April 13, 2011
Call to Order: 9:32am Adjourned: 10:45am
Roll Call: Commissioner O’Laughlin
Commissioner Brazil
Commissioner Petz
Staff Present: Kathleen Wyatt LeMaster, Port Operations Manager
Pat Hoff, Port Maintenance
Public: No Comments
Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the agenda. Commissioner Petz made the second, passed unanimously.
Minutes: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the minutes of March 23, 2010. Commissioner Petz made the second, passed unanimously. Commissioner Petz added to the minutes under Old Business Item #1 that Pat Hoff described the significant maintenance problems with the portable unit which helped the Commissioners arrive at the decision to purchase the CTX Unit. There was excessive maintenance to the portable restrooms due to lack of a heavy duty structure.
Vouchers: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the Vouchers dated April 1, 2011 (1of1) & Voucher dated April 13, 2011 (2 of 2). Commissioner Petz made the second, passed unanimously.
Public Communication: None
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner O’Laughlin: Would like it noted publicly that Port Commissioner Mike Petz is an incredible resource to the Board and would like to see him continue with the Port. Commissioners O’Laughlin & Brazil spoke to the homeowners association at Lake Cushman regarding tree removal at Hoodsport Park Trail. Commissioner O’Laughlin submitted an article for the Lake Cushman newsletter regarding the removal of trees at the park, the trail to be open soon & that public restrooms will be available from May thru October.
Commissioner Brazil: Commissioner Brazil concurs with Commissioner O’Laughlin regarding what an asset to the Port Commissioner Petz is and would like Commissioner Petz to announce his candidacy sooner than later.
Commissioner Petz: No Report
Port Operations Manager Report:
- Discussion on Permanent Sign at Marina. It was suggested to take ALL signs down and erect one sign that says ‘Welcome to Hoodsport’ with a List of Rules.
- Economic Development Council lists the Port of Hoodsport under the Comprehensive Economic Dev. Strategy Project List with the project of the Construction of a Multi function complex, Kathleen will change the project to a Public Restroom Facility with a cost of $150.K
- Discussion regarding representation of Real Estate transactions. Commissioner Brazil make a motion to appoint Kathleen Wyatt LeMaster as their licensed real estate broker as it pertains to the Port of Hoodsport & real estate issues to make recommendations back to the Commissioners. Commissioner Petz wanted to verify it would not be a conflict of interest. Kathleen would only be compensated by a Seller in a real estate transaction and not the Port or public funds. Commissioners O’Laughlin, Brazil & Petz sees no conflict. Commissioner Brazil will consult with the Port attorney Rob Johnson for his input. Commissioner Petz made the second, passed unanimously.
- LaJane Schopfer, Senior planner with Mason county Community Development Department will be speaking at the May 11th Port meeting regarding Shoreline Master program update.
Old Business:
- Discussion regarding Hoodsport Trail Park. Commissioner O’Laughlin walked the trail & its ready to be open on April 15th. Pat suggested closing the park at 8pm. Hoodsport Trail Park will be open April 15th through October 15th 8am – 8pm
- Discussion and Direction Regarding the Plantar Boxes along the Marina sidewalk. Commissioner O’Laughlin negotiated a price on 21”x21” plantar boxes @ $108. each with a delivery charge of $150. total at a nursery in Allyn. Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve purchasing 16-20 plantar boxes. Commissioner Petz made the second, passed unanimously. Pat Hoff submitted a diagram of the Port property with discussion as to where the plantar boxes, sprinkler system & rock were all to be placed. Pat Hoff to use her judgment on the number of plantar boxes that will be placed.
- Discussion/Direction Regarding the Septic Design & Permanent Restroom Project:
Kathleen will compile a Punch list and time line with the support of the Commissioners. List will include status of the Geotech report, Jon Kosloski, Easement, Rick Hoss with approval by Rob Johnson, Site plan redesign Jim Ayres, County approval, Pacific Mobile & CTX . The list will be compiled by April 18th with input and task assignment by the Commissioners. The project will be put ‘Out to Bid’ as soon as possible. The Port does not support a redesign of the septic to limit the number of parcels crossed since all parcels are owned by the same person.
New Business:
Discussion regarding the‘Beacon’ local news page in the Journal newspaper & the advertisement by the Port which was intended to support the Hoodsport community. Commissioner Brazil suggested writing articles about the Port projects to submit for the Beacon. Commissioner O’Laughlin asked that Kathleen send the article he wrote about Hoodsport Trail Park to Arla Shepard at the Journal & to Gerry @ KMAS.
Discussion regarding an annual Newsletter & possible May publication which will include what the Ports plans are (Facility at Hoodsport Trail park & beautification of the Port area downtown at the Marina), Kathleen will check into publication.
Setting Dates next meetings:There was a consensus of the Commission to meet on the following dates April 26th, May 11th & May 25th, 2011.
Executive Session: None
Adjourn: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Petz made the second, meeting adjourned at 10:45am
Minutes Approved: March 23, 2011
________________________ _______________________ _____________________
Commissioner O’Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil