April 13, 2022
Call to Order: 9:00am Adjourned: 10:27am
Meeting Held at: Virtual Zoom Conference Meeting Room ID#406-238-9936
Roll Call: Commissioner Kincannon – Chairwoman / 2nd Trustee
Commissioner Brazil – 2nd Chairman / Trustee
Commissioner Morris
Staff Present: K. Wyatt, Executive Director, S. Lindgren – Maintenance Supervisor
Public: Forest McCullough – NW Land & Tree
Jan Morris – Fjordin Crossin
Bill Long – Community Dog Park representative ‘Sundogs’
Don Kinney – Hoodsport Dive
James Thompson – Washington Public Ports Assn.
Annie Bowers – Timberland Library
Approval of Agenda: The port director added Don Kinney to the agenda after the ‘Draft’ agenda was posted to the port’s website. Commissioner Brazil motioned to approve the agenda dated April 13, 2022, with the addition; Commissioner Kincannon seconded; all in favor, unanimously approved.
Minutes: Commissioner Brazil motioned to approve the regular port commission minutes for March 9, 2022, Commissioner Morris seconded, all in favor, unanimously approved.
Vouchers: Commissioner Kincannon motioned to approve the Voucher for March 31, 2022, in the amount of $8,225.40 and Q1 Commissioner Payroll $1,372.29 Commissioner Brazil seconded, all in favor, unanimously approved.
Public Communication:
J Morris said all plans for the Fjordin Crossin are coming along. Derek Kilmer will be joining the event and leading the parade on a boat. Mason County transit will no longer be providing shuttle services to the event since it is on a Sunday. Rachel Hansen, new owner of the bank building will allow us to park along with the library and other spots for parking. YSS Dive will have a Sealife touch tank for the kids. The Norwegian elkhound society will be there, the Salmon center will run the education desk and will be cooking oysters. The league of women will put up posters and talk about women in Mason County. Commissioner Kincannon asked if they will have additional trash cans, J Morris said they would be using the port’s trash cans. Three portable restrooms will be delivered for the event, one of them provided by the Port of Hoodsport. The end dock and South end slip will be reserved for the event allowing the public to use other slips as well.
F McCullough said they will start removing down and hazard trees in the Hoodsport Trail Park in two weeks, it will take a month to complete the project. People can still access a part of the park while we work. Commissioner Kincannon asked if they will be done by Memorial Day as many people will want to hike and play disc golf. F McCullough said, yes by that time we will be working at the back of the park. Commissioner Brazil asked if they recently surveyed the park, F McCullough said yes, there are quite a few trees that are dead and dying especially by Hole 1 close to the parking lot. I estimate 20-30 loads will come out, the positive news is that the timber value is up on a negative note, inflation is killing us. Commissioner Brazil asked if he put orange ribbon on the trees going out toward State Rt 119 by the Lake Cushman homes. F McCullough said no, I noticed a orange ribbon line by the houses, it looks similar to marking trees in fire abatement projects. Commissioner Kincannon said keep us up to date via email or phone.
B Long said his nonprofit organization ‘Sundogs’ is looking for about 4 acres of property where they can put up a fence for a dog park where beneficiaries of dogs and community dog owners meet, share information, make friendships, and let dogs run and socialize off leash. We have looked at a couple of sites in Hoodsport and are currently looking at the Ports property at the Hoodsport Trail Park between the gazebo and Dow Mtn campground. We would like to partner with the Port of Hoodsport to make it happen. We have dog parks in Shelton and University Place and are looking at other areas. We have anonymous and other donors who help monetarily with installing water, fencing and poop bag stations. Commissioner Kincannon said it sounds like a great program and good for the community. Could you tell us what happened with other locations in Hoodsport? B Long said the old ballpark at lake Cushman in Division 10 was a consideration but the properties are only open for residents and guests of the Lake Cushman homeowner’s association. I talked to B Grondin, warden of the disc golf course and he was concerned about dog droppings, and we are too. Commissioner Morris said I have taken my dog to the Chambers dog park and enjoyed it. Since you are experienced in running these can you provide financial information on what the main costs are and the mechanics of how it works, who would keep it up. B Long said there are 143 members with an annual membership of $10., we feel there are quite a few others who will join in Mason County, and we receive donations. B Long said the Pierce County dog park belongs to the County, we built the fence, provide maintenance and poop bags. Commissioner Kincannon said the 80 acres was deeded to the Port by the State of Washington and has strict guidelines, we will need a lot more information on your finances, the logistics of how this will happen, maintenance and your latest grant funding. S Lindgren said a suggestion would be the Foothills Park, it is cleared and not in use, two miles down the road on State Rt. 119. B Long said some members don’t like the area because of past situation with campers. Commissioner Brazil said they could call the County on the status of the Foothills Park.
D Kinney said he owns Hoodsport Dive who handles the commercial side of dive safety training and YSS handles recreational diving. We train tribes, shellfish companies and next week on Tuesday April 19th, there will be a minus 2 tide which is perfect for safety training. We would like permission to use the Port’s dock to put divers in the water for a few hours. I spoke to the director regarding insurance. Commissioner Kincannon said just as a reminder we can grant you use of the end slip but will need to keep the dock open to the public. Commissioner Brazil said to be mindful of boaters while under the water. D Kinney said yes, they will and that works, we are looking at using the dock between 8am and noon or 1pm. The director said she will email an Event application and Facility Use Agreement. Commissioner Kincannon made a motion to approve the Dive event on Tuesday April 19, 2022, between the hours of 8am and 1pm provided we have the Port Facility Use Agreement, Event application and Certificate of liability beforehand. Parking must be within port parking areas. D Kinney said they could use their trailer to load and unload the equipment and participants then take it back to their dive shop. Commissioner Brazil seconded the motion and said he would like to come down and watch. All in favor, unanimously approved.
J Thompson introduced himself as the executive director of the Washington Public Ports Association; it is good to see the commissioners and director of the port of Hoodsport. Thank you for the invite, we are neighbors and when I drive by, I am a little jealous of your beautiful area. I want to connect and learn more about the port of Hoodsport. The WPPA is a resource to you, we have a mission to help you with programs, opportunities, resources and funding for development and maintenance. You realize the commission can’t socialize without it turning into a public meeting. WPPA taining is exempt in the Open Public Meeting Act, its where we can come together to talk about issues. I am available to you if you have questions. Will the commission be attending the WPPA Spring meeting at Skamania? Commissioner Brazil said he would be there and likes to attend the Small Ports meeting as well as it is very educational. J Thompson said small ports keep tourism going and are big deals in small communities. Commissioner Kincannon asked if there’s a date for the Small Ports seminar? J Thompson said it is always held in the 3rd week of October in Leavenworth at the Enzion Inn. Commissioner Kincannon asked if there will be a new commissioner seminar as Commissioner Morris has not had an opportunity to attend yet. J Thompson said that seminar is always held in an odd year since that is when Port Commissioners are elected. We will, however, have a guidebook available online to all ports that has a detailed policy to follow, it will be online for everyone when it is completed.
A Bowers said she came to listen in on the plan for the tree removal, she has the next storybook all picked out, laminated and ready for sign making. S Lindgren said he would bring all the metal signs to her so she could get ready. Commissioner Brazil said everyone loves the storybook trail, the kids run to the next sign to read the page.
Commissioner Reports Commissioner Brazil said he picked up some of the new Hoodsport trail park brochures, it looks good. Commissioner Kincannon said the final version should be finished along with the new port logo and letterhead. When completed, we will print and distribute the brochures at the visitor’s center and laminate one to be posted at both trailheads to the park.
Port Maintenance Reports:
Hoodsport Trail Park & Disc Golf Park: It’s been snowing the last couple of days.
Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: The palm trees at the waterfront park all died during the big freeze, the irrigation system, fire line on the dock and flowers all must be planted after the nighttime temperatures are above freezing. Flowers have been ordered. The fire extinguishers have been certified for 2022. The WA Fish and Wildlife opened the ports and Potlatch public beaches to shellfish harvesting for the month of April. Commissioner Kincannon said she will check with the nursery to find out what kinds of plants can be replanted in a rocky area.
Public Restrooms: On April 14, 2021, the public restrooms were surplus’d to the Purvis’ whose plans are to repair and re-open them at their expense, they will replace the drain field and repair the septic system in accordance with the Mason County Environmental health specifications. Until then, the Port of Hoodsport and the Purvis’ continue to provide portable restrooms with washing stations for the publics use.
Port parking/Office building/Maintenance shed: S. Lindgren monitors live stream surveillance cameras overlooking the public restrooms, office building, port shed, parking lot, waterfront park and marina dock. It appears the same people continue to dump household garbage. The hazard trees threatening the port parking area have been removed.
Port Directors Report
The port director received the Fjordin Crossin’s facility use agreement and certificate of liability for the May 15th event. The Spring newsletter was posted to the Ports website, office window and the Lake Cushman online newsletter. A man named Ritchie who volunteers for the US Forest service clearing trails called and said he would like to volunteer to help the port with clearing trails at the Hoodsport trail park. The director said after the trail parks hazard trees are removed the port maintenance supervisor will contact him when he requires help to maintain the trails. A new trash receptacle was purchased by the port and placed at the North end of the Port beach at the stairway. Commissioner Morris said he noticed a lot of trash was in it instead of on the stairway. R Kowalski, maintenance contractor has been contracted to work with the maintenance supervisor from June through September to help in summer months. Commissioner Kincannon said he is great with plants and will be an asset to the Ports maintenance. S Lindgren said they may need an additional chain saw and trimmer for him to work in a different area on port property that needed equipment. Commissioners Kincannon, Brazil and Morris all agreed with a motion during a previous meeting to go ahead with purchasing battery operated equipment to maintain port properties. The commission agreed the additional equipment should be purchased so a second person could help efficiently maintain port properties.
Budget: March financial statements were reviewed
Old Business: As discussed above New Business: As discussed above
Next Meeting: May 11, 2022
Adjourn: Commissioner Kincannon made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Brazil seconded, all in favor, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:27a.m.
2022 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:
Wednesday’s at 9am May 11, June 22, July 20, August 17, September 7th
Commissioner Kincannon Commissioner Brazil Commissioner Morris