February 14, 2012
Call to Order: 9:00am Adjourned: 11:20am
Roll Call: Commissioner O’Laughlin excused absence
Commissioner Brazil
Commissioner Petz
Staff Present: KS Wyatt LeMaster, Port Operations Manager
Pat Hoff, Port Maintenance
Public: Don LeMaster ~ Landmark Realty
Forest McCullough ~ NW Land & Tree
Victoria McLeod ~ Hoodsport Community Events Assn.
Carl Parker ~ Kiwanis
Donna Hellyer, Deanie Sostrich, Mary Meade, Stacey Hunt,
Aylene Bluechel, Rols Maind, Virginia Jackson
Approval of Agenda: Comissioner Petz made a motion to approve the 2-14-12 meeting agenda. Commissioner Brazil approved.
Minutes: Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the minutes of January 31, 2012. Commissioner Brazil approved.
Vouchers: Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the Vouchers January (2of2), February (1of1) & February Rent. Commissioner Brazil approved.
Public Communication:
Carl Parker with the Kiwanis brought one of the decorative Candy Canes used to create a festive Christmas atmosphere throughout the town during the Christmas season. They are weathered and in need of replacement. The Port will determine whether the Port will take responsibility for the decorations as a Port project with the Kiwanis volunteering to put the new candy canes together, put them up & store them. Carl also pointed out the Christmas tree lights for the Christmas tree on the Port property used for the Annual Christmas Tree lighting ceremony need to be replaced due to salt water damage.
Victoria MacLeod with the Hoodsport Community Events Assn. formally requested to use the Port’s dock for the 27th Annual 4th of July fireworks celebration on Saturday June 30, 2012.
Travis Wilson is working on accessing permission to use the underwater sea life video on the Port’s website. He will be making a formal proposal to use the Port office space part time for an incubator business for computer recycle & repair.
NW Land & Tree is waiting for the Access permit from DNR. Ben Carlson submitted a proposal for reforestation of the Hoodsport Trail Park & provided a list of disease tolerant trees to be planted next fall.
Deanie, Donna, Mary, Virginia & Stacey expressed dissatisfaction with the decision & process in which diseased trees were removed and requested elaboration by the Port Commissioners by which the process was done. Commissioner Brazil spoke about how the trees were determined to have Root rot & a Bark Beetle infestation. He elaborated on how the forester explained that many of the trees were stressed due to root rot which was visible in the root system of wind fallen trees surrounded by dead & dying trees that were standing. The forester discussed managing the forest by thinning out these particular trees to increase the health of the forest and to reduce the risk of falling trees for the safety of the Public use of the Hoodsport Trail Park. There were three choices, selectively thinning diseased trees, clear cut the entire park or close the park & hiking trail due to insufficient safety to the public. The Port of Hoodsport’s plan is to complete the thinning process to remove diseased and dangerous trees, clean up all debris, repair trails, the WSU 4H group will continue working on the trails and create a new trail map, interpretive placards’ will be created to identify flora & fauna, a reforestation plan includes disease tolerant trees to be re planted as well as native plants, the outhouse & kiosk will be repaired, cement tables, benches & trash cans will be purchased & new trail brochures printed.
Commissioner Petz suggested a walkthrough of the trail park after the next meeting with the Commissioners and put together a Hoodsport Trail “project schedule” that the Public is invited to review and make any suggestions.
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner Petz is working with the architect on the septic project for the public restrooms, drafts were provided to the County for comment. Discussed foundation issues, a new Geotech report was requested by the County.An Easement & Lease will be provided for review. Pumpout information will be provided to the septic designer. Lines will be marked for visual aid.
Port Maintenance Reports:
It was determined the Port dock will have new maintenance schedule and be cleaned every other week in the winter months for the use and enjoyment of the Public. The process to continue the beautification of the Marina Park will begin in the spring. The Port plans to add irrigation, gravel, planters & picnic tables for the Public’s use & enjoyment. The Port will purchase & be responsible for six hanging flower baskets to hang along Port property & will install a drip watering system to save on the cost of watering from April through October.
Port Operations Manager Report:
Broken fire sprinkler system pipe on the Port dock was repaired & submitted to the insurance company. The newsletter is continually being updated and will be posted to the website with a copy in the Port office window for the public to view.
Budget: Review of Expenditures/Revenue
Old Business:
- Discussion/Direction Regarding the Septic Design, Temporary & Permanent Restroom Projects:
Septic Design: Commissioner Petz & the architect are moving forward as per requirements made at the pre conference meeting with Mason County.
Permanent Restrooms: CXT Montrose is the consideration.
Temporary Restrooms: Up & running & being monitored.
Still working on a permanent solution to the Public restrooms.
Commissioner Petz attended a pre application conference with the County building departments to go over all issues to tie together the septic system and permanent restroom. Paperwork, reports & permits are being requested by appropriate parties to move forward with the septic system & purchase of permanent Public restrooms. The Septic system is a priority and a final scenario in order to install the permanent restrooms by the summer of 2012.
New Business:
Next Meetings: Next meeting date is Tuesday March 13th at 9am.
2012 Tuesday Meetings are scheduled as follows:
April 10th & 24th @ 9am, May 8th & 22nd @ 9am.
Adjourn: Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port meeting. Commissioner Brazil approved, meeting adjourned at 11:20 am
Minutes Approved: January 31, 2012
________________________ _______________________ _____________________
Commissioner O’Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil