Park:  S Lindgren said I finished the signs, the arrow, flora, fauna, storybook trail, and parking lot signs for the trail park are all made up and can be installed in many ways.  The state originally used 4×4 posts with concrete bases, but they are all gone.  We can put the signs on the trees, concrete posts, or wood posts.  How does the commission want them installed? Commissioner Kincannon said we want good quality, plastic milk carton posts that are indestructible and will last a long time.  S Lindgren said, unfortunately it has been our experience that anything put into the ground will be vandalized, knocked down or torn down.  The mule is rigged with implements for the additional 9 holes at the disc golf course. We only need one basket and 1 t box; all of the others were recovered.  The parking lots are all draining nicely, and the planted trees are green and healthy. 

Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park:  S Lindgren said there’s a big dead head stump in the water, it washed up between the pilings at the dock.  We have been trying to push it off, apparently someone south of the ports dock, released a bunch of tree stumps and they are moving around in the water with the storms and high tides.  Barbara Gray would like the gate to the pier moved toward the ramp so people can walk on the pier.  Commissioner Brazil said we are really short on cash these days with the dock repair but could get a bid and let her know what it costs.  Commissioner Kincannon asked S Lindgren if B Gray would like to come to the next regular port commission meeting to talk about the gate and what the port’s situation is, she is welcome.  S Lindgren said, I measured the area to bring the container shed down to port property, we can’t put it perpendicular but can fit it in on the grass parallel to the parking area.  I will spray paint the exact area the container shed can fit into so the commission can see the vision of what it will look like.  The price is between $300.-$500. to move the container shed. Commissioner Morris said we can hire a local artist to paint a mural on it with ‘Welcome to Hoodsport’.  Commissioner Brazil said when was there a container conversation?  Commissioner Kincannon said at the last meeting, you were not present.  The port has items of value to store and came up with this option. The insurance company suggested moving the container as it is in a vulnerable spot.  S Lingren said the parking spaces across from the dock need restriping.

Portable Restrooms:  The Port of Hoodsport and Hood Canal Market Fresh share the cost of renting portable restrooms with hand washing stations for the public’s use.  In the summer season, they are serviced 3 times per week.  In winter, November through April there are 2 rentals, each serviced twice per week.  The Ports maintenance department monitors them for trash and additional toilet paper as needed in between services.  

Port parking/Office building/Maintenance shed:  The same locals continue to throw household garbage in the trash cans.  The director reminded everyone that the Port facility maintenance is short of a person to help with garbage during the winter and in all port areas in summer season.

Port Directors Report:  The Director said the letter of support was a joint effort between the lobbyist, the port commission and me, we made phone calls and sent emails to business owners, longtime residents, and prominent people for their endorsement.  We gathered business logos, historical facts and pertinent information to convey the best scenario of exactly what the Port of Hoodsport’s dock means to the community from a recreational, business and emergency situation standpoint.  Commissioner Kincannon made sure the letter was a single page, worded to describe the port’s dock situation and its importance to the town and surrounding communities and included business logos and names of people who endorsed the letter.  The final letter was submitted along with photos of the waterfront park and the dock in its current state of disrepair, the presentation was very well done.  The letter was submitted by the port’s lobbyist to local state representatives Dan Griffey and Travis Couture.  They then submitted a formal member request local community project information form to the House members requesting a separate appropriation of $41,200. within the capital budget for this project.  All funding then becomes at the discretion of the Legislature. 2024 is a ‘lame duck’ legislative session in which most all capital funding was already designated in the 2023 session, the capital funding pool for these last-minute requests is under $200,00.00.  We are crossing our fingers.  Regarding Marine Floats, we are waiting for their legal team to send the port another invoice with their final cost and a signed contract.  The Mason conservation district applied for a grant and wanted to confirm with the commission that if they receive the grant, they would be able to do an invasive species study at the Hoodsport Hills Disc Golf course.  Mason County Elections department breaks down their annual election costs between fire districts, port districts and school districts.  2023 election costs including salaries, wages, benefits, supplies etc, totaled $176,502.  The Port of Hoodsport’s share was $1,236.04, the Port’s general election for Commission position #2 cost $914.05.  A total of $2,150.09 will be swept from the Port of Hoodsport’s general account in February 2024. We previously discussed advertising in the Fjord magazine.  I will be discussing the Port’s donation policy with the port attorneys to find out exactly what activities the port can be involved in for fundraising. 

Budget:    December 2023 financial statements were reviewed.

Old Business:  As discussed above        New Business:    As discussed above.

Next Meeting:    February 14th, March 13th

Adjourn:          Commissioner Morris made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Kincannon seconded, it was unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at am 10:46am

2023 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:

Wednesday’s at 9am  February 14th, March 13th

_______________________  _____________________  _________________________                  

Commissioner Kincannon         Commissioner Brazil         Commissioner Morris