2011, 03 23

Date Published: May 4, 2012



March 23, 2011


Call to Order:   9:30am                                                                    Adjourned:  11:00am


Roll Call:                                         Commissioner O’Laughlin         Present

                                                         Commissioner Brazil                  Excused Absence

Commissioner Petz                    Present


Staff Present:                                  Kathleen Wyatt LeMaster

                                                         Pat Hoff, Port Maintenance


Public:                                             Ken Cook, Citizen

Forrest McCullough, NW Land/Tree

Approval of Agenda:  Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the meeting agenda, Commissioner Petz made the second, passed unanimously.


Public Communication:  Forrest McCullough w/ NW Land & Tree, a local company with local employees presented a Proposal regarding the Wood issues at Hoodsport Trail Park – 20 Acres, owned by the Port of Hoodsport. The State wants dead & diseased tree’s cut down on both sides of Hwy 119. A letter of recommendation was provided with costs of a forester & the scope of work, including Applications, Prep, DNR, logging & impact plan, & will market the timber. NW Land & Tree will split the revenue of selling the timber at market and will share profit with the Port of Hoodsport at 50%, this will cover their fees for selective thinning & removal of diseased & dangerous trees.  Value of timber is determined by current market value.  Weather permitting it will take a month.  There are 5 Big tree’s and lots of small tree’s to be cut out of the trail, NW Land & Tree will clear the trail & cut logs into very large benches to be placed alongside the trail. The hourly rate is $100. p/hr and the estimation is under 4 hours.  ‘We’re solving an emergent issue and being compensated by the sale of the trees’.

Commissioner Petz made a motion to hire NW Land & Tree to clear trails in the park as soon as possible so the trail can be opened at $100. p/hr with a maximum upper limit of 4 hours work. Commissioner O’Laughlin made a second, passed unanimously.

Commissioner Petz made a motion to hire NW Land & Tree according to the Tree Harvest proposal dated 2-17-2011 & to have the tree harvest done in accordance with Carlson Forrestry’s recommendations.  Ben Carlson Forrestry will be hired to work with NW Land & Tree as per the proposal.  Commissioner O’Laughlin made a second, passed unanimously.
Commissioner O’Laughlin requested Kathleen contact Lake Cushman Homeowners Assn. to let them know about the tree removal and benefits to area residents.  Commissioner O’Laughlin also acknowledged he would contact the Kiwanas for a firewood donation to their organization.


Commissioner Reports:

Commissioner Petz was selected to be on the Committee for the Shoreline Management Plan as a Citizen.

Commissioner O’Laughlin spoke to land owner Mike Purvis regarding septic system status for the Port restrooms.


Port Operations Manager Reports:  Provided Commissioners with a hard copy of the ‘Amended Budget’, Commissioner Petz requested a copy be emailed.  Reported on two office spaces available in Hoodsport. The Port received a letter from the Hoodsport Community Events Committee requesting usage of the Port dock for 4th of July fireworks. Kathleen will write a response letter back to HCEA regarding usage granted only if they conform to Safety standards outlined in letter.   Commissioner O’Laughlin will attend the next HCEA meeting to address any questions or concerns.

A motion was made by John O’Laughlin that the Port of Hoodsport provides two off duty police officers.  Motion was seconded by Mike Petz, passed unanimously.

A letter was received by Port of Seattle requesting law enforcement information for Port of Hoodsport to be added to a roster.  Knight fire Protection completed repairing the fire lines on the dock, they indicated something very large hit the dock and broke the line.  Kathleen will check into the warranty or insurance to pay for the damage.  Pat Hoff will order planters for the Port property & provide flowers.  Commissioner O’Laughlin will contact Terry on a sprinkler design.


Consent Agenda:

Minutes: Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the minutes of February 23, 2011. Commissioner Petz made the second, passed unanimously.

Vouchers: Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the voucher dated March 17, 2011, page 1 of 1Commissioner Petz made the second, passed unanimously.


Old Business:

1. Discussion and Direction Regarding the Permanent Restroom Project:

Commissioner Petz did more comparisons & still likes the CTX

Reviewed Lease to Purchase for the Pacific Mobile temporary unit.

2. Discussion Regarding County Permit for Septic System:

After County approval of Site tests, Geotech & Easement,  Jim Ayres will provide 6 copies of the Site plan so we can put the job ‘Out to Bid’ to contractors on MRSC roster after the County’s approval.

3. Discussion Regarding Perpetual Use Easement:

Commissioner O’Laughlin to follow up with Mike Purvis on Easement.

A motion was made by Commissioner Petz to lease the portable unit for the summer season and in parallel, purchase the CTX option and have the timing of construction be simultaneous with removal of the portable unit. Commissioner O’Laughlin seconded the motion, passed unanimously.


New Business:


3. Setting Dates For Port Meetings: There was a consensus of the Commission to meet on the following dates April 13, 2011 & April 27, 2011


Executive Session:    None


Adjourn: Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Petz made the second, meeting adjourned at 11:00am


Minutes Approved: February 9, 2011



________________________  _______________________  _____________________

Commissioner O’Laughlin        Commissioner Petz                  Commissioner Brazil