2021 February 10 Virtual Port Commission Meeting Minutes

Date Published: March 3, 2021


                       OF THE PORT OF HOODSPORT COMMISSION                  

February 10, 2021 Call to Order:   9:00am        Adjourned:  10:05am

Meeting Held at:              Via Zoom Conference Call 

Roll Call:                             Commissioner Booth – Chairwoman

                                                Commissioner Kincannon – 2nd Chairwoman

                                                Terry Brazil – Trustee                                                                                                               

Staff Present:                    K. Wyatt, Administrative Director

                                                B. Osborne – Supervisor of Maintenance

                                                S. Lindgren – Maintenance

Public:                                       Mike & Geri Purvis – Hood Canal Grocery

                                                    Jann Goodpaster – Hoodsport Resident

                                                  Annie Bowers – Timberland Regional Library

Approval of Agenda:  Commissioner Booth made a motion to approve the agenda as written; Commissioner Kincannon seconded; unanimously approved.

Minutes: Commissioner Booth made a motion to approve the regular port commission minutes with one correction for January 13, 2021, Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.

VouchersApproval of Voucher January 1of 1 1-27-2021 in the amount of $6,112.60 and 4th Quarter Commission payroll in the amount of $2,062.02.

Public Communication:   The port director was asked by Commissioner Booth to read a proposal received from M & G Purvis titled ‘Save our Restrooms’.  The Purvis’ proposed to take charge and supply the needed public restrooms for tourism in the community of Hoodsport.  To open the restrooms back up, it will require expanding and repairing the septic drain field; and supplying and maintaining the public restroom building. It will also require creating a nonprofit organization that can accept funding from tourism grants, taxes, businesses who support tourism, business owners and private citizens.  An estimated budget proposal was provided.  M Purvis said the proposal is rough and needs adjustment as we go.  We will not come back to anyone; we will just make this thing work. The Purvis’ requested the port provide a portable restroom until the public restrooms are functional with a projected date of July 2021.  After the restrooms open, there will be a non-binding agreement that will suggest the Port pledge $835.00 per month to assist in providing public restrooms for tourism drawn to the community from recreational port properties.   Commissioner Brazil asked the port director if it was currently within the port’s budget, the director said, yes it does, we have budgeted for portable restrooms with minimal staffing for 2021. Commissioner Kincannon said it was a great proposal, the port could add it to their annual budget review to analyze the amount of money that the port can contribute annually based on the ports budget.  Commissioner Booth said it was a very generous and wonderful offer, we are keenly aware of how much the town needs a public restroom, this is a great solution to have public restrooms and for the port to assist with the public restrooms for tourism, it is a reasonable amount that currently fits into the ports budget.  The Port would like to acknowledge that without the Purvis’, the public restrooms would not have initially been constructed in 2013 as the drain field and restroom facility are on Purvis’ property and were allowed to be built through a lease and an easement.  Commissioner Brazil said it was really the only solution since the Port was up against a wall without funds in the budget to repair or maintain the restrooms, with no other entity willing to provide funding or take it over.  The port needs to focus on future planning to repair and maintain its recreational public properties instead of reacting to something the port does not have funds to address.  M Purvis said the goal is to strengthen the port to operate within its budget and the long-range goal is to alleviate the Port of the burden.  We realize the port has many things they need to do with the money in their small budget. The proposal is not a contractual agreement, non-binding.  Consult with the ports attorney so he can put together the paperwork.  Commissioner Booth asked the port director to work with the port’s attorney on how to properly convey and surplus the restroom facility to the Purvis’ and what paperwork is involved to terminate the ground lease, easement and accept the Purvis’ proposal.  Annie Bowers with the Timberland Library said the update for the storybook trail is that we chose a book call the ‘West Coast Wild Babies’ that goes with the wilderness theme.  We are ready to attach laminated pages of the sign posts.  We are working on facts that go with the signs and are on track to install them on the trail in March.  Commissioner Booth asked once you are set up, who will you call for publicity? Commissioner Kincannon said I can help you with press releases. Annie said we have our own creative services who can do it, we have a monthly newsletter.  Commissioner Brazil said we should coordinate it with a spring opening at the disc golf park which has been very busy.  There are always cars parked in the disc golf parking lot and I hear people talking as they play disc golf.  Commissioner Booth asked if we have heard from Morgan Rothrock, one of the disc golf members and original founder of the disc golf park.  The port director said she emailed him and invited him to the port meeting for an update but has not heard back.  Commissioner Brazil said Bill Grondin is the course warden and he should spearhead publicity for the disc golf course.  S Lindgren said we need to get some heavy equipment in the disc golf parking lot because with the rain, it has become a muddy mess.  B Osborne said there is a pile of bark that needs to be regraded and we can get 21 yards of gravel for $710.00.  S Lindgren said we should wait until the forester takes the logs out through the parking area.  M Purvis said you can do something as simple as dig a French drain right through the middle of the parking area.  Jann Goodpastor said her family decided to close their gravel pit, she just talked to her brother Jim and they can donate the gravel the port needs before the pit is closed.  Commissioner Brazil said that is a generous and great idea.  The port director said DNR approved the ports application for the 15 year forestation plan to remove hazard trees in the Hoodsport trail park before they become dangerous.  The Port took down dangerous hazard trees last spring which is what are stacked in the log decks, we were waiting for DNR approval and hopefully they are still marketable for pulp.  Commissioner Brazil said, I make a motion to have NW Land & Trees remove the logs at the Hoodsport Trail park and take them to market, put in a French drain in the parking lot, and regrade the parking area to be ready to accept the gravel donation from the Goodpasters gravel pit.  Commissioner Kincannon seconded the motion.

Commissioner Reports     Nothing to report 

Port Maintenance Reports:  

Hoodsport Trail Park & Disc Golf Park:  B Osborne said the park was maintained by S Lindgren and is looks great.

Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park  S Lindgren said some of the fascia boards came loose on the dock from winter weather.  Grass seed has been spread in the area behind the maintenance shed, I would like to install a perforated pipe to direct the flow of runoff coming down the hill with some plants to wick away the water.  Commissioner Brazil said by all means make sure the water is draining away into the storm gutters.

Public Restrooms: Currently closed to the public both as directed by Mason County because of a failed drain field and due to the COVID 19 pandemic for health and safety of the public and personnel. An ADA and 2 Portable restrooms with hand washing stations are available for the publics use. Portable restrooms are serviced Monday and Fridays in winter months. They are serviced additionally when needed. Maintenance personnel monitors garbage and supplies additional toilet paper as needed.

Port parking/Office building/Maintenance shed: B. Osborne and S. Lindgren have Security App’s on their phones to monitor live stream surveillance cameras overlooking the public restrooms, office building, shed, parking lot, waterfront park and the dock.

Port Directors Report

A Facility Use Agreement between the Port of Hoodsport and YSS Dive Shop has been reviewed by the port’s attorney at the dive shops request.  There is conflict with a Washington state constitution prohibiting a public port to contribute public funds or assets as a gift that creates revenue for a private entity.  The use on port property cannot be a scheduled use unless an application has been submitted and a facility use agreement is in place with proper insurance for special events that are not consistent.  Commissioner Kincannon asked if they use their boat only to pick up and drop off people it is occasional.  Commissioner Kincannon made a motion to go with the attorney’s findings and have the ports attorney send a letter to the YSS Dive shop outlining his findings referencing the conflict and in what capacity the dive shop can operate on port property under the Washington State Constitution.  The port director summarized the Computer technician’s proposal for services of remote help, web hosting, domain registration, continuous back ups and internet protection which came to $900. Annually.  He is also going to make sure the port is using the most current version of Microsoft 365 for word/excel.  Commissioner Kincannon made a motion to accept the proposal very quickly by the computer technician.  Commissioner Booth seconded the motion. Governor Inslee extended the Proclamation 20-28-14 OPMA guideline to continue with 25% capacity, Due to the most recent Governors mandate, COVID-19 health and safety compliance signs are posted on all port properties for the public’s information and on the office window.  The Port of Hoodsport port commission continues using the ‘Zoom’ virtual chat room venue for regular port commission meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic, the public can request an invite to attend the meetings.  Meeting dates are posted on the port’s website, on Mason TV, in the WPPA newsletter and posted on the port office window. Currently, the public may email the port for an invitation to attend the regular port commission meeting.  The request must be received by 4pm the day prior to the scheduled meeting. 

Budget:                  January financial statements were reviewed

Old Business:        As discussed above        New Business:       None

Next Meeting:          March 10, 2021 to be held via internet in a ZOOM chatroom venue

Adjourn:    Commissioner Booth made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Brazil seconded, it was unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10.05 a.m.

2021 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:

Wednesday’s at 9am March 10th, April 14th  2021

Commissioner Brazil     Commissioner Booth     Commissioner Kincannon