Call to Order: 9:00am Adjourned: 10:13am
Meeting Held at: Via Zoom Conference Room
Roll Call: Commissioner Booth – Chairwoman, Commissioner Kincannon – 2nd Chairwoman, Terry Brazil – Trustee
Staff Present: K. Wyatt, Executive Director, S. Lindgren – Supervisor of Maintenance
Public comment: None
Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Kincannon made a motion to approve the agenda as
written; Commissioner Booth seconded; unanimously approved.
Minutes: Commissioner Kincannon made a motion to approve the regular port commission minutes for July 14, 2021, Commissioner Booth seconded, unanimously approved.
Vouchers: Commissioner Kincannon made a motion to approve the Vouchers for July 15, 2021, in the amount of $14.74 and July 31, 2021, in the amount of $14,995.83 which included the annual insurance premium of $5,757.00; Commissioner Booth seconded, unanimously approved.
Public Communication: M. Purvis emailed the port with an update on the public restroom septic system saying he has a septic design but no permit yet. He is having a land survey done to double check boundaries. K Boxleightner with the Shelton-Mason Journal said he was here to listen in. A Bowers with the Timberland Regional Library said she had nothing to add and is listening in. J Morris said she was working on the Fjordin Crossin and trying to find dates in 2022 that would work best, the tides and Farmers Market events were conflicting. The Potlatch Brewery got their final from the liquor control board and building permit, but the contractors are not finished with the inside, they have a beer garden in the back with tents on the gravel. She said the beer was very good. Commissioner Kincannon said her family was visiting and many of them went to the brewery and said the beer was absolutely great.
Commissioner Reports Commissioner Booth asked the commission if there was anything to report, there was not. Commissioner Booth asked the port director to send an email with a reminder to each commissioner to write about the port’s amenities for submission in the 2022 Mason County Visitors Guide.
Port Maintenance Reports:
Hoodsport Trail Park & Disc Golf Park: S Lindgren said the disc golf and Hoodsport trail parks are very busy. S Lindgren walked through the trail park to look at the trail signs because people were confused with the current trail signs. He said they were a little confusing and invited the commission and the port director to walk the trails and loop with him to look at the signs and make decisions on what symbols should be on the signs for clarity. Commissioner Booth and the director committed to meet with him to walk the trails in the park. Commissioner Kincannon is looking in to a QR code or a GPS system that can be linked to a trail map showing where you are on the trail. She will talk to the port’s IT person to see what software programs could be used. The director said the printed maps need to be updated but will order more for handouts at the Visitors center and trail park.
Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: S Lindgren purchased paint to freshen lines and painted areas in the port’s parking lot.
Public Restrooms: The Public restrooms were surplus’d to the Purvis’ on April 14, 2021 after a public hearing was held. The Purvis’ will be replacing the drain field and repair the septic system in accordance with the Mason County Environmental health specifications to re-open the restrooms to the public as soon as possible. Until then, the Port of Hoodsport and the Purvis’ continue to provide Sani cans with washing stations for the publics use.
Port parking/Office building/Maintenance shed: S. Lindgren has a Security App on his phone to monitor live stream surveillance cameras overlooking the public restrooms, office building, ports shed, parking lot, waterfront park and marina dock.
Port Directors Report
The port director said she and the port’s accountant, Wittenberg CPA have complied with the state auditor to provide information as requested during the biennial assessment audit for the years 2018-2019. The director said the port just received an Exit letter stating the audit was complete and the audit results would be posted on the WA state auditor’s website. The exit letter stated that based on the procedures performed, nothing came to their attention in the areas they reviewed causing them to believe the Port was in compliance with applicable state laws, regulations and its own policies and had no significant weaknesses in controls over the safeguarding of public resources. They added their appreciation for the prompt assistance with audit requests. The port director asked if the commission and maintenance supervisor would review the parking and trail signs before placing the order. The port director, Commissioner Booth and S Lindgren committed to meet in the port parking area across from the waterfront park. The port director contacted Laura at the WA Fish & Wildlife Habitat Program office, explained there were stumps on the public beach that were anchored for erosion control. They were there for as long as anyone could remember, then one day the maintenance supervisor noticed the cable that anchored them was cut and removed causing some of them to float away in a high tide. Laura said, ‘do you think it is still necessary to have the stumps for erosion control? Soft shore armory is better than cement blocks, but you will need a permit from us and the county to replace them. In my opinion, it is okay if they float away, I have no concerns, it is okay for inland soil to go into the water. You can check with WSDOT to see if it worries them since the highway is close by and ask them if they want to fix it.” The director asked if Laura knew who the point of contact was to talk about a break water floating log boom that could protect the port’s 6 slip boat dock in inclement weather. She suggested Samantha with the Army Corp of Engineers. The director called Samantha, she said the Corp. could permit the breakwater if the port hired a contractor to do the work, she said the contractor would know how to apply for necessary permits. Samantha said she is willing to attend the next port meeting to explain the procedure and answer the port commissions questions. The port director went over the port’s insurance binder with the commission and noted the ports insurance premium increased by $1000.00 for 9-2021 through 8-2022. The port director attended a webinar on EV Charging stations, the electric vehicles being built by car manufacturers and the need for EV Charging stations on Highways in Washington, it was directed at Port’s in the state of Washington. It was hosted by the project development manager at WSDOT and WA State University’s Green Transportation & Energy program director. They wanted Port’s to partner with the private sector to find locations where EV charging stations could be placed to electrify the highways. They offered limited grant money and suggested the federal government would be providing grants to help agencies and the private sector to install EV charging stations. The level 1 EV charging station cost up to $100,000. providing a full battery charge in a short amount of time, the level 2 EV charging station costs $10,000. It provides a partial charge. WSDOT and WSU representatives said they would be willing to do a presentation for Port commissions and the private sector. The director asked if anyone was interested in a presentation, Commissioner Booth said yes, lets invite them to give us a presentation. In an email, M Purvis said he is interested in partnering with the port if WSDOT or Federal EV Charging station grant money becomes available. J Morris with the Hardware Distillery said she would be interested in partnering with the Port on the EV charging station as well.
Budget: July financial statements were reviewed
Old Business: As discussed above New Business: As discussed above Next Meeting: September 15th
Adjourn: Commissioner Booth made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Brazil seconded, it was unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:13 a.m.
2021 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:
Wednesday’s at 9am September 15th, October 13th, November 10th, December 15th
Commissioner Brazil Commissioner Booth Commissioner Kincannon