2020 May 13 ‘Virtual’ Regular Port Commission Minutes

Date Published: June 18, 2020


May 13, 2020

 Call to Order:   9:00am                                                    Adjourned:  10:35am

Meeting Held at:    Via Zoom Conference Call

Roll Call:     Commissioner Petz – Commission Chair  Commissioner Brazil   Commissioner Booth

Staff Present:       K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager, B. Osborne – Director of Maintenance, S. Lindgren – Maintenance

Public:    Forest McCullough – NW Trees,  Ben Carlsen – Forest Management Solutions, Brian Sund – Septic Designer, Jan Morris – Hardware Distillery, Bill Grondin – Course Warden Hoodsport Hills Disc Golf Course

Approval of Agenda:  Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the agenda as written; Commissioner Booth seconded; unanimously approved.

Minutes: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the virtual regular port commission minutes from April 8, 2020, Commissioner Booth seconded, unanimously approved.

Vouchers:   The following Vouchers/Warrants were approved for payment: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the Voucher for Commissioners payroll in the amount of $2,418.68 and the Voucher May 1of1 in the amount of $7,931.40, total amount $10,350.08.

Public Communication   F. McCullough said we finished up falling the hazard trees at the Hoodsport Trail Park and are waiting for WSDOT to open operations when the Covid 19 Phase II starts so we can remove the pulp trees.  Ben Carlsen said I am waiting to receive the signed engagement letter.  The port administrator said it was emailed to you, I will re send it.  Ben said, I am happy to know Forest is cleaning up the project on the hazard trees.  To highlight the process, I propose to create a forest management plan to turn in to Mason County that outlines a 15 year plan to continue removal of trees identified with root rot before they become hazard trees and are a danger to the public.  There will be a permitted process for continued operation at the Hoodsport Trail Park concurrent with the long-term forest application turned in to the state of Washington to maintain public health and safety of the Hoodsport Trail Park.  The port will be utilizing NW Trees to remove trees as they become diseased.  Commissioner Booth asked, is there a waiting period.  B Carlsen said, once submitted there is a 45-day process period.  Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the Forest Management plan as a solution to the ongoing diseased tree problem at the Hoodsport Trail Park.  Commissioner Booth seconded; motion carried unanimously.  Jan Morris said, the Fjordin Crossin event has sadly been cancelled due to the Coronavirus.  I want to know how the hanging flower baskets along the highway in town are paid for and who waters them.  Commissioner Brazil said, the Port maintains hanging flower baskets that are hanging from the poles on port property.  The port is a Chamber member and we buy the flower baskets from the Chamber of Commerce every year. S. Lindgren said, the port waters them, we got permission from PUD#1 to run irrigation to the hanging baskets.  Commissioner Brazail said, a long time ago there was a business association, they purchased the flower baskets and hired someone who had a water tank in the back of their pickup truck to go around and water the flowers hanging from the poles in front of the businesses in town, it was very expensive.  Commissioner Brazil asked J. Morris, has there been any comments from business owners or pedestrians regarding the new crosswalks?  J. Morris said, yes, everyone is happy and many people who are visiting are using them.  I am working on a pedestrian refuge on the library side of Hwy 101.  I spoke to the library to see if they were willing to help with the cost, they said they have no money.  After the Coronavirus, I will start talking about it again. For now, it has fallen to the wayside.  Commissioner Petz said, I had a conversation with M. Purvis at IGA and pointed out that the port is unable to use the county property up the hill for the alternative septic drain field because the adjacent landowners are not in favor.  I asked M. Purvis if it was a possibility to use the back up reserve drain field that was referenced in the ground lease with IGA where the original drain field was installed.  I told M. Purvis the port had a meeting set up with Senator Sheldon and representatives McEwan and Griffey to discuss ideas about moving the financial burden of maintaining the public restrooms.  I asked M. Purvis if he was interested in taking it over, M Purvis said he would discuss it with G Purvis but they maintain the stance that with their expansion, they may need the space between the drain field for their own use.  B Sund said, in my evaluation, the IGA drain field legs are 10 feet apart, the Ports are also 10 feet apart which creates enough room for them to go in between the drain field legs at a later date, if needed.  There is 50 feet and plenty of room to use down the road.  We have a current, valid drain field installation permit now and the weather is right now. B Sund said we have one year on the approved permit to fix the drain field; our time is running out.  Commissioner Booth said if we can’t fix it, we should cut our losses and turn it over to the Purvis’, they can do the hook up and keep customers happy or else the ports only choice is to shut it down permanently.  Commissioner Petz said I said to M. Purvis, if you allow the Port to install the drain field, and you needed the drain field, it would be turned back over to you.  Commissioner Petz said no matter how we proceed, if the port is unable to repair the drain field, getting people involved to take it over if it is partially operable will never happen.  Commissioner Petz said, I will continue to talk to M. Purvis to get a final answer so we can make a final decision after the next regular port meeting.  Commissioner Brazil said I discussed the inventory control system and volunteers with B Grondin, the course warden at the Hoodsport Hills Disc Golf course. The disc golf materials were purchased by the Port during the original design of the 18-hole course, the project was abandoned due to the difficulty of volunteer’s free time, the terrain and lack of participation.  B Osborne said no one is showing up from the club to participate in building the course so I believe we should get the course materials back, use what we can and find new volunteers.  B. Osborne said I called the local storage company and it costs $102. Per month for a 10×12 and $156. Per month for a 10×20 storage unit.  Commissioner Brazil said I asked B. Grondin, do you know where the disc golf course materials are stored? B. Grondin said I do not know where the materials are stored but they are at one of the members homes.   Commissioner Brazil asked B. Grondin, can you coordinate with M. Rothrock and the club to find out where they are and then we can utilize as much as we can so we don’t have to buy more materials such as concrete when we have rubber pads for the T boxes already.  Commissioner Booth said, now with COVID we need to send a letter to the Disc Golf president to let them know the disc golf course is open after the dangerous trees were fallen.  B. Grondin said there will be a change of command, we are supposed to vote in new board members for the Mason County Disc Golf association in June.  B. Osborne said between B. Grondin, S. Lindgren and me, we can go pick up the materials once we know where they are stored.  B. Grondin said there have been at least 6 cars a day with people playing the new course.  The disc golf community knows the old course is unplayable.  We can bring the composite pads from the old course and use them on the new course.  Commissioner Booth said why don’t we utilize all the equipment and make more practice baskets until the other course is being built again.  Commissioner Petz said, get the inventory and have the president contact our port administrator so we can talk to her at our next regular port commission meeting. B. Osborne said B. Grondin has put in countless hours making the 9-hole disc golf course a course to be proud of, he is there almost every day making sure the chain is up and down and the course is open for play.  I would like to know if he can be paid at least $500., for all of his hard work over the months.  Commissioner Brazil made a motion to pay B. Grondin $500. for working many hours and putting his own money into the course.  People have said the course is in great shape, Bill has done the majority of the maintenance work at the 9-hole course.  Commissioner Booth seconded the motion, it was unanimously approved.  Commissioner Petz said S. Lindgren has put in many hours of work at the trail park also.  B. Grondin invited the port commission to walk the course, it will only take about 30 minutes of your time, you will be pleasantly surprised.

Commissioner Reports:  Commissioner Booth said, I spoke to some of other ports and one way they create revenue is to rent land to a cell phone company for cell towers that could increase reception and provide high speed internet.  Commissioner Brazil said there is one tower in the neighborhood on Dow mountain,I think you need a line of sight for a cell tower.  It’s a good idea if someone is interested, we need to have cell phone tower regulations.  Commissioner Booth said, Commissioner Brazil would you be willing to check in to it.  B. Osborne said, the Southeast corner of the Hoodsport Trail Park is where to put it.  Commissioner Brazil said at one time, we were looking into putting up a weather station, we need to find out the cost for any new projects.  I will make some phone calls to Verizon and hood canal communications.  It took more than 10 years for the government to allow high speed internet to the Lake Cushman community.

Port Maintenance Reports:

Hoodsport Trail Park & Disc Golf Park:  The trail park is open to the public. S. Lindgren has been cleaning up fallen debris in the parking areas as needed. B Grondin, Hoodsport Hills course warden maintains the 9-hole golf course and is opening/closing the chain barrier during the day for disc golfers.

Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: S.Lindgren repainted the Ingvold Gronvold Port of Hoodsport sign at the waterfront park, planted all of the cement planters along the walk and cut up a beached log.  O Osborne said, we removed the cement planters by the shed and the public restrooms because plants and planters were being stolen and people were using the planters by the restrooms to discard their cigarettes.  Toziers should have our hanging flower baskets in soon.  Commissioner Booth said I noticed the sailboat was moored at our dock again.  S. Lindgren said yes, the guy rowed it from the Glen Ayre and I was waiting for him, I told him he had a 72 hour limit and he had to pay the moorage fees.  He worked on the outboard motor for 3 days, paid $30. and then was gone.  Commissioner Brazil said the waterfront park looks terrific and very cared for.  Commissioner Booth asked why does the North end of the dock look lower than the rest of the dock.  S. Lindgren said the flotation that was installed, shifts back and forth with the tide.  Commissioner Booth said, can we put some more flotation underneath.  B. Osborne said he would find out from Cindy Sund at the Union Marina, who worked on the marina dock, maybe we can consult with them for dock repair.

Public Restrooms: Currently closed to the public as per the COVID-19 situation

Port parking/Office building/Maintenance shed: B. Osborne and S. Lindgren both have App’s on their phones and are monitoring the live stream surveillance cameras that oversee the public restrooms, office, shed, parking lot, waterfront park and the dock.

Port Operations Manager Report

The port administrator said she will contact the new president of the Shelton disc golf as soon as she receives her information and will invite her to attend our next regular port commission meeting on May 27th.  The biennial report on the Hoodsport Trail Park was emailed to state parks department, which was a part of the agreement in the statement of utilization when State Parks deeded the trail park to the Port in 2008.

The Port of Hoodsport port commission are using the Zoom virtual chat room venue for public meetings during the COVID-19 social distancing period.  Meeting dates are posted on the port’s website, picked up by MasonTV, WPPA newsletter and is posted on the port office window.  A zoom invitation will be sent to anyone requesting to be present at a regular port meeting. Current Port meeting protocol requires the agenda to have two sections reading “Necessary and Routine” and “Necessary and Routine Topics and Actions in Response to COVID-19 Outbreak”. Currently, the public may email comments to the ports email address to include in the minutes but may not participate in the meetings. A Resolution authorizing the executive administrator to act in making decisions in an emergency situation, closure of the public restrooms for the safety of the public and maintenance personnel and holding regular port commission meetings online via ZOOM were the changes that have been made during the COVID-19 situation.

Budget:                  April financial statement was reviewed

 Old Business:        As discussed above                           New Business:       None

Next Meeting:          May 27, 2020 to be held via internet in a ZOOM chatroom venue

Adjourn:    Commissioner Brazil made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Booth seconded, it was unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m.

 2020 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:  Wednesday’s at 9am   May 27th, June 10th, June 14th

 Commissioner Petz                  Commissioner Brazil                Commissioner Booth