2020 October 7, Virtual Regular Port Commission Minutes

Date Published: October 27, 2020


October 7, 2020               Call to Order:   9:00am                                   Adjourned:  10:25am

Meeting Held at:              Via Zoom Conference Call    Roll Call:   Commissioner Brazil – Chair       Commissioner Booth

Staff Present:                    K. Wyatt, -Port Director      B  Osborne – Director of Maintenance      S Lindgren – Maintenance

Public:                                  Jan Morris – Hardware Distillery,            Lori Kincannon – Hoodsport resident

Approval of Agenda:  Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the agenda as   written; Commissioner Booth seconded; unanimously approved.

Minutes: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the regular port commission minutes from September 16, 2020, Commissioner Booth seconded, unanimously approved.

Vouchers:  Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the Vouchers 1of1 October 7, 2020 for $7,278.47, Commissioner Booth seconded, unanimously approved.

Public Communication:   J. Morris wondered if the port commission thought she would be able to have the Fjordin Crossin event this June because she typically has everything lined up by now.  Last year we  coordinated with Mason Transit and had offsite parking at the school,  We have not done anything this year because of COVID-19 and I can’t wait until the last minute.  Commissioner Booth said the Governors proclamation says to follow protocol, we can only have gatherings of up to 50 people.  J Morris said, I think we would have a huge turnout because everyone will want to be outside.  Commissioner Brazil said we will support you if you have approval from governing authorities.

Commissioner Reports:  The Port director said we received an email late yesterday from Commissioner Petz, he said, ‘I hereby resign as a Commissioner for the Port of Hoodsport effective as of the date of this email”, the email was dated October 6, 2020.  The port director said we must appoint a new chairman of the board.  Commissioner Booth said I nominate Commissioner Brazil to be the new chairman, Commissioner Brazil said, I accept, the motion carried.  Commissioner Booth asked if Commissioner Petz indicated anything else, the port director said he has been talking about it for a couple of years, there may have been a health issue in the family, he has been a port Commissioner since 2009.  Commissioner Brazil asked when his term would be up, the port director said his term expires in 2023, we have 90 days to appoint someone to replace him. Commissioner Brazil said, he will certainly be missed.  J. Morris said, I am very sad, he did a lot of work for the port.  Are you going to have a function for him, I would like to have a celebration to thank him and will host it.  Commissioner Booth said, he is very cautious of COVID-19 and hardly leaves his house, you may want to call him to find out first.  Commissioner Brazil said he spent a couple of hours with B Grondin, the course warden at the Hoodsport Hills disc golf course.  The T pads that were created to launch the discs are perfect, wide in the rear and they narrow in the front.  There is new bark, rock and volunteers to help from people in the disc golf community.  Commissioner Booth asked if Commissioner Brazil played the course, he said no. Commissioner Booth said she attempted it but spent lots of time in the woods chasing her disc.  S. Lindgren said there are lots of people using the disc golf course.  Commissioner Brazil said he would like to get publicity for the disc golf course. L. Kincannon said she is in marketing and could definitely help out with issuing a press release to local radio stations and papers that would travel far and wide with online versions.  The port director said she will contact M Rothrock to find out if he can attend the next port meeting so talk about upcoming events and tournaments, he could create a press release.  S. Lindgren said Mason County Sheriff’s department are in the office now reviewing the ports surveillance footage to identify suspects that drove by in connection with a murder at FS Road 24.  Commissioner Booth asked B Osborne if the dock ladders have shown up yet.  B. Osborne said yes, they are in the office, they are heavy duty, we will install them on the first set of dock fingers closest to the shore.  Commissioner Brazil asked if YSS Divers were able to see ladders under the dock?  B. Osborne said yes the arms on the ladders are broken off, one of them is by the shed. Commissioner Brazil said how do you feel about putting a sign where the ladders will be installed so if someone falls in the water they will know where they are.  S. Lindgren said we could paint the rails red and paint signs on the mooring poles as to where they are located.  S. Lindgren said the mooring poles are rusting and have rust blisters that will have to be addressed now, there is a liquid that turns rust into metal which will save them.  Commissioner Booth said go ahead and look into the cost and how to apply it, find out how many gallons will cover the 14 mooring poles.  Commissioner Booth asked B Osborne to provide a budget for maintenance services for 2021.  The port director will forward last years spreadsheet to B. Osborne for a comparison.

Port Maintenance Reports:

Hoodsport Trail Park & Disc Golf Park:  B Osborne said everything is going well, the 9 Tpads are finished and the course looks great.  Commissioner Brazil asked what is going on with the trail signs. B Osborne said we are waiting for the disc golf course to be complete, M Rothrock is in charge of that.

Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: S Lindgren said someone is using the water pipe on the dock.  The port director said the water bill was higher than usual. S. Lindgren said someone removed the clamps to move the water line, the compression fitting gets pulled out and it leaks, he will glue it together.  Commissioner Brazil asked if there are meters on the water lines.  Commissioner Booth asked if we could put a pad lock on it so once the water is shut off they cant use it.  J. Morris said is has to be a leak, you need to fix the leak. S. Lindgren said the garbage will be picked up every other week starting in October for the winter months.

Public Restrooms: Currently closed to the public both as directed by Mason County because of a failed drain field and due to the COVID 19 pandemic for health and safety of the public and personnel. Portable restrooms with hand washing stations are available for the publics use provided by the Port and the Purvis’. Portable restrooms are serviced Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays and serviced additionally when needed. Maintenance personnel monitors garbage and supplies additional toilet paper as needed. J Morris said she was surprised that in the survey done by the chamber of commerce more people thought the restrooms were more important than the businesses.  Commissioner Brazil said, yes, the same results as 13 years ago, but no one wants to jump up to fund the drain field and restrooms.

Port parking/Office building/Maintenance shed: B. Osborne and S. Lindgren have Security App’s on their phones to monitor live stream surveillance cameras overlooking the public restrooms, office building, shed, parking lot, waterfront park and the dock.

Port Directors Report

The Fall port newsletter was read and approved by the commission to be published on the port of hoodsport website and in the Lake Cushman newsletter.  A Facility Use Agreement between the Port of Hoodsport and YSS Dive Shop is being reviewed by the port’s attorney.  The application submitted to DNR was approved for the first step in the Hoodsport Trail Park forest management plan. The plan is to harvest trees identified to have root rot before they become hazardous and dangerous to the public.  J Morris asked if the port can take out trees that are diseased but still marketable.  The port director said yes, that is the plan to take them out while they are marketable and not to wait until they are considered hazardous danger trees.  The port acquired the Hoodsport Trail Park from the State of Washington in 2009 with a stipulation that all revenue created by the trail park would go back into the trail park.  Currently, bridges and trails require repair, revenue will go toward the cost to remove trees, repairs, maintaining the trail park and upgrading the disc golf park. The port commission will be reviewing and discussing a preliminary budget at the next regular port commission meeting.  The port director said it is hard to gauge whether there will be an increase in property taxes and the levy for the port district, in listening to some of the people in the community, some people’s property tax assessments have gone up and some of them have gone down.  Lori Kincannon said hers went up after her house was finished.

Governor Inslee extended the OPMA guideline to August 1,2020, Mason County opened the county up to Phase III which allows people to gather in groups of 50 or less, wear face masks, and social distance six feet away. Due to the most recent Governors mandate, COVID-19 health and safety compliance signs are posted on all port properties for the public’s information and on the office window.  The Port of Hoodsport port commission continues using the ‘Zoom’ virtual chat room venue for regular port commission meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic, the public can request an invite to attend the meetings.  Meeting dates are posted on the port’s website, on Mason TV, in the WPPA newsletter and posted on the port office window. Currently, the public may email the port for an invitation to attend the regular port commission meeting.  The request must be received by 4pm the day prior to the scheduled meeting.

Budget:                  September Financial statement was reviewed         Old Business:        As discussed above             New Business:       None

Next Meeting:      October 21, 2020 to be held via internet in a ZOOM chatroom venue

Adjourn:                Commissioner Brazil made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Booth seconded, it was unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m.

2020 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:    Wednesday’s at 9am   October 21, November 11th    &    Budget Hearing meeting  Novembr 11th

Commissioner Brazil                Commissioner Booth