2017 April 12 Minutes

Date Published: June 1, 2017



April 12, 2017

Call to Order:
                Adjourned: 11:00am

Meeting Held at:    Hoodsport Port Commission Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA

Roll Call:     Commissioner O’ Laughlin – Commission Chair

Commissioner Brazil

    Commissioner Petz

Staff Present:     K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager

                B. Osborne, Maintenance Director

Public:         Kevin Shutty -Mason County Commissioner, Ken Sides- Kimber Construction, Erin Dilworth & Lauren Johnson -WA Fish & Wildlife, Morgan Rothrock- Shelton Disc Golf Assn.

Jan Morris –Hardware Distillery

Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the April 12, 2017 meeting agenda, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.

Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the Regular Port Commission minutes of March 8, 2017; Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.

Commissioner Brazil motioned to approve the following Vouchers for payment

April1of1 totaling $4,981.69; April 2of 2 totaling $273.70 & 1st 1/4 Commission payroll $862.11; Commissioner O’Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved.

Public Communication:
Commissioner O’ Laughlin introduced Kevin Shutty, newly appointed County Commissioner. Kevin said he appreciated the time and work the Port puts in. He said a couple of issues people may want to know they are working on and are top priorities are, first the Belfair sewer system which has affected 200 people in by imposing an assessment of $71,000. per customer. Another priority is to expand the criminal justice inmate facility because currently it outsources $1.7 million dollars in services. The County Court house was built in the 1920’s and needs expansion along with the County offices. The Economic Development council is continuing to find ways to improve and attract business in Mason county. The Commission proposed to move into a two year budget so programs can be evaluated and it would give people time to step back and use money effectively. Commissioner O’Laughlin welcomed Commissioner Shutty into the County Commissioner position and appreciated his coming to the regular port commission meeting. He said there are lots of issues out here in the rural areas of the County which make it feel isolated and hopes to see more input by the County Commission. Commissioner Shutty said Tim Sheldon is supportive and effectively helpful in the Senate.

Commissioner Petz said he would like to discuss the port dock repair with Kimber construction in regards to the issue of whether to hinge or not to hinge the fingers of the port dock after the damage from winter weather. He spoke to engineers along with the previous port dock builder who was adamant about keeping the dock fixed. He also spoke to Reid Middleton who builds boat docks around the world. Hinges can create a stability and maintenance problem unless there are only small waves. In talking to different people it was determined that no marina gets the wave action like the Hoodsport marina which is vulnerable to weather since it is not protected by anything and directly takes the full brunt of any and all wind created waves. In studying the history of the Hoodsport dock, the first docks pilings were not put in deep enough and during the first storm, it pulled out all of the pilings. He has looked at the metal pilings which have corrosion and a lot of play when the wind is blowing the dock around. He suggested angle bracing on the inside corners for stability. Ken asked how deep the pilings were and said when they did move there was a foot in play but that they always came back to center and that the weight of the dock is a factor in the movement. Ken said that an engineer needs to look at the stress on the outside beam. The outside beam wants to lift the entire dock, he suggested reinforcing the outside beam with steel instead of wood. Ken said the metal pilings were hollow and it was possible to fill them to stiffen and stabilize them. Commissioner Petz wants the name of another engineer to talk to before making a decision on what exactly to do to repair the dock in the best way possible that will be a lasting repair.

Commissioner O’Laughlin said to Morgan Rothrock, I understand you are a celebrity in regards to the upcoming article that was going to be published in the local Shelton Journal newspaper. The article will be featuring Morgan playing disc golf at the Hoodsport Trail disc golf course, a professional course he designed that is currently being constructed. Morgan said in regards to the continued construction of the course, its been a rough winter compared to last winter for working on the course. We have had to cancel work parties because of the massive amounts of water that turned everything in to a mud hole. We have had 3 work parties in the last 6 weeks. We are not quite ready to drop more baskets and hopefully it will stop raining so we can get back to work relatively soon. Our immediate plan is to put maps of the course in a kiosk showing which holes are playable and not playable. We also want to make an alternative pad for the first hole and have the spot already picked out. Commissioner Petz said, for our guests today, we are installing a disc golf course and the Shelton Disc Golf Association is supplying the labor and infrastructure, the Port is supplying the material. It will be the best disc golf course in the state, in the nation and in the world. Morgan said that on the disc golf association website there is criteria which are met by checking off boxes for professional disc golfers such as aesthetics, amenities and unique challenges. The Hoodsport Hills Disc Golf Course is listed on the website but the review section is blocked until the course is finished at which time the public may make online comments. The course needs to roll out with great reviews; there is only one chance to make the first impression. Commissioner O’Laughlin suggested having a large sign made that says ‘Coming Soon’ so everyone will know it is still under construction. Morgan said there are currently lots of water issues from all of the rain. They will work on the map and kiosk first.

Erin Dilworth with the Marine Habitat division in the Washington Fish and Wildlife talked about and displayed a monofilament recycle bin they want to install at the Port of Hoodsport Marina. She said the monofilament fishing lines get tangled with wildlife and that it takes 600 years to break down. Fish and wildlife adopted the recycle program and are starting with 100 recycle bins for salt water as well as lakes. DNR gave a mandate along with the Washington Ecology Corp who are partnering with cities, counties, ports and other organizations who are currently installing 62 recycle bins at known sites. Commissioner Brazil suggested speaking with the local tribe for bin installations at Lake Cushman and Lake Kokanee, he said they could also speak to the hatchery run by Tacoma Power. Erin showed how to unscrew the bottom of the bin to let the debris drop out into a trash bin. Erin said that community groups may adopt bins, the monofilament is recycled in Florida and melted down to make park benches, tackle boxes and other things. The bin is fastened by bolts and brackets to a wooden structure. Erin suggested that they partner with the Port via a Memorandum of Understanding so the Port could be the steward of the bin or they would come by and empty it.

Jan Morris said her Fjord Crossin event will be on June 24th. She talked to Geri and the IGA and they want to participate in the event and will donate 25 parking spaces. IGA will have wine tasting inside the store and a food cart outside. Carlos with the Puerto de Angeles restaurant will be participating, Hamma Hamma Oyster Company will be BBQing oysters on the beach at low tide at 11:30 am. They plan to launch Chuck in a boat with the barrel of Aquavit at 11:00am. She spoke to Lee Geist who has a new boat which they plan to have as a backup boat and will be taking people out on the canal after Chuck returns across the canal. Hood Canal events plans to rent non motorized boats, canoes, kayaks and paddle boards and want to have races. The tribe will be asked to use their busses, parking area and lodges for the public. A full page ad will be published in the new Fjord magazine inviting the public to the Fjord Crossin event. Xinh who used to have the restaurant in Shelton may have a food booth along with the Hoodsport coffee company. Jan plans to have everyone situated on the Port’s waterfront property and marina for their event. Jan’s plan is to keep the event small, simple and local. K. Wyatt will talk to the Ports insurance company to find out what kinds of insurance coverage is required. Commissioner O’Laughlin will speak to WSDOT traffic safety to get signs that say ‘Congestion Ahead’. Commissioner Brazil said they may want to evaluate the traffic safety since people will be crossing busy Hwy 101.

Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner Petz did a presentation for the local Lions club on the Port of Hoodsport. The members were interested in the disc golf course but more on the 9 hole course that will be designed on the Lake Cushman side of the port property since it will cater to amateurs, older people and children. Someone said they tried to follow the course but got lost because there were no signs for direction. A member also said they saw trash that was dumped in the upper parking area. Commissioner O’ Laughlin said the shrimping dates this year are two Saturdays and two Wednesdays in May on the 10th, 13th, 17th and 20th. Commissioner Brazil was notified in March by the Lake Cushman security that there was an abandoned travel trailer chassis on the Lake Cushman side of the Hoodsport Trail park. The travel trailer was stripped and dismantled and left on port property. K. Wyatt contacted the Sheriffs department to identify if it was a stolen travel trailer and was informed of the process on how to remove it from the property if it is unidentifiable. Commissioner Brazil knows who the trailer belongs to and will contact the owner and ask them to remove it prior to taking further action. Commissioner Petz received an email from RCO Recreation Conservation Organization, they are accepting grant applications for docks with slips over 24 feet in length and construction costs over $200,000. He will check into what costs are to completely rebuild the ports dock, the criteria of the grant and will report his findings at the next meeting.

Port Maintenance Reports:

Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: B. Osborne will repaint the Kiosk and sign at the waterfront park when weather permits. The sprinkler system will be checked prior to planting flowers in the planters and hanging the flower baskets from the poles along the waterfront. The lawn will be fertilized and scheduled to be mowed each Friday.

Port parking/maintenance shed: B. Osborne said some of the boards by the dumpster are rotted and need to be replaced, he bid out the materials which will be $513.

Public Restrooms: B. Osborne said he will order paint to repaint the restroom walls and non slip paint for the floors

Hoodsport Trail Park: The bollards and chain will be installed at the upper parking area and across the street on the 20 acre side by the Lake Cushman development.

Port Operations Manager Report:

K. Wyatt had fire extinguishers replaced for the marina dock and office, they were over 6 years old and the ones on the dock were starting to degrade.  K. Wyatt suggested the Port create an area along the waterfront at the port's waterfront park where community groups can purchase and donate benches with plaques identifying the donor in an effort to create more public seating close to the marina.  Commissioner Brazil said it was a great idea and worth pursuing.  Michael Mann with Cyan Strategies contacted the Port and said WSDOT just published a Grant funding application to request funds for electric vehicle charging stations.  He said the due date for the application was May 12th which does not give the Port much time to apply.  He wants to have a conference call which includes the Port of Hoodsport and PUD#1 at a designated time to be determined.  K. Wyatt ordered flower baskets from the Chamber of Commerce for the hanging baskets to be hung along the waterfront and will be notified by the Chamber as to when they will be ready.  K. Wyatt gave the commission a copy of the Spring newsletter in which parts will be published in the Lake Cushman online newsletter.  

Budget:     The Port of Hoodsport reviewed the March Financial Statement.

Old Business:     As discussed above

New Business:     None

Next Meet:      April 26, 2017

Adjourn:     Commissioner Brazil made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner O’ Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.

2017 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows: Wednesday’s at 9a.m.

April 26th, May 24th, June 14th, June 28th, July 12th, July 26th, August 9th, August 23rd

________________________ _______________________ _____________________

Commissioner O’ Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil