2021 November 10th (2022 Budget hearing meeting minutes & approved Budget)

Date Published: December 15, 2021
Category: Budget



November 10, 2021

Call to Order: 9:03am                                              Adjourned: 9:20 am

Roll Call:                               Commissioner Booth– Commission Chair

                                                Commissioner Brazil – 2nd Commission Chair, Trustee

                                                Commissioner Kincannon –

Staff Present:                        K Wyatt, Port Director, S Lindgren, Port Maintenance

Public:                                    Kirk Boxleightner, Mason County Journal               

A Public Hearing was held to consider testimony before adopting the FINAL 2022 Budget for the Port of Hoodsport. 

The Public was invited to speak, there were no public comments, the public comment portion of the hearing was closed.

The Port Director stated that the 2022 budget for the Port of Hoodsport has increased by 1.01% over the 2021 budgeted revenue. Even though property values have risen dramatically in 2021 within the Ports district, the Levy rate for the Port district has steadily decreased each year. For example, in 2017 the Ports Levy rate was .27cents per $1000. dollars, of the assessed value of property within the ports district, in 2021 the Ports Levy rate was .21cents per $1000. dollars of the assessed value of property; and for 2022 it has decreased to .19cents per $1000.dollars of property taxes.  The increase in Revenue for the Port of Hoodsport for the 2022 budget is $1,817.00 over 2021, an increase of 1.01% over the 2021 budgeted revenue.

Commissioner Brazil proposed and made a motion to increase the Port Directors contacted salary by $5,000. annually, an annual increase from $30,000. to $35,000. stating there has not been an increase in this position since 2011. Commissioner Brazil thanked the Port Director for the hard work during her 11 years with the Port of Hoodsport. Commissioner Kincannon seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion carried.

Commissioner Kincannon made a motion to transfer $20,000.00 from the Port of Hoodsport’s Investment account into the general account to cover the 2022 maintenance and improvement costs for the 80 Acre Hoodsport Trail Park which includes the Disc Golf Park. She cited that in 2008, when the State of WA deeded the Hoodsport Trail Park to the Port of Hoodsport to become its steward, there was a stipulation in the agreement that all revenue collected from the Hoodsport Trail Park had to be reinvested into maintaining and improving the 80-acre Hoodsport Trail Park.  The revenue in the Port of Hoodsport’s investment account, currently $226,000. came from trees that had to be removed due to root rot and bark beetle infestation, Currently, there is a 15-year forest management plan in place to identify and remove sick and dying trees before they become hazard trees.  Commissioner Booth seconded the motion, all in favor, unanimously approved.

Commissioner Brazil thanked the Port Director for her hard work on the Ports 2022 balanced budget. 

Commissioner Kincannon motioned to let the record reflect that the 2022 Budget is a balanced budget, she made a motion to accept the 2022 budget as prepared and to adopt the 2022 Budget Resolution 2021-03 to reflect the Beginning Balance of $95,956.00, Income Revenue amount being $129,225.00 Expenditures $129,225.00 with the projected ending balance of $95,956.00; the motion was seconded by Commissioner Brazil, all in favor, unanimously approved.

The 2022 Budget hearing was adjourned at 9:20am

__________________     ______________________   _______________________

Commissioner Booth     Commissioner Kincannon   Commissioner Brazil

Ending Bal  2021Beginning Balance JAN 2022 $              95,956.00
362.40.00.3020Moorage Fees (Port Dock/Marina) $                          800.00
311.10.00.3000Property Taxes Levy      $                  100,786.00
337.00.00.3020Timber Excise Tax $                       7,000.00
361.40.00.3010Leasehold Excise Tax
317.30.00.0000Refund Levy Tax $                          259.00
386.00.14.0000Sales Tax (Moorage) $                             50.00
361.11.00.0000Investment Interest $                          205.00
361.10.00.3000Non budgeted Income $                          125.00
361.10.00.3000Investment fund (Move to HTP & DGC) $                     20,000.00
2022 Total Revenues $            129,225.00
Total Funds Available for Port of HoodsportPort of Hoodsport         $                  225,181.00
781.10.00.0010Commissioner Position 1 $                       2,500.00
781.10.00.0020Commissioner Position 2 $                       2,500.00
781.10.00.0030Commissioner Position 3 $                       2,500.00
781.21.00.0000Social Security $                       1,500.00
781.22.00.0000L&I, PFML,  $                             80.00
781.41.00.0010Office & Maintenance Supplies  $                          800.00
781.41.00.0020Small Tools PC $                          900.00
781.41.00.0030Postage $                          200.00
781.31.00.0010Attorney Services $                       2,500.00
781.33.00.0010 Administration/CPA/Computer Tech IT $                     40,000.00
781.33.00.0010State Auditor -Schedule 22/Assessment $                       2,000.00
781.60.00.0010Other Lease/Rent $                       4,200.00
781.71.00.0020Election (Mason Co. Election Fees) $                       1,500.00
781.72.00.0010Lodging.Seminar.Parking.Meals $                       5,000.00
781.72.00.0020Mileage $                       1,300.00
781.73.00.0010WA Gov Entity Pool – Enduris $                       6,500.00
781.74.00.0010Newspaper Notices $                          300.00
781.75.00.0010Membership/Dues $                          720.00
781.79.00.0010Marketing $                       1,000.00
781.88.00.0010Telephone/Fax/Internet/Website $                       3,500.00
781.88.00.0020Email & On-Line Charges $                          200.00
783.30.00.0010Waterfront Park  $                       9,000.00
783.30.00.0020Marina/Dock $                     10,000.00
783.30.00.0030Port Office $                          500.00
783.30.00.0040Hoodsport Trail Park  $                     14,000.00
783.30.00.0050Public Restrooms $                       9,000.00
783.30.00.0060Surveilance $                          900.00
783.30.00.0080Disc Golf Course  $                       6,000.00
781.90.00.0010Warrant Costs $                          100.00
781.90.00.0030Prop Taxes $                             25.00
Total Expenses $                  129,225.00
2020Projected Ending Balance $                     95,956.00