“DRAFT” Agenda 1-26-2022

Date Published: January 24, 2022

Port of Hoodsport – Remote VIRTUAL Regular Port Commission Meeting

ZOOM Meeting ID#  406 238 9936


Wednesday                                                                                  Port of Hoodsport Office

January 26, 2022                                                                        24113 North Highway 101 Suite A

9:00 AM                                                                                      Hoodsport, WA 98548

Call to Order      of the Regular Port commission meeting for the Port of Hoodsport

Roll Call              Commissioner Kincannon -Chair    Commissioner Brazil – 2nd Chair, Trustee     Commissioner Morris   

Approval of Regular Port Commission Meeting Agenda:    Dated: January 26, 2022

Speakers                                    Forest McCullough – NW Land & Tree
Public -Open public comment:    
Consent Agenda

                              Minutes:           Approval of the Regular Port Commission Meeting Minutes from December 15, 2021

                              Vouchers:            Voucher December 30,2021 in the amount of $6,537.02

                                                          4th Quarter Commissioner Payroll in the amount of $1,649.63

Commissioners Reports                 Commissioner Kincannon – HTP trail map QR code, WPPA meeting notes

                                                            Commissioner Brazil –

                                                            Commissioner Morris –

PORT Maintenance Reports:   Maintenance Update Commission on:

* Waterfront Park, Dock, Marina ~

* Office, Parking Area, Shed~

* Hoodsport Trail Park~ open to hikers – CLOSED in Inclement weather

* Disc Golf Course ~ open to disc golfers – CLOSED in Inclement weather. Gravel on parking area

Executive Director Reports                                                                                                                    

  1. Officially Swear in Commissioner Cody Morris, voter validation totals
  2. General Fund swept in January for General & Annual Election costs
  3. Fjordin Crossin
  4. Update WPPA Port Directory

Actions in Response to COVD-19 Outbreak as mandated per Governor Inslee

  1. March 9, 2020, The Port of Hoodsport is operating at mandated COVID-19 Precautionary level. On March 20, 2020, the Port commission via an emergency meeting created Resolution 2020-01 authorizing emergency authority to the Executive Director.  On July 14, 2021, the Port commission approved to continue with remote public meetings citing the small office space is not conducive to social distancing. Also noted was an increase in public participation in a virtual meeting scenario.

Budget                                Financial Statement – December 2021

Old Business                      Disc Golf Course parking area, Breakwater evaluation   New Business:

Next Meeting:                   held in Port of Hoodsport’s remote virtual Zoom meeting room

2022 Regular Port Commission meeting dates:   February 9th, March 9th, April 13th, May 11th

Meeting Adjourned