2012, 05 08

Date Published: October 20, 2012



May 8, 2012


Call to Order:   9:00am                                                      Adjourned: 11:10am


Roll Call:                               Commissioner O’Laughlin

                                                Commissioner Brazil

Commissioner Petz


Staff Present:                      KS  LeMaster, Port Operations Manager

                                                Pat Hoff, Port Maintenance


Public:                                   Krag Onsold ~ WSU 4H

Forest McCullough – NWLand&Tree

Holly Reed & Lucy ~ Hoodsport Community Events Assn.

Mike & Geri Purvis ~ IGA


Approval of Agenda:  Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the 5-8-12 meeting agenda. Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.


Minutes: Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the minutes of April 10, 2012. Commissioner Petz approved.


Vouchers: Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the Vouchers April (3of3), May (1of1) Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.


Public Communication: 

The Events Committee was represented by Holly Reed. Responsibilities determined at the March 13, 2012 regular port commission meeting were discussed.  IGA will offer all day parking at $20. Commissioner O’Laughlin will talk to D.O.T. regarding 2 hour parking signs. Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to hire an Off Duty State Trooper to for traffic control to ensure public safety, Commissioner Petz seconded the motion, unanimously approved. A follow up meeting will be held at the next regular port commission meeting on Tuesday May 22nd at 4pm.

Krag Onsold from the WSU 4H program presented a proposal for the WSU 4H crew to work on the Hoodsport Trail park in July to reconstruct the natural contour the trail park & restore trails & signs.  Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the budgeted expenditure of $9,000. and the additional $30,000 needed by the 4H crew with a caveat there may be additional funds needed, Commissioner Petz seconded the motion, unanimously approved. NW Land & Tree will clean up debris, re establish trails and be available with equipment for the 4H crew to utilize. 17,000+ trees and hundreds of native plants will be replanted by the forester. Krag will contact & coordinate purchase of native plants for stabilization & they will create a new trail map.  The Port has permission from Green Crow to continue to use the road easement until the 4H crew is finished in the fall of 2012.


Commissioner Reports:  

Commissioner Brazil reported content from the Port Newsletter was used for the Lake Cushman Newsletter. Due to increased vandalism at the Hoodsport Trail park and the Port dock, Commissioner O’Laughlin suggested using Game camera’s for surveillance.  A presentation will be done by a Surveillance company at the next port meeting.


Port Maintenance Reports: Bird wire was replaced, pier caps were installed, the dock is being cleaned on a regular basis, dog poo stations were installed at the Marina park.  Phase II of the Marina Park beautification is under way, irrigation is being installed, sod will be down this week end, flowers were purchased.  The Christmas tree that was purchased for the Christmas Tree lighting ceremony is dying, Bill Hunter will donate a Noble Tree in October 2012. Drip irrigation lines on the telephone poles to water the Port flower baskets were approved by PUD#1.  The Trail Park will be opened, existing picnic tables will be refurbished for tables to be used by the creek.  The Kiosk & trail head signs are being stripped down and readied for repair. New parking area will be ready.  Dirt purchased by the Port and being used for the Marina project is being stolen, signs have been erected to STOP taking the dirt.


Port Operations Manager Report:

Preparations are being made for the “All Ports” meeting on May 22nd, Port Commissioners from the Ports of Shelton, Allyn, DeWatto & Grapeview will be attending.  A presentation by ‘Maritime Security Operations’ will be made at the next regular port commission meeting to address the surveillance situation at the the Marina dock and Hoodsport Trail park.  No Swimming, No Jumping signs will be made for the Port dock.  HCTC was called to remove a cable that has been hanging from the power lines in front of the Port beach sidewalk to prevent kids from pulling on it.


Budget:    Review of Expenditures/Revenue for the month ending March 2012


Old Business:


  1. Discussion/Direction Regarding the Septic Design, Temporary & Permanent Restroom Projects: 

Septic Design:  Commissioner Petz & the architect are moving forward as per requirements made at the pre conference meeting with Mason County.

Permanent Restrooms:  CXT Montrose is the consideration.

Temporary Restrooms:  Up & running & being monitored.

Commissioner Petz summarized the current tasks in the process of the Permanent Restrooms.  He attended the  April 24, 2012 hearing to discuss the shoreline development permit and property line variance.  No objections were made and no outcome determination yet, there is a high expectation for approval. The Easement is signed and ready to record after final determinations have been made. The county is awaiting the amended Geotech Report.  Final review of the septic design based on restroom design & pumping records. Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve a proposal given by Foster & Williams to prepare and assist with the entire process of the bid packages, Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.  Join WA State Co Op to purchase permanent restroom, Permits issued, Award septic, order restroom, septic installation, and restroom installation.


New Business:


Next Meetings:  Next meeting date is Tuesday May 22nd at 4pm.


2012 Tuesday Meetings are scheduled as follows:

May 22nd @ 4pm, June 5th @ 9am, June 19th @ 9am


Adjourn: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port meeting. Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 11:10pm



Minutes Approved: April 10, 2012



________________________  _______________________  _____________________

Commissioner O’Laughlin        Commissioner Petz                  Commissioner Brazil