September 21, 2016
Call to Order:
Adjourned: 10:25am
Meeting Held at: Hoodsport Port Commission Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA
Roll Call: Commissioner O’ Laughlin – Commission Chair
Commissioner Brazil
Commissioner Petz
Staff Present: K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager
Public: Morgan Rothrock, President of Shelton Disc Golf Assn
Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the September 21, 2016 meeting agenda, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.
Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the Regular Port Commission minutes of August 24, 2016; Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.
Commissioner Petz motioned to approve the following Vouchers for payment
September 1of1 totaling $6,755.00; Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.
Public Communication:
Morgan Rothrock updated the Port commission on the progress at the Hoodsport Trail Park. He said they put up 24 bright white metal directional trail signs about 15 feet up in the trees so they wouldn’t be vandalized. Next they will be making fairway signs which will look different to differentiate fairway/trail signage. They are reconfiguring some of the holes to be more playable and added four holes to the loop. They will move the signage accordingly if any of the holes are relocated. Commissioner O’ Laughlin asked if they anticipate all 18 holes to be finished by spring 2017. M. Rothrock said it will depend on the work party but they are shooting for completion of all 18 holes by spring 2017. They cleared brush on the flat area of the lower loop so the trail is more visible. Commissioner O’ Laughlin said he found shooting targets at the trail park. Commissioner Brazil said he heard someone shooting a BB gun and also a Pellet gun in the woods in the residential development at Lake Cushman across State Rt 119 from the trail park. He found some teenagers and approached them to let them know there were rules and regulations against shooting. The Port commission asked K. Wyatt at the August 24th commission meeting to spearhead and write the grant for a beginner 9 hole disc golf project which would include a sheltered picnic area, paved trails which would be ADA accessible doubling as an area for seniors and children to walk for exercise. K. Wyatt researched all of the aspects of putting together a project of this magnitude and presented a package to each Commissioner showing a grant funding timeline, list of people who would need to be involved including contractors, biologists, ADA specialists, designers, permits, matching fund sources and a project report on a similar park renovation. She expressed how this project would entail much more than she could handle and respectfully declined the Commissions offer. She recommended hiring a full time project manager and a professional grant writer who has experience and has been awarded grant money through the Recreation Conservation Organization. The Port Commission thanked her for her honesty, time and research then talked about tabling the project for now. Commissioner O’ Laughlin made a motion to delay the process of development of the 9 hole disc golf course and picnic area on the 20 acres at the Hoodsport Trail Park for now to look at some alternatives. Commissioner Brazil seconded the motion, it was unanimously approved. Commissioner Brazil said in light of the information, he would like the Port to focus their money and time in completing the current 18 hole disc golf course. Commissioner Petz said he would like to at least apply for a vault toilet at the upper parking area. Commissioner O’ Laughlin agreed and said let’s focus on getting the first 18 holes completed with all signage and have a big grand opening inviting the Public to attend. M. Rothrock said a path may not need to be paved for ADA usage. Commissioner O’ Laughlin said he was at a disc golf course in Florida and it was an open concept. He said after the 18 holes is completed, lets re visit the idea and take a look at other funding sources as well, maybe looking at some tourism tax money. Commissioner Petz said we might take a look at other funding sources for the Vault restroom as well. Commissioner Petz said he would like to see a kiosk at the upper trail parking area with an area to post upcoming events. M. Rothrock said he would create a kiosk type sign for the parking area. M. Rothrock said it was valuable to have a course that is a challenge and beautiful too and in assessing the holes individually, they were all strong on their own. If you approach a hole in the right way it keeps the imagination going and that is what the lower nine already does. Someone he knows who is a professional disc golfer played the course and rated each hole online. He is a prolific reviewer in Washington State and he gave the Hoodsport Trail disc golf course 4 stars in its current condition. He broke it down hole by hold and described the nuances at each hole making it sound like he was into the journey, it was super positive and what other disc golfers will look at. M. Rothrock will put together a conceptual drawing that can be published and released to resorts, the chamber and the tourism board.
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner O’ Laughlin said he would approach the WSDOT to see if they would offset costs to maintain the Public restrooms since there was no rest area on Hwy 101.
Port Maintenance Reports:
Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: B. Osborne was not present at today’s meeting
Public Restrooms:
Hoodsport Trail Park:
Port Operations Manager Report:
K. Wyatt reported that since July, over 900 Mutt Mitts were used or stolen from the dog poo stations at the public restrooms and Waterfront Park. A savings of $133.00 per month on the water bill was acknowledged since the irrigation system was reset. The replacement 10″ exhaust fan in the men’s restroom will be sent back to CXT for exchange of an 8″ exhaust fan. K. Wyatt will instruct the maintenance contractor to remove flowers from planters and hanging baskets, turn off the irrigation system and drain down the fire line on the dock in preparation for winter. The maintenance crew will also be going on a winter schedule for maintaining the public restrooms. K. Wyatt made copies of an article that was published in the Washington Public Ports Associations newsletter talking about the Port of Hoodsport’s future disc golf plans at the Hoodsport Trail park. K. Wyatt handed the commissioners a copy of the Port of Hoodsport’s Fall 2016 Newsletter which will be published on the Port’s website and in the Lake Cushman’s newsletter. K.Wyatt gave the Port commission a copy of the Ports 2017 Insurance Binder and schedule for their information. K. Wyatt received an email from K. Masteller at PUD#1 regarding a shipment date of the EV Car Charging station, Blink the car charging Station Company anticipates shipping the wall mount EV car charging unit on September 24th. K. Wyatt called Centurylink to cancel their contract in order to save the Port money by using a local internet provider; the sales rep said they had to charge the Port $1530.00 to cancel the contract. Commissioner O’ Laughlin said that was ridiculous and asked K. Wyatt to have the sales rep send a copy of the contract and cancellation policy for review. K. Wyatt approached two oversized boats who insisted on mooring at the Ports marina dock on a windy choppy day on the canal, she noticed some of the boards and 4×4’s on the dock were lifting and asked the Port commission to take a look at them. Commissioner O’ Laughlin said he had a dock and used certain types of screws that would withstand the elements. He directed K. Wyatt to have the maintenance contractors tighten down the boards. K. Wyatt will be ordering Port of Hoodsport hats and vests for new maintenance contractors so they can be identified by the public while working on port properties. K. Wyatt collected 3rd ¼ timesheets from the commission. K. Wyatt set up a tour of the Lake Kokanee Fish Hatchery for October; a consensus determined the best date at time would be October 11th at 3pm.
Budget: The Port of Hoodsport reviewed the August Financial Statement.
Old Business: As discussed above
New Business: None
Next Meet: Regular Port Commission meeting Wednesday September 21, 2016 at 9am
Adjourn: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:25am
2016 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:
Wednesday’s at 9a.m. October 12, November 9, December 14
________________________ _______________________ _____________________
Commissioner O’ Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil