2023 October 25 Port of Hoodsport Regular Port Commission Meeting Minutes

Date Published: January 15, 2024


October 25, 2023

Call to Order:   9:00am                                                   Adjourned:  10:43am

Hybrid Meeting Held at:   24113 North Highway 101, Suite A

Hoodsport, WA 98548

Virtual Zoom Conference Meeting Room ID#406-238-9936  

Roll Call:                             Commissioner Kincannon–Chairwoman/2nd Trustee

                                                Commissioner Brazil – 2nd Chairman/Trustee

                                                Commissioner Morris

Staff Present:                    K. Wyatt, Executive Director

                                                S. Lindgren – Maintenance Supervisor

Public:                              Rich & Caralyn -Integrated Northwest Construction

                                                Holly Sanabria – Lobbyist, Gordon Thomas Honeywell (GTH)

Approval of Agenda:       Commissioner Kincannon motioned to approve the October 25, 2023, agenda as written, Commissioner Brazil seconded; all in favor, unanimously approved.

Minutes: Commissioner Brazil motioned to approve the regular port commission meeting minutes for September 13, 2023, Commissioner Kincannon seconded, all in favor, unanimously approved.

VouchersCommissioner Kincannon motioned to approve September 2023 Vouchers, 1of1 in the amount of $9,716.88 and Q3 payroll in the amount of $1,090.47 Commissioner Morris seconded, all in favor, unanimously approved.

Public Communication:   

Commissioner Morris introduced Holly Cocci Sanabria, Holly is a state lobbyist with GTH here to talk about helping the port with funding for the dock repair.  Holly said I am on a team that focuses on asking legislation to invest in local projects, I work with with various local government entities at the state level on the ground in Olympia at state legislative sessions.   Legislation operates on 2-year cycles with a biennial budget.  January 8th legislation convenes for a short 60-day session which is when they make amendments and adjustments to their budget.  We introduce old and new bills to consider for their upcoming session and there are less funds to work with in a short session.  There are three budgets, the state operating budget, transportation budget and the capital budget for public and nonprofit projects. This is a pot of funding allowing legislators to request funding under $200.k for short term projects preparing for long term goals and funding.  You have a copy of my contract.  Commissioner Kincannon said the biggest concern for me is your services and what you do is needed.  Long term is far away, hopefully short-term money can be attained for 2024 then more later.  There are two proposals for you Holly, is it possible to defer some expenses?  Holly said No, capital funds all must go to the project, not paying for lobbying services.  Commissioner Morris said the short session limits us to what we can ask for but seems like the amount is what is needed for this first priority, and it opens up dialogue for the long session when we can ask for more money.  I spoke to Cailan at DNR, she is good with the direction we are going.  Commissioner Kincannon asked Holly if she has worked with Cailan before?  Holly said no, I engage with WPPA, we meet and discuss strategically with what’s going on.  I am here to serve as ears, eyes and a voice, so much is going on and moving constantly.  There are forms to be done regarding policy leads, I have those relationships on the ground, I work daily.  I spoke to representative Griffey; he is happy to engage with DNR and being looped in on your dock lease and project.  Commissioner Kincannon said if we engage your services, is it your recommendation to start immediately? November 1, 2023, to October 31, 2024.  Holly said yes, we need to start conversations before the Holidays, that is when everyone is off with their families so if we can start now, we will be good.  Commissioner Morris said assuming we go forward working with you will you be able to give a packet or proposal to legislation by January 8th? How detailed will it need to be? Holly said typically a one-page proposal sells a project, broken down with the problem, solution, local contract, and community support, it’s a lot but we can quickly get it done.  Commissioner Kincannon said the biggest concern is we don’t know answers to all of the questions, can we estimate some things without over committing?  We haven’t gone out to bid, the inspections are done, can we get it together on time? Holly said my latest conversation with my team on the dock repair is to ask with focus on what repairs cost and ask for more than what we spend.  A good ballpark for costs will be what helps when capital funding goes out to bid, July 2024 is when funds will come to the Port. Commissioner Kincannon said we have received your contract proposals and will review them both.  Holly said great, I will step out and you can contact me.  Rich said on a positive note the pier is solid, when I talked to the engineer, one pile needs replacement, we can extend the life, the ramp can be fixed, piles need to be coated, float structure is beyond repair, rollers are frozen, roller guides are missing, demo will be of the last 2 fingers and part of the gangway, we are working on the estimate and for future an aluminum or galvanized dock frame will last beyond yellow cedar.  Commissioner Morris said aluminum makes most sense is DNR going to be good with it environmentally?  Rich said yes, the permit will be quick we propose stabilizing piles designed by the engineer, it will move with the waves. With the aluminum or galvanized frame, we may lose some length, but it is the quickest and best fix, we can put it together offsite.  Commissioner Brazil said do you have a good direction from DNR on what materials are acceptable and do you have their okay to move forward?  Rich said yes, they are good with aluminum or galvanized material.  Commissioner Kincannon said in your opinion, if we don’t start the project in July what should be done now?  Rich said a demo should be done immediately to keep the dock from breaking apart in winter storms, if we take off the last 2 fingers and brace the middle part 2/3rds of the dock should be usable again until the full repair can be done.  If you do nothing until July, the winter weather could destroy the dock.  Commissioner Brazil asked Commissioner Morris if he contacted the tribe? He said yes, we sent emails of the closure of the dock and wanted to know if they would like to be part of the conversation.  Rich said we will introduce our biologist to the tribe’s biologist to have a meeting.  They use the port’s dock during fishing season. It is to their benefit to want to be included in some ways with conversation, monetarily and in support with a letter.  Commissioner Kincannon said we need to make a decision, if we don’t, we could have a big problem. Holly has a short window to solicit funding starting November 1st, Rich give us your best estimate for the demo only and short term repairs, we need the bid proposals immediately so we can make that decision.  Rich said OKAY I will have the engineer do the calculations for the estimate.  Commissioner Morris said can you give us a three-part bid, one for an emergency demo only, second bid for short term limited repair to reopen the dock and the third for replacement in kind. Commissioner Kincannon said please get those estimates as soon as possible so we can move forward.  Commissioner Morris said he has the thumb drive from INWC with videos of the underwater inspection and will leave it on the conference table for the other commissioners to look at.

Commissioner Reports    

Commissioner Brazil asked if the port should lock the gates to the Hoodsport Trail parking areas at night?  S Lindgren said we usually leave the Disc Golf Course gate open all year, all three parking areas are open right now, when there is inclement weather, we close the gates.  The game cameras are up in the parking areas.  Commissioner Morris said I wonder if it makes sense to discuss the bids in a workshop before making a decision on what the port can do now.  We need to talk about bid price, where it fits into the budget and we want to make sure it’s partially open during the shrimp season.  Commissioner Kincannon said if the bid is small enough, we can use port reserve funds and reimburse ourselves when the funding comes in.  Commissioner Morris said the big concern is do we have the estimated $30.k to use now. The director said, yes if the bid is $30.k, we can use the port’s reserve funds for now but they must be reimbursed as soon as possible.  Commissioner Morris said we need to be proactive for donations and grants, maybe reach out to EDC and the County letting them know it is a safety and environmental issue, ,we now have receipts on money already spent that we can produce to be reimbursed.  Commissioner Kincannon said we need to vote on Holly, I don’t think 6 months is sufficient, we need her to work at fundraising for the next year to cover the entire dock and future management.  Commissioner Morris said yes to everything, my concern is to make sure we can afford it.  Commissioner Kincannon made a motion to hire Holly at a rate of $2700.00 per/month on a one-year contract starting November1, 2023-October 31, 2024.  Commissioner Brazil seconded the motion, all in favor.  Commissioner Morris said I will print and sign the contract, then contact Holly. Commissioner Kincannon said we need to go full force, let us know a list of what is needed from Holly to create her one-page proposal to legislation and gather support letters.  Commissioner Morris said I have letters of support from the Geist’s and Hansen’s, I will approach the tribe and dive shop.  Commissioner Morris said let’s have an emergency meeting after we receive the bids.  The director said we are e expecting the bids today, we can schedule a special meeting for as early as Friday 10/27 at 8 am, does that work for everyone?  If so, we have to give the public 24-hours’ notice, I will work on having a resolution to declare an emergency repair and a small works contract. Commissioners all agreed on a Friday morning Special meeting.   

Port Maintenance Reports:

Hoodsport Trail Park & Disc Golf Park:  S Lindgren said he is working on the 9-hole disc golf course and put-up additional game cameras.  We are running on winter hours starting November.

Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park:  S Lindgren said the hanging planter baskets are all down, the irrigation system is shut down, I will be repairing the busted irrigation lines.

Portable Restrooms:  The Port of Hoodsport and Hood Canal Grocery share the cost to rent portable restrooms with hand washing stations for the public’s use.  In the summer season, they are serviced 3 times per week.  In winter, November through April there are 2 rentals, each serviced twice per week.  The Port monitors them for trash and additional toilet paper as needed in between services.  

Port parking/Office building/Maintenance shed:  

Port Directors Report:  The Director said we were fortunate to have Lary Coppola at our September meeting on the 13th, Lary passed away on September 30th.  Lary was always helpful with information over the years, he gave us a gift when he told us the Port of Allyn received more than $1million dollars in capital funding as a result of hiring a lobbyist, then he gave us Holly Cocci’s contact information. We appreciated Lary being in our port family and will miss him. Seth Woolsen was recommended as an attorney who works with WPPA members on helping the port through the dock repair process, Seth has been retained as the Port’s attorney to guide the port through dock contracts and bidding processes.  In preparation of the 2024 budget, the director went over YTD expenditures with the Port commission, stating that timber excise tax revenue was more than estimated was a contributor to helping with unexpected dock expenses.  The Hoodsport Trail Park investment funds derived of removed hazard trees provided 2023 funding to refurbish the trail park, purchase equipment needed to maintain the trail park and maintenance.  The Port budget for 2023 will have an estimated end balance close to what was budgeted. October vouchers are paid, revenue/expenditure estimations will be made for the last two months of the year. As for 2024 revenue, I will know more as we receive the tax Levy from the Assessor’s office.  The director asked if either Commissioners Kincannon or Brazil could find the contact information they received at WPPA seminars for the engineers who worked closely with WPPA ports on their dock construction.  The director said we have a new Donation policy, donation receipt and Donation Resolution POH23-02 for the commission to adopt for private citizens or anyone who would like to make a donation to the Port for a specific project or in general.   Commissioner Kincannon made a motion to adopt Resolution POH23-02 to accept private donations for special and general use for the Port of Hoodsport.  The director said one of the Kiwanis members called to ask if they could place their Veterans Day breakfast banner across the metal railing in front of the beach, I told them it was alright.  Commissioner Brazil asked who the person was, the director said a guy named Ken who got direction for Betty Whiting.

Budget:    September 2023 financial statements were reviewed.

Old Business:  As discussed above        New Business:    As discussed above.

Next Meeting:    Special meeting Friday October 27, 2023 at 8am, Budget Hearing Meeting November 15th, Regular port commission meeting November 15, 2023

Adjourn:          Commissioner Kincannon made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Morris seconded, all in favor, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at am 10:43am

2023 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:

Wednesday’s at 9am November 15th, December 13th

Special Meeting October 27th @ 8am

Budget Hearing Meeting November 15th 9am

_______________________  _____________________  _________________________                   Commissioner Kincannon         Commissioner Brazil         Commissioner Morris