Minutes: 2-11-2014

Date Published: May 6, 2015



February 11, 2014

Call to Order:

Meeting Held at:    Hoodsport Port Commissions Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA

Roll Call:     Commissioner Brazil

Commissioner O’Laughlin – excused absence

    Commissioner Petz

Staff Present:     K. LeMaster, Port Operations Manager

                B. Osborne, Hoodsport Services                

Public:     Janene Bandes – Hoodsport Community Events Assn

    Janene Bandes – Mason County Chamber of Commerce

Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the 02-11-14 meeting agenda. Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.

Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the minutes of January14, 2014. Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.

Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the Vouchers of January 2014 2of2 $4,974.80 & February 1of1 $3,554.22 Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.

Public Communication:

Janene with Hoodsport Community Events Assn. conveyed that the Celebrate Hoodsport annual Fireworks event is scheduled to be held on Saturday July 5, 2014 and will always be scheduled on the Saturday closest to the 4th of July. The HCEA appreciates all the Port does to help serve the Public during the Celebrate Hoodsport event. Commissioner Petz reminded everyone the Fire Marshall stated that no boats can be within 250 feet of where the fireworks will be launched off the boat dock. The Commissioners asked the HCEA to please communicate in a timely manner ALL events that will utilize Port property. It was reiterated that the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony is scheduled for 2014 and has been handed over to the Kiwanis. B. Osborne volunteered to help the Hoodsport Community Events Committee with their events in 2014. Janene is affiliated with the Mason County Chamber of Commerce who is requesting to be on the Port of Hoodsport agenda at the March 5th meeting. The Chamber is interested in resurrecting the Hoodsport Business Association; B. Osborne volunteered to attend meetings representing the Port of Hoodsport. It is possible the Chamber would unite in costs to purchase and maintain flower baskets in Hoodsport as they have a beautification committee. The Chamber has a Monday morning ‘eblast’ dedicated to current local news. The Chambers goal is to bring the South/North Canal and Shelton under one umbrella.

Commissioner Reports:

Commissioner Brazil walked the Hoodsport Trail Park and noted some Big Fir Trees fell on some of the trails. He suggested the Port solicit bids to cut them out of the trail. He reported the 16,000+ trees that were planted as part of the reforestation last year are all growing very well. He is opposed to taking out Alder trees at this time as suggested by a logger and noted a patch of Alder trees were re planted. Commissioner Petz said if any more trees were to be removed it would require an approach with minimal damage. More information would be needed to remove additional dying trees.

Port Maintenance Reports:

Someone is stealing the toilet paper and dispensers from the Public restrooms. Flower baskets will be ordered soon for Port property for the hanging baskets. Maintenance needs to take some time off and will be checking in to an alternate relief contracted maintenance company who can provide back up and relief.

Port Operations Manager Report:

The Polar Bear Plunge was held at the Alderbrook Resort this year and was put on by the Lions Club. Commissioner Petz suspects they may want to use the Port of Hoodsport dock next year as he understands there were fewer participants, funds raised and the participants were ferried out to a dock to do their plunge. It was suggested someone rent floating hot tubs for participants and onlookers for their next event. Washington Traffic Safety Commission stated in an effort to eliminate traffic deaths & serious injuries on the roads, they were offering grant opportunities for 2015. Commissioner O’Laughlin has affiliations with them and will be seeking this opportunity for the Port to obtain variable speed control monitors and other traffic safety devices for the Hoodsport area. Ginger Eagle with Washington Public Ports Assn will be looking for possible grants to support the Port of Hoodsport. The Clean Marina people will be contacted for grants to help with Emergency response and marina spill kits. A letter of recommendation was written and signed for Kelly’s Excavation on a job well done with regards to the installation of the septic system for the new public restrooms. A Mason County Levy summary was reviewed to see how taxes were computed for the budget of Port of Hoodsport. A survey will be put together asking the Public for their input on what they would like to see as future projects in Hoodsport. The Port Commissioners will be reviewing the Comprehensive Plan to determine specific questions for the survey. Dates for Port meetings were scheduled through September 2014.

Review of Expenditures/Revenue month ending December 2013

Old Business:

New Business:

Next Meetings:
Next meeting date is Wednesday March 5, 2014 at 9am.

Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port meeting. Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 11:15am

2014 Regular Port Commission Meetings
are scheduled as follows: Wednesdays at 9 a.m.: March 5, March 19, May 7, May 21, June 11, June 25, July 9, July 23, August 13, August 27, September 10

Minutes Approved: January 14, 2014

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Commissioner O’Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil