December 18, 2024
Call to Order: 9:02am Adjourned: 9:40am
Hybrid Meeting Held at: 24113 North Highway 101, Suite B Hoodsport, WA 98548
Virtual Zoom Conference Meeting Room ID#406-238-9936
Roll Call: Commissioner Kincannon–Chairwoman/2nd Trustee
Commissioner Brazil – 2nd Chairman/Trustee
Commissioner Morris – Community, DNR, State Representative liaison
Staff Present: K. Wyatt, Executive Director, S. Lindgren – Maintenance Facility Supervisor
Public: Clete Brazil
Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Kincannon motioned to approve the December 18, 2024 agenda Commissioner Morris seconded; all in favor, unanimously approved.
Commissioner Kincannon said, a Public Hearing is being held to consider a proposed amendment to the Port of Hoodsport’s Comprehensive plan. This hearing is scheduled prior to the Port of Hoodsport’s Regular Port Commission Meeting, an Executive session will be held after the presentation of facts to determine a minimum price that would be acceptable by the commission for the subject property, a regular port commission meeting will then reconvene. The amendment to the Comprehensive plan, if adopted, would declare an approximately 1600 square foot portion of the real property referred to as parcel #42212-51-21018 ‘Surplus’ to the ports needs and will allow the port to sell the same. The Director said on November 18, 2024, the Port commission received an email from a real estate agent representing the adjacent property owner, Cappelluti Trust’, whose property is situated on the Southern boundary line of the Port’s property located next to the port’s parking lot across from the dock in Hoodsport. In preparing for the sale of the ‘Cappelluti Trust’ property, the property owner had a survey done, the survey revealed that portions of her septic system, propane tank, landscaping and parking area encroached on the Port’s southern boundary line. ‘Cappelluti Trust’ is asking to purchase a portion of the Port’s property, approximately 1600 square feet of the Southwest corner to rectify the encroachment and to be able to sell her property unencumbered. The director submitted a packet to the commission including the purchase and sale agreement, a third-party broker’s price opinion, a map of the property showing areas of encroachment and the desired 1600 Square foot subject area in the purchase request. The first step to consider a sale is to remove the subject property from the comprehensive plan which requires a public hearing to Surplus the subject property, then amend the comprehensive plan before the subject property can be discussed for sale. If the commission agrees to adopt a Resolution to Surplus the property, the commission will go into Executive session to discuss a minimum price it is willing to accept for the subject property.
Public- Does the public have comments, there were no comments.
Commissioner Kincannon said we are adjourning the Regular Port Commission meeting at 9:07am and excuse the Public as we go into Executive session to discuss consideration of the sale and minimum price of a portion of land as allowed by RCW 42.30.110. No formal action will be taken in the Executive session. Executive session will start at 9:10am and will adjourn at 9:15am we will reconvene the regular port commission meeting at 9:17am.
Commissioner Kincannon said I call the regular port commission meeting back to order at 9:17am. The port commission has reviewed the proposal, comparable sales, third party brokers’ price opinion, amending the comprehensive plan and sale of the subject property. We can Surplus and sell the subject property because it is situated on a steep slope, it is unusable to the Port, it is not, and never will be needed for the public’s use. It makes good sense, seems to be rational and appropriate, the port can make a small amount of revenue, and it is in the best interest of the Port and all parties involved. Commissioner Kincannon said, does the public have any comments, C Brazil said I think the owner should also move the railroad ties to the boundary line so there isn’t an encroachment on ports property. Commissioner Morris said, “I agree. Commissioner Kincannon said I am making a motion to adopt Resolution POH 2024-03 to amend the Comprehensive plan and to Surplus the 1600 square foot portion of the property within Parcel #42212-51-21018. Commissioner Morris seconded the motion, it was unanimously passed. Commissioner Kincannon said we determined the minimum price the commission will accept to purchase the subject property is $15,000.00. In addition, ‘Cappelluti Trust’ will pay for costs associated with the boundary line adjustment, its county approval, professional fees involved in the Surplus, Resolution and closing costs. ‘Cappelluti Trust’ will also move railroad ties on the Southern border to reflect the surveyed boundary line. I am making a motion to Counter the Cappelluti Trust purchase request to $15,000.00 with the stipulations. Commissioner Morris seconded the motion, it was unanimously approved. The Director said I will contact the Cappelluti Trust real estate representative so they can make a formal offer.
Public speakers: None
Minutes: Commissioner Kincannon motioned to approve the Budget hearing meeting minutes and the Regular port commission meeting minutes from November 20, 2024, Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.
Vouchers: Commissioner Kincannon motioned to approve 2024 Vouchers: November 1of1 in the amount of $12,369.16 and Dock repair Ck #9 of $5,374.33 Commissioner Morris seconded, unanimously approved.
Public Communication:
Commissioner Morris said I met with our lobbyists Holly & Emily to discuss funding for the port dock piling. I spoke to representatives Couture and Griffey & Senator MacEwan, they said there is plenty of money in this year’s legislative session. Representative Couture suggested the port do a feasibility study to put in a boat dock, but there’s really no where to put it. Commissioner Kincannon said we can consult with a state engineer who is very familiar with our area to get his thoughts before spending time and money on a feasibility study. Commissioner Morris said is there a good time we can meet in Olympia to check in with the representatives? Commissioner Kincannon said yes, my schedule is freer in mid to late February. Commissioner Morris said I found out we can factor in the administrative fee, and we are hoping to slate $100.k to get all of the small things factored into this round. We need the final form by the end of January. Commissioner Kincannon said I will review the lease. Commissioner Morris said we have to address the pump out station since we do not have one and modify the dates of the lease. The director said maybe they can strike out the pump out station, there is one located at the Union Marina, also the insurance portion of the lease is way over what is needed for our small dock. The requirements are for large docks with long-term boat owners, maybe we can strike out that portion. Commissioner Kincannon said how did the Holiday festivities turn out. Commissioner Morris said luckily the weather was good and not rainy. It’s my first time doing it, so there were lessons learned. The events committee needs to coordinate it better, maybe reconfigure the choir or set up amplification and have a group count down so Scott can plug in the lights at a set time. Maybe we can have a tent to dispense hot chocolate or cider. It was well attended by about 50-60 people and all of the parking was taken up.
Port Maintenance Reports:
Hoodsport Trail Park & Disc Golf Park: S Lindgren said people are using the disc golf park, its half dog walkers and half disc golfers. I am widening the story book trails; we have new trail signs.
Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: S Lindgren said we need a plunger to turn on the Christmas tree lights!
Portable Restrooms: The Port of Hoodsport and Hood Canal Market Fresh share the cost of renting portable restrooms with hand washing stations for the public’s use. In the summer season, May–October, five portable restrooms are serviced 3 times per week. In winter, October – April three rentals are serviced twice per week. The Ports maintenance department monitors them for trash and additional toilet paper as needed in between services.
Port parking/Office building/Maintenance shed:
Port Directors Report:
The director said I want to thank Commissioner Brazil for his 16 years served as a Port Commissioner, it’s been a pleasure working with you all these years, I wish you the very best and will miss you. Commissioners Kincannon and Morris also expressed their well wishes for Commissioner Brazil’s future. Commissioner Morris said we would like to be able to tap into your expertise, you are always welcome to attend our meetings. Commissioner Brazil said thank you, it’s been a pleasure serving the Hoodsport community and I will miss you all too, but family situations have changed and are the most important priority at this time. The director said, commissioners, I have emailed you with a timesheet for Q4, please turn it in asap.
Budget: Financial statements for November were reviewed
Old Business: As discussed above New Business: As discussed above.
Next Meeting: January 15,2024
Adjourn: Commissioner Kincannon made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Morris seconded, it was unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at am 9:40am
2025 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows: January 15, 2025
Commissioner Kincannon Commissioner Morris Commissioner Brazil