January 18, 2023
Call to Order: 9:03am Adjourned: 10:00am
Hybrid Meeting Held at: 24113 North Highway 101, Suite A Hoodsport, WA 98548 / Virtual Zoom Conference Meeting Room ID#406-238-9936
Roll Call: Commissioner Kincannon – Chairwoman / 2nd Trustee, Commissioner Brazil – 2nd Chairman/Trustee -Excused absence, Commissioner Morris
Staff Present: K. Wyatt, Executive Director, S. Lindgren – Maintenance Supervisor
Public: Forest McCullough – NW Land & Tree
Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Kincannon motioned to approve the agenda dated January 18, 2023, at 9:03am, with an addition to the directors’ report to update the dock lease renewal; Commissioner Morris seconded; all in favor, unanimously approved.
Minutes: Commissioner Morris motioned to approve the regular port commission meeting minutes for December 14, 2022, Commissioner Kincannon seconded, all in favor, unanimously approved.
Vouchers: Commissioner Kincannon motioned to approve the Vouchers for December 2022, in the amount of $12,037.68, and Q4 Commission payroll for $3,695.66 Commissioner Morris seconded, all in favor, unanimously approved.
Public Communication:
F McCullough gave the commission an update on the Hoodsport Trail Park, we are one third of the way finished on the East side up on the hill where there’s a big portion of diseased trees by the big maple. We are cutting dead Alders up there and are halfway through these Alders. Commissioner Kincannon asked if they are still on target to be done by May 1st? F McCullough said yes, we are on target to be done by May 1st. Commissioner Kincannon said our goal is to have your equipment out by the 1st of May so we can pretty it up to be ready for the grand opening.
Commissioner Morris is looking at different Port websites to compare two things, public event facility use event fees and what port’s charge for boat moorage. We would like to be on par with what other Ports are charging to keep it real, currently the Port of Hoodsport is far below the market rate charging just $10.00 per boat for overnight moorage. Other Port’s are charging boaters $1.40 – $2.00 per foot for moorage. Using this formula, our $10.00 moorage fee would cover on average a 7 foot boat. I want to look at the quality of the moorage sites in comparison as well, I can say on shrimping days, we have some horrendous experiences with boaters skills when docking in the wind and waves. As an example, Pleasant Harbor is a very nice marina that fits the name, they charge $2.50 per foot for moorage but are in superb shape. Fortunately, Port information is easy to find with our handy WPPA directory so I will be contacting other ports. I am waiting to hear responses on events and what the market rates are and what will be reasonable for the Port of Hoodsport to charge for events at the waterfront park. The port director and I have been discussing legal language to set up policy around events and moorage. We are reaching out to other ports to compare their language on policies and facility use agreements to comply with RCW’s., we are also working on policy for the port to accept private donations. Commissioner Kincannon said, the Port currently has a facility use agreement approved by our Port attorney, as far as fees, we want to be in line with other ports and will be increasing the liability insurance to $2 million dollars. I want to get us up to speed with fees and policy. Commissioner Morris said I worked with Karen Leaf – Mason County Economic Development on Washington state grant money categorized under festivals during COVID to help with the Fjordin Crossin event and the brewery. Karen heard we were looking for grant money to fund the dock and reached out, it turns out a lot of people would like to help fund the dock repair and restructure, which gives us a lot of wind in our sails. Commissioner Kincannon said I would like for us to make a decision to raise the moorage rates before this summer. I think $15.00 – $20.00 is average for what you found out as we don’t have personnel to measure boat lengths. Commissioner Morris said I don’t think it is unreasonable to make a motion to raise the overnight moorage slip rate, we can put it on the agenda for the February meeting. We can talk to the port attorney regarding policy and will make changes to the Marina’s signage, website, and moorage envelopes before summer. Commissioner Kincannon said the Port has had a state purchasing agreement with the Department of Enterprise Services since 2019, right now, we can buy from state approved vendors if we are making big purchases. As per an email on quotes for storage containers which include #1 which is favored Pacific NW Equipment in Tacoma $6000 with a $600. Delivery fee for a 40’ x 8’6” container. It should be new, in a tan color that can be painted green; #2 I would like to withdraw because I am not sure of the stability of the company, we can continue to check one more vendor. S Lindgren said we should call McKinney. Commissioner Kincannon said that’s where I work, we sold the container division to Pac Family NW Containers. Commissioner Morris asked if we needed a concrete pad, Commissioner Kincannon said, we don’t, they are steel but do need to be on level ground, so the doors open and close correctly. S Lindgren said we can put dunnage underneath and it would work fine.
Port Maintenance Reports:
Hoodsport Trail Park & Disc Golf Park: The park is starting to look good; we are working on the East Side of the creek the trees there with root rot are the worst in the park, they are standing and dead, it’s also a mud hole, we brought lots of rock in. I am recovering old disc goal baskets and the pads. I have retrieved two goals and two pads, there are 2 more goals and 5 pads left. Two of the goals were destroyed by falling trees last winter, 1 was stolen, for a total of 15 goals, they are big and heavy. Commissioner Kincannon said the ATV will help with work for clean up before we have the grand opening in May. If we approve the ATV today, we can determine who to purchase it through using the state purchasing agreement. S Lindgren said, I have priced them and for the ATV and utility trailer it will cost between $15,000 and $20,000 for everything needed. Commissioner Kincannon said I make a motion to purchase the ATV, trailer and accessories using funds slated for the Hoodsport Trail Park. Commissioner Morris said assuming there is a $20,000 ceiling, I second the motion, the motion carried.
Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: S Lindgren said it is quiet in town except there is more and more household garbage being dumped in all of the garbage cans. There is also a homeless problem, a car has been parked in the port parking lot and people are sleeping in it. Commissioner Kincannon asked what do you do if you see someone in their car for a couple of days? S Lindgren said, I ask if they need help, point out the towing signs and tell them they have to go. Someone stole the aluminum can liner inside the concrete trash receptacles, I watched it on the surveillance video the next day. The Christmas light pole will have to be stored by the Port since the Kiwanis no longer have anywhere to put it. It is over 20’ long and is currently in the port’s office. The gift store is storing the Kiwanis Candy Canes, when we get the container shed, we can store all of it in there. Commissioner Kincannon said the people who sell the containers have all kinds of kits to put shelving and hooks on the wall to store baskets, the light pole and candy canes. Commissioner Morris said, my concern would be to access the container from one end to retrieve something on the other side, could a door be cut in the middle to make it more easily accessible without pulling everything out? S Lindgren said an additional door could make it vulnerable to be broken into. Commissioner Kincannon said shipping containers with steel locks don’t get broken into, people want to get in and out quickly. We can circumvent the air circulation with Dry Z. Once we purchase the UTV, we will know the total width and organize it. Commissioner Morris said assuming the May target is met by F McCullough, how do we de modify the parking area, is the disc golf parking area ready? S Lindgren said the yes, the disc golf parking lot is ready now, there is a pile of firewood logs, and the base is solid, people are already using the disc golf course. Commissioner Kincannon said the main parking lot and gazebo parking lot will be done by F McCullough, we will touch base with him in March to make sure he is done by May. We will advertise a couple of weeks in advance for volunteers to help with a clean up day. S Lindgren said the storybook trail and Disc Golf Course are clear now, they will be tidier by May. Commissioner Morris said that is awesome, we can make a huge deal with a ribbon cutting and pull put all stops. The port director reminded the commission that S Lindgren still needs help as spring and summer are approaching, the last person who wanted the job was sent the contract and paperwork but never responded.
Portable Restrooms: During the summer season, the Port and Hood Canal Grocery store rent 3 portable restrooms each with hand washing stations for the publics use, they are serviced 3 times per week. In winter, rentals are decreased to 2 rentals each and serviced twice per week. The Port checks them for trash and additional toilet paper in between services.
Port parking/Office building/Maintenance shed: People are dumping their household trash.
Port Directors Report:
The Port director said Commissioner Brazil spoke to the president of the Kiwanis and will invite her to elaborate on their volunteer policies . Commissioner Kincannon asked the director to create a spreadsheet showing the exact numbers for 2022 and how they compared to the estimated year end budget. A 2022 year to date spreadsheets with actual expenditures was compared to the 2022 budget showing where additional unexpected timber revenue put the port $8,751. over the projected 2022 end balance. Commissioner Kincannon thanked the director and said she did a great job. The director and Commissioner Morris are looking into policy changes for facility use event fees, a moorage rate increase and private source donations as reported in the commissioner’s report. The WPPA and other public ports will be contacted to compare their policies and fees. The port director said $40,000 from investment funds slated specifically for the Hoodsport Trail Park as per the 2023 budget resolution will be moved into that budgeted line item along with the cost of the Container shed, it’s configuration and the cost to prep the area it will be placed, and the UTV when the Port knows exactly what the numbers are. The director received a memo from the accountant stating that the IRS raised the mileage reimbursement amount to 65.5 cents per mile for 2023. The director spoke to the surveyor regarding the needed survey to renew the port dock lease through the Department of Natural Resources, he is finished with his site review and will be writing his report attaching the map to be submitted to DNR by the end of January.
Budget: December financial statements were reviewed
Old Business: As discussed above New Business: As discussed above.
Next Meeting: February 8, 2023
Adjourn: Commissioner Kincannon made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Morris seconded, all in favor, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
2023 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:
Wednesday’s at 9am February 8th, March 8th, April 12th
_______________________ _____________________ _________________________
Commissioner Kincannon Commissioner Brazil Commissioner Morris