Call to Order:
Adjourned: 10:20am
Meeting Held at: Hoodsport Port Commission Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA
Roll Call: Commissioner O’ Laughlin – Commission Chair
Commissioner Brazil
Commissioner Petz
Staff Present: K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager
B. Osborne, Director of Maintenance
Public: Darin Hall & Ron Gold – PUD#1
Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the April 28, 2016 meeting agenda, Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.
Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the Regular Port Commission minutes of April 6, 2016; Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.
There were no Vouchers to be approved
Public Communication:
Darin Hall and Ron Gold both with PUD#1 wanted to address any concerns that the Port of Hoodsport had in regard to installing the EV Car Charging Station. Ron Gold pointed out that Washington State has one of the lowest carbon footprints in the United States and was #2 in clean air and they were very proud that PUD#1 could partner with the Port of Hoodsport and IGA to install a car charging station to provide clean energy and public power. It was determined that the EV Car Charging station’s internal modem’s service provider (Sprint) does not provide internet service to the Hoodsport area so there will be an additional installation and recurring cost for the broadband service to the car charging station. Further discussion determined the charging station would be a wall mount unit instead of a pedestal unit and that it would be affixed to the Public restroom where the ADA parking currently exists. A relocation of the ADA parking stall will be made allowing easy accessibility to the car charging station, it will be located on the West side of the public restroom. K. Wyatt provided a cost breakdown reiterating that PUD#1 will purchase the EV car charging Station and signage advertising a clean energy partnership promoting public power, the Port of Hoodsport will cover the installation costs and the IGA, Hood Canal Grocery will cover recurring costs. The Port is waiting for Electrical bids to determine the installation costs. K. Wyatt will find out if the electrical conduit for the septic pump station can also facilitate power to the modem and/or car charging station. Darin Hall determined the power pole next to the Public restroom could host the EV Car Charging station.
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner O’ Laughlin attended the Mason County Department of Community Development hearing regarding a Shoreline and special use permit which was required for IGA to expand their business. As per the discussion at the April 6th regular port commission meeting, it was unanimously agreed upon by the port commission that they fully supported IGA with their future business plans because it was good for the community and tourism. Commissioner O’ Laughlin said there were many people at the public hearing testifying in favor of the ACE hardware store expansion which would expand the IGA business by 5600 square feet. Commissioner Brazil was approached by the Lions club who asked if they could put a banner on the Port’s metal railing alongside Hwy 101 advertising a Breakfast to raise funds for the Veterans. Commissioner O’ Laughlin took Senator Sheldon up to the Hoodsport Trail Park to show him the progress on the Championship Disc golf course. While they were at the park, a disc golf player asked them to step aside so he could through a disc into a basket. Both Commissioner O’ Laughlin and Senator Sheldon were impressed by the finesse of the player and accuracy of where the disc landed. Commissioner asked B. Osborne how the progress was with cutting out some of the trees that fell during the last wind storm. B. Osborne said he was making progress cutting up the logs in the lower loop of the park and will be making his way to the upper loop soon. Commissioner Brazil said the cruise ship that has been moored out in the canal in front of the Ports Marina and dock is the North West Expedition from Seattle; it brings tourists, kayakers and swimmers to Hoodsport for weekend excursions.
Port Maintenance Reports:
Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: B. Osborne will be planting flowers in the cement planters alongside the highway and hanging flower baskets from the power poles when they all arrive. The annual fire line pressure test requirement at the Marina dock is scheduled by Knight Fire after the final frost and by May.
Public Restrooms: Restrooms remain busy. Toilet paper & non slip floor mats continue to be desired targets for thieves.
Hoodsport Trail Park: A surveillance camera will be put up in the parking lot. Materials have been purchased and B. Osborne is working on rebuilding the roof to the kiosk that was damaged in the wind storm. Trees that fell during a wind storm have been cut up in the lower loop; the upper loop will be next. The picnic table will be moved from the South parking lot to the north parking lot. B. Osborne is waiting to find out how to mesh the trail signs with the disc golf. Locks are being purchased for the T baskets.
Port Operations Manager Report:
K. Wyatt asked if everyone noticed that as a direct result of the September 2015 meeting between the Port of Hoodsport and WSDOT, the crosswalk has been relocated on US Hwy 101 from the South side of State Rt 119 to the North side. This was one of the tasks WSOT agreed to, making it less dangerous for pedestrians to cross the highway. Drivers coming down from Lake Cushman roll up to the stop sign looking left in anticipation of the right turn on to the highway which resulted in some near misses with crossing pedestrians. It also made more sense when there are events in town to have people cross on the North side of US Highway 101 when the State Troopers were directing traffic Up State Route 119. K. Wyatt distributed a Local Business Guide Hood Canal map created by the Chamber of Commerce pinpointing where local and outlying businesses are located while traveling within North Mason County and alongside the canal. Commissioner Brazil suggested they add the Hoodsport Trail Park and Disc Golf course on State Route 119. K. Wyatt will call the Chamber for next year’s addition. The biennial report for the Hoodsport Trail Park which will be submitted to the National Park Service was reviewed with one suggestion by Commissioner Petz to reference the Program of Utilization Plan which is a document of how the Hoodsport Trail Park is to be utilized according to the transfer of the 80 acre trail park from the State of Washington to the Port of Hoodsport. An update on what is still needed from the Wa. State Dept. of Transportation to complete the application to for Grant money to purchase a flashing crosswalk beacon and two vehicle radar speed signs was discussed. The application still requires a method of count for the determination of how many pedestrians and bicycles cross the street. K. Wyatt gave the Commissioners a formal ‘Pedestrian and Bicycle Count’ form and exact method to count bicyclists and pedestrians during a two hour period on a given day. The statistics will be used as part of the information submitted on the grant application. The application will then be given to WSDOT (co applicants) to finish and submit to their funding department. K. Wyatt shared an email from the Recreational Conservation Organization (RCO) regarding information still needed in order to submit an application for grant money for a Vault Restroom to be installed at the Hoodsport Trail park. The Port Commission already submitted a detailed Parks and Recreation Comp Plan to RCO and a Resolution that adopted the plan. RCO is requesting the Port to update their Master Comprehensive Plan which cost the Port $36,000. to update by a consulting firm in 2006. Commissioner Petz said he does not agree with their request and feels that the 2016 Parks and Recreation Plan and Resolution adopting it that the Port submitted to RCO by their deadline was appropriate as per their guidelines. Ports by law are not required to have a Comprehensive Plan however are required to have a comprehensive scheme, he felt the plan amendment was sufficient and should be qualified as per their guidelines. K. Wyatt outlined a Memorandum of Understanding to be used between the Port of Hoodsport and IGA to turn over the EV Car Charging station. The Commission made suggestions to the MOU and suggested doing an addendum to the original MOU in regards to the Public restroom since the EV Car Charging station will be mounted on the side of the restroom. K. Wyatt presented a Cost breakdown to the Port commission on costs to date for purchases associated with the disc golf course, the costs are all within the $30,000. that was budgeted for the disc golf course improvements. K. Wyatt and the Ports CPA are currently working together on the annual schedule 22 audit.
Budget: Port of Hoodsport March 2016 Financial Statement was reviewed
Old Business: As discussed above
New Business: None
Next Meet: Regular Port Commission meeting Thursday May 11, 2016 at 9am
Adjourn: Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:20 am. On April 28, 2016.
2016 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows: Wednesday’s at 9a.m. May 11, May 25, June 8, June 29, July 13, July 27