June 7, 2023 Call to Order: 9:05am Adjourned: 10:23am
Hybrid Meeting Held at: 24113 North Highway 101, Suite A Hoodsport, WA 98548
Virtual Zoom Conference Meeting Room ID#406-238-9936
Roll Call: Commissioner Kincannon – Chairwoman / 2nd Trustee. Commissioner Brazil – 2nd Chairman/Trustee
Commissioner Morris
Staff Present: K. Wyatt, Executive Director S. Lindgren – Maintenance Supervisor
Public: Jan Morris – Fjordin Crossin
Eric Ffitch – Executive Director, Washington Public Ports Assn.
Carly Michaels- Senior Director for Environmental Policy WPPA
Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Kincannon motioned to approve the June 7, 2023, agenda as written, Commissioner Brazel seconded; all in favor, unanimously approved.
Minutes: Commissioner Morris motioned to approve the regular port commission meeting minutes for May 10, 2023, Commissioner Brazil seconded, all in favor, unanimously approved.
Vouchers: Commissioner Kincannon motioned to approve the Vouchers for May 2023, in the amount of $34,307.32 included (HTP parking lot restoration, signage, road permit, tourism publication) Commissioner Brazil seconded, all in favor, unanimously approved.
Public Communication:
Commissioner Kincannon welcomed Jan Morris, organizer of the Fjordin Crossin event to the meeting. I have good news we have been super successful with pre-registration for the paddle the canal event, everything is on schedule and Kirk Boxleightner did a great article in the newspaper. We would like to store tables and chairs in the port office and make sure the parking spaces in front of the office are reserved for the MC. The Lady Alderbrook will carry the Aquavit across the canal, we would like to have cones on the outer dock for their moorage. There will be lots of good food and beverages, all of the local shops will be open, the shuttle will run between 10am and 5pm and YSS Dive shop will be in charge of safety on the water. We expect a great event. Commissioner Kincannon welcomed Annie from the Timberland Library, Annie said she found all of the metal frames for the storybook, it is up on the trail and looks good. Commissioner Kincannon welcomed Eric Ffitch, Executive Director for the Washington Public Ports Association (WPPA) and Carly Michaels, Senior Director for Environmental policy for the WPPA to the port meeting. EFfitch said it is my first time to attend a commission meeting in my new roll, my background includes working seven years for port of Seattle in state government in Olympia and I have a background in politics prior to my new position at the WPPA. CM is senior director for environmental policy, we both started with the WPPA on January 3rd, we are focused on advocacy, education and communications with ports. We are interested in talking about your DNR lease renewal. Carly said I moved to WA from WI to pursue my dream job in environmental policy and governmental affairs lobbying with a focus in educating agencies. We are interested in working with other port agencies who have DNR leases. Commissioner Morris said the dock is the most present interest that brings in tourism, it is public facing and our public’s main access to the hood canal. The port’s long-term goal is to have the dock in good shape and as less of a work in progress, at this point repairs and or replacement requires state capital funding which is not available until after 2024. There was lengthy discussion about the port docks DNR lease renewal requirements, the port of Hoodsport’s budget constraints, how to pay for current DNR requirements during the lease holdover and how best to move forward to secure capital funding ensuring a forward movement with DNR and the port’s dock lease renewal. The first step includes DNR’s specific required initial inspections to determine the scope of work needed to be done for the safety of the dock, funds availability to pay for the aquatic survey, inspections, and to make necessary initial repairs, then to adhere to the ongoing steps written in the lease required over the next 15 years to satisfy the DNR lease renewal requirements. Commissioner Kincannon expressed concern in signing the lease without assurance that the port can perform the repairs or replacement and continued requirements within the lease which may cost millions of dollars. We need capital funding not only for inspections and necessary repairs now but what are the costs 10 years from now, we cannot bankrupt the port especially on a very limited $100,000.00 annual budget. E Ffitch and C Michaels said they are willing to help in any way with their sphere of influence and expertise. Commissioner Kincannon asked the port director to email E Ffitch and C Micheals the old lease, new lease renewal and the port’s budget for informational purposes. Commissioner Morris thanked both E Ffitch and C Michaels for their concern in hopes they can help remedy this situation.
Commissioner Kincannon said the grand reopening of the 80-acre Hoodsport Trail Park and Hoodsport Hills Disc Golf course were great, her speech and photographs were emailed to K Boxleightner in include publishing his article in the Mason Shelton Journal. The port director and I are working on the lodging tax proposal, the director spoke to Diane Zoren who is on the Lodging Tax committee, the funding needed for the Port to help with dock lease renewal requirements do not qualify for the tourism tax funding, there may be room for a request for funds at the disc golf course if it relates to tourism. Commissioner Brazil said someone stole over 50 cedar trees and a lot of ferns along the trails from the Hoodsport trail park. Commissioner Morris said he thought the grand reopening and ribbon cutting at the disc golf course and Hoodsport Trail Park was successful, he was able to give away many of the commemorative discs and packets of pine seeds. He said during the volunteer clean up weekend we were able to look at the Gazebo which needs to be cleaned up and pressure washed so another coat of paint can be applied before winter, there were no volunteers, but it was a lovely day for hanging out at the trail park. Commissioner Brazil said the Port of Alyn is putting in a disc golf course and asked the director to invite their port director to attend one of the Port of Hoodsport’s regualr port meetings to discuss the Hoodsport Hill’s Disc Golf course and how the port went about it. E Ffitch said it may be a great time to discuss how they secured capital funds for $500,000.00.
Port Maintenance Reports:
Hoodsport Trail Park & Disc Golf Park: S Lindgren put up a chain across the road at the disc golf course and trail park to prevent people from spinning brodies in the parking lots. We will need upgrades to the Mule before winter. Commissioner Kincannon asked for a list with estimates to be approved for the Hoodsport Trail Park. As discussed, another dog waste dispenser was installed at the disc golf parking area by the #1 hole.
Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: S Lindgren said there’s been a lot of household garbage being dumped into all of the public garbage cans. S Lindgren said WA Dept of Fish and Wildlife planted eighteen thousand dollars’ worth of clams on the port’s public beach, the beach was closed for shellfish harvest at the end of May. The irrigation at the waterfront park is old and will need to be replaced. The port’s parking areas need to be restriped. We could really use some cigarette butt receptacles, one by the port parking area and at the disc golf course. I found a cell phone; it had a tracking device on it and the lady contacted me.
Portable Restrooms: The Port of Hoodsport and Hood Canal Grocery share the cost to rent portable restrooms each with hand washing stations for the public’s use in the summer season, they are serviced 3 times per week. In winter there are 2 rentals, each serviced twice per week. The Port monitors them for trash and additional toilet paper needed in between services.
Port parking/Office building/Maintenance shed: People are dumping household trash and throwing cigarette butts everywhere.
Port Directors Report:
The Hoodsport Trail Park Volunteer work party on Saturday May 13th was very well planned, advertised on the Port’s website, Lake Cushman’s website, throughout the community and in the local newspaper. The commission, facility supervisor and NW Tree were present with tools, equipment, snacks, and drinks, unfortunately, there was no turn out by the public. The Hoodsport Trail Park Grand Re Opening held on Saturday May 27th was very well planned, advertised on the Port’s website, Lake Cushman’s website throughout the community and in the local newspaper. The commission, director, facility supervisor, NW Tree, family, friends, and disc golfers were present for the ribbon cutting ceremony. Commissioner Kincannon gave a nice speech, commemorative frisbee discs and pine tree seeds, food and drinks were available to the public. The Port director completed the biennial State Audit assessment with the state auditor on May 30th, the Audit results based on the procedures performed cited nothing came to their attention in the areas reviewed that caused them to believe the Port did not substantially comply with applicable state laws, regulations, and its own policies, or had significant weaknesses in controls over the safeguarding of public resources. Recommendations by the state were that the district establish a policy governing bidding and procurement activity in alignment with state laws, the port agency will establish this policy. The cost of this audit was $1600.00. The annual Schedule 22 Audit was done by the port’s director and CPA. It was completed May 30th, a report was generated for the State Auditor and port commission. 2023 Q2 timesheets are due by the end of June for commission payroll, commissioners receive per diem only.
Budget: June 2023 financial statements were reviewed.
Old Business: As discussed above New Business: As discussed above.
Next Meeting: July 19th
Adjourn: Commissioner Kincannon made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Brazil seconded, all in favor, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at am 10:23am
2023 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:
Wednesday’s at 9am July 19th, August 9th
_______________________ _____________________ _________________________ Commissioner Kincannon Commissioner Brazil Commissioner Morris