May 10, 2023 Call to Order: 9:04am Adjourned: 9:41am
Hybrid Meeting Held at: 24113 North Highway 101, Suite A Hoodsport, WA 98548
Virtual Zoom Conference Meeting Room ID#406-238-9936
Roll Call: Commissioner Kincannon – Chairwoman / 2nd Trustee. Commissioner Brazil – 2nd Chairman/Trustee
Commissioner Morris
Staff Present: K. Wyatt, Executive Director S. Lindgren – Maintenance Supervisor
Public: Forest McCullough – NW Land & Tree
Jan Morris – Fjordin Crossin
Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Kincannon motioned to approve the May 10, 2023, agenda as written, Commissioner Morris seconded; all in favor, unanimously approved.
Minutes: Commissioner Morris motioned to approve the regular port commission meeting minutes for April 12, 2022, Commissioner Kincannon seconded, all in favor, unanimously approved.
Vouchers: Commissioner Kincannon motioned to approve the Vouchers for April 2023, in the amount of $16,867.90 included (HTP cedar trees $4500.) (Dock survey pmt#3 $1900.) Commissioner Morris seconded, all in favor, unanimously approved.
Public Communication:
Commissioner Kincannon welcomed Jan Morris, organizer of the Fjordin Crossin event to the meeting. I have good and bad news regarding the event on June 17th. The bad news is Captain Lee will not be here with his boat this year for a lot of reasons. YSS Dive may want to use one of their boats to take the Aquavit across the canal. Cindy Sund has volunteered to bring the Lady Alderbrook if it won’t be a problem to moor with the outside dock, she will come and take a look. S Lindgren said, shouldn’t be a problem. J Morris said Derek Kilmer is going to be the MC for the event. On the transportation, we rented parking spaces at the school and a school bus, Sandy Carmichael will be the bus driver. Kerry and I will talk to Mollie at the grocery store to find out if we could use their parking lot as a bus stop, otherwise, we will have to go North to turn around. We would like to use a couple of the Port’s parking spaces in front of the office. Commissioner Kincannon said of course, we can cone off and reserve the spaces. We would also like to use the Port office to store rented chairs overnight. Commissioner Morris said you can coordinate with me on using the office. J Morris said we rented portable restrooms and will put them on the grounds somewhere. I also want to say the Potlatch brewery is having an official Scandinavian special Fjordin Crossin beer release party on May 19th at the 6pm, Rachel Hansen is bringing oysters. The director said, Jan if you have a pdf file of your poster, I will upload it to the Port’s website, we can tape laminated posters to the office window. Commissioner Kincannon said the port would send a recap of the grand opening notes to Kirk Boxleightner at the Shelton Mason Journal after the Volunteer work party event. J Morris said Kirk I would like to take out an ad with the Fjordin Crossin event for the bus route. K Boxleightner said you will have to contact the main office and send it to Justin Johnson.
Commissioner Kincannon said the Hoodsport Trail park flyers for both the Volunteer work party and the Grand Reopening of the Hoodsport Trail Park will be posted on the office windows. The volunteer work party is scheduled for Saturday May 13th between 10am and 2pm. The Grand Reopening has been scheduled for Saturday May 27th.These events have been advertised in the newspaper, Lake Cushman’s email newsletter, Lake Cushman’s email blast, on the Ports website, flyers have been posted at businesses around town and people are spreading the event information by word of mouth. We are excited about the turn out for both events and hope to get many community members who expressed interest to participate. For the work party, we will provide gloves, eye protection, some hand tools, water, and snacks. Volunteers must sign a waiver, they could download and print the form from our website but we will have plenty of them on hand at the event. Commissioner Kincannon said the Grand Re Opening of the Hoodsport Trail Park is scheduled for Saturday May 27th. We are excited to show off the 80-acre trail park so everyone can see why it was so important to remove hazard trees for the public’s safety and for the health of the forest, 3000 cedar trees were planted in the reforestation program. Commissioner Brazil said, I rode in the scooter and saw the trails, we can get all the bark we need from the Lake Cushman maintenance company, they delivered a few truck loads, a lot of it has already been spread on the trails. Commissioner Morris said I did not have time to finish the spreadsheet flowchart for the DNR lease renewal project contacts yet as I have been busy talking with everyone. I found an engineering firm to get another bid for the pilings and reached out to the state senator Drew McKewan and representatives. The interactions have been encouraging but it will be rough to get money from the legislature for January 2024, we may be able to secure money for the engineering process, we may be able to find local grants. The EDC contact may have come up with some money for the survey and inspections required by DNR, we will need to remodel the dock for use. The nice thing is the gate keepers for money at the state level is on board. I am meeting with Drew McKewan’s aide hoping to push back the deadline. Commissioner Kincannon said she read an article that state money was available, Mason County applied and was awarded $350,000. but needed 4.5 million. We have to find grants without matching funds. Let us know if you need help Commissioner Morris, thank you!
Port Maintenance Reports:
Hoodsport Trail Park & Disc Golf Park: S Lindgren said we are ready for the volunteer work party, there is a huge pile of bark that needs to be spread, the storybook trail is nice and clean ready for the libraries story book. Spending lots of time at the disc golf course and trail, it looks very nice. The mule and container shed are a Godsend. Commissioner Kincannon asked if there is a person interested in summer work to help S Lindgren with the port’s facilities. S Lindgren said yes, this guy is in the process of moving up to Lake Cushman, he will get his business license and he has a truck
Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: S Lindgren said there’s been a lot of household garbage being dumped into all of the public garbage cans. The flowers are in and turned out okay, they are bigger than in the past. I will need help to get them on the poles. Commissioner Morris said he would help. I turned on the water line for the irrigation system and it blew a hole in one of the lines, it is fixed and not currently leaking. The system is over 10 years old. The County dropped off signs that say shellfish must be cooked before consumption; signs are posted along the waterfront park.
Portable Restrooms: The Port and Hood Canal Grocery share the cost to rent 3 portable restrooms each with hand washing stations for the public’s use in the summer season, they are serviced 3 times per week. In winter there are 2 rentals, each serviced twice per week. The Port monitors them for trash and additional toilet paper needed in between services. Increase in the number of Sani cans and services start at the end of April.
Port parking/Office building/Maintenance shed: People are dumping household trash.
Port Directors Report:
The Port director said she invited the executive director for the Washington Public Ports Assn, Eric Ffitch and Cailan Neeler, project manager at DNR to attend today’s meeting to discuss the dock lease renewal, both of them had prior commitments and have made arrangements to have a Zoom meeting with Commissioner Morris later today to discuss the lease renewal and its requirements. As Commissioner Kincannon stated we are ready for this Saturdays work party event, this in an opportunity for people who have been inquiring about what’s happening at the trail park over the last year and a half to tour the park and for those who expressed interest in helping out, we hope to see them Saturday. S Lindgren will have suggestions for small jobs on what remains to be done to tidy up the trails, he will organize work parties to get them started on different projects. F McCullough with NW Land & Tree will be there to answer questions about hazard trees and reforestation, he will have his equipment onsite to help with bigger projects if needed. F McCullough has also committed to be at the Grand Reopening on Saturday the 27th,. At the Grand reopening of the trail park and disc golf park ribbon cutting ceremony, the port will be giving away discs and packages of pine tree seeds to the first 100 people in attendance. We will have drinks and food in celebration of this event. The Port is currently working on two different State Audits, the annual Schedule 22 audit and the biennial special assessment audit, both should be complete by the end of May. The annual JLARC report has been submitted to the state regarding public request information required by the state. The port has incurred extra bills for the Hoodsport Trail Park which include the replanting of 3000 cedar trees, a Google business profile highlighting the trail park and disc golf course, a tourism ad in the Southwest Washington Visitors Guide highlighting the trail park and disc golf course, new signage for the disc golf course, rock for three parking lots at the Hoodsport Trail Park, insurance for the UTV, service for the UTV, pressure washer and water tank for the UTV totaling $12, 751.00. Commissioner Kincannon made a motion to move $20,000.00 from the Investment account to the Hoodsport Trail park line item in the budget to cover the costs for improvements and facility equipment needed to maintain the trail park and disc golf course. Commissioner Morris seconded the motion, it was unanimously approved. An added cost of $1900.00 was the third payment for the aquatic surveyor required by DNR for the dock lease renewal.
Budget: April 2023 financial statements were reviewed.
Old Business: As discussed above New Business: As discussed above.
Next Meeting: June 7th
Adjourn: Commissioner Kincannon made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Morris seconded, all in favor, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at am 9:41am
2023 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:
Wednesday’s at 9am June 7th, July 19th, August 9th
_______________________ _____________________ _________________________
Commissioner Kincannon Commissioner Brazil Commissioner Morris