2020 November 11 ‘Virtual Regular Port Commission Meeting Minutes’

Date Published: December 21, 2020


                     OF THE PORT OF HOODSPORT PORT COMMISSION                  

November 11, 2020

Call to Order:   9:35am    Immediately after the Budget Hearing                                               Adjourned:  10:05am

Meeting Held at:              Via Zoom Conference Call 

Roll Call:                            Commissioner Brazil – Chair

                                                Commissioner Booth

Staff Present:                    K. Wyatt, Administrative Director

                                                B. Osborne – Director of Maintenance

                                                S. Lindgren – Maintenance

Public:                                 Mike & Geri Purvis – Hood Canal Grocery

                                              Lori Kincannon – Hoodsport resident

                                              Jann Goodpastor – Hoodsport resident

Heidi McCutchen – Mason Chamber of Commerce

                                              Lisa Perry

Approval of Agenda:  Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the agenda as written; Commissioner Booth seconded; unanimously approved.

Minutes: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the regular port commission minutes from October 21, 2020, Commissioner Booth seconded, unanimously approved.

Vouchers:  There were no vouchers to approve

Public Communication:   M Purvis said that Port needs to take the highest levy every year as part of the budget.  K Wyatt said the port did take the highest levy this year which was 1.4% or $1,471.00.  H McCutchen said she reiterates support for the public restrooms. Commissioner Booth asked H. McCutchen what kind of funds can the Chamber contribute to help with the public restroom situation, isn’t there districts that contribute money to the Chamber for tourism? H McCutchen said the funds awarded the Chamber are specific to the visitors’ information and services. Commissioner Booth said wouldn’t services include public restrooms, doesn’t that approach doesn’t help with the cause.  H McCutchen said I am not willing to contribute funds to the public restroom. People pay membership dues. J Morris is a board member of the Chamber, she came to me to help with the public restroom situation in Hoodsport. I don’t often do things like this but the survey results reflect the community at large want the public restrooms.  Commissioner Brazil said, we will explore the LID. Commissioner Booth said in addition, isn’t that a great entrée to help Hoodsport find money for the public restrooms. H McCutchen said, if movement is made we will help with getting the word out. Again, I am not willing to pledge money from the Chamber. I will continue to show up at meetings until you find a solution.  Commissioner Brazil asked if anyone else had something they would like to say.  Lori Kincannon said I am here to learn and listen.  J Goodpastor said I am an interested resident here. 

Commissioner Reports    Commissioner Booth said she was in communication with Marine Floats on the dock repair, they said the invoice was two times the amount of what they thought because when they opened up the boards on the dock, it revealed much more damage.  We need to be looking at the next several years of dock repair.  The movement from the wind and water really beats the dock and mechanism holding it together.  YSS Dive shop filmed the port dock and floats which were encrusted with crustaceans and starfish.  You couldn’t see much because it was so cloudy in the water, it was like walking through an aquarium with no reference as to which portion of the dock we were looking at.  I forwarded the video to Marine Floats to look at.  M Purvis said I would like to see the video, this could be an opportunity to have the dive shop scrape off the pilings.  We have had several people move to town with great talents.  Maybe we can find someone who does grant writing and other talents on things we can’t do.  H McCutchen said I could put together a list of wants on expertise of people who volunteer their time for our community, I will put something together on our website.

Port Maintenance Reports:  

Hoodsport Trail Park & Disc Golf Park:  B Osborne said there is not much activity on the course lately. There has not been people dumping trash or abusing the permanent portable restroom. M Purvis said if people hit the garbage can, I am happy. No one approached us to volunteer to help with the bridges.  There have been of lot of mountain bicycling on the trails, mostly families.  What is the Ports position on the bicycling?  Commissioner Brazil said I guess its alright as long as there is no complaints. Commissioner Booth said as long as they are not off road motorcycles which can be dangerous to hikers. 

Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: B Osborne said the ladders are on the dock, the irrigation system and water lines are winterized.  The hanging baskets are down so the Kiwanis can put up the candy canes on the poles.  B Osborne said the Fire Chief called, they are still going through a transition of combining two fire departments and after it is complete in January 2021, he will call back so we can create a scheduled inspection and testing of the fire lines on the dock.

Public Restrooms: Currently closed to the public both as directed by Mason County because of a failed drain field and due to the COVID 19 pandemic for health and safety of the public and personnel. An ADA and 2 Portable restrooms with hand washing stations are available for the publics use. Portable restrooms are serviced Monday and Fridays in winter months. They are serviced additionally when needed. Maintenance personnel monitors garbage and supplies additional toilet paper as needed.

Port parking/Office building/Maintenance shed: B. Osborne and S. Lindgren have Security App’s on their phones to monitor live stream surveillance cameras overlooking the public restrooms, office building, shed, parking lot, waterfront park and the dock.

Port Directors Report

A Facility Use Agreement between the Port of Hoodsport and YSS Dive Shop has been reviewed by the port’s attorney and will be sent back to YSS for their input when Exhibit ‘A’ is finished to attach, B Osborne is drawing a map to attach to the Facility Use Agreement as Exhibit ‘A’. 

Governor Inslee extended the OPMA guidelines and is changing dates as the COVID Crisis develops, Mason County opened the county up to Phase III which allows people to gather in groups of 50 or less, wear face masks, and social distance six feet away. Due to the most recent Governors mandate, COVID-19 health and safety compliance signs are posted on all port properties for the public’s information and on the office window.  The Port of Hoodsport port commission continues using the ‘Zoom’ virtual chat room venue for regular port commission meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic, the public can request an invite to attend the meetings.  Meeting dates are posted on the port’s website, on Mason TV, in the WPPA newsletter and posted on the port office window. Currently, the public may email the port for an invitation to attend the regular port commission meeting.  The request must be received by 4pm the day prior to the scheduled meeting. 

Budget:                  October financial statements were reviewed

Old Business:        As discussed above        New Business:       None

Next Meeting:          December 9, 2020 to be held via internet in a ZOOM chatroom venue

Adjourn:     Commissioner Brazil made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Booth seconded, it was unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.

2020 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:

Wednesday’s at 9am December 9th, January 13th, 2021