2016 July 13 Minutes

Date Published: September 10, 2016


Call to Order:
                Adjourned: 9:55am

Meeting Held at:    Hoodsport Port Commission Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA

Roll Call:     Commissioner O’ Laughlin – Commission Chair

Commissioner Brazil

    Commissioner Petz

Staff Present:     K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager

                B. Osborne, Director of Maintenance

Public:         Morgan Rothrock & Chris Auseth – Shelton Disc Golf Assn.

Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the July 13, 2016 meeting agenda, Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.

Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the Regular Port Commission minutes of June 29, 2016; Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.

Commissioner Brazil motioned to approve the following Vouchers for payment July 1of1 totaling $8,322.16 and Commissioner Payroll for the 2nd ¼ of 2016 $2,577.14 Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.

Public Communication:
Commissioner Brazil spoke with people who were hiking at the Hoodsport Trail park, they were looking for the disc golf course signs so they could figure out their proximity on the course and they couldn’t find any signs. Morgan said all of the temporary signs had been pulled up out of the ground by vandals. B. Osborne suggested using Plexiglas with tamper proof screws, Morgan said they went that route at the Shelton Springs course and would rather use a post and pvc or vinyl with enough thickness ½” or 5/8″ to adhere a vinyl sticker to. Commissioner Petz said he may have some material that may work. Morgan said it would have to be a bright white background using a red sticker so there is a high contrast in color to be visible in the woods. He wants to use 12″ Chevrons with big numbers on them. Morgan said they were well aware of the problem and is diligently working on replacing the directional signs as soon as possible. Morgan and Chris talked about their volunteers finalizing the design for the upper 9 holes at the disc golf course with some elevation changes, using a fun factor with a lower work factor so they volunteers don’t get too burnt out just working on the course design. They have tweaked some areas which now factor in some amazing downhill shots. Chris said they will need to do a little more ground work then they should be ready to finish the design and get the pads and baskets in as well as the directional signs.Commissioner O’Laughlin said the Port was working on a 2018 grant for the Hoodsport trail park expansion on the 20 acre parcel on the Lake Cushman golf course side of State Rt 119. The grant will be written to create a destination disc golf course with a covered picnic area which will be ADA compliant and senior, children and beginner disc golfer friendly. Commissioner Petz asked Morgan if he was able to create a diagram of a pitch and putt type course to submit with the grant application. Morgan said he would put something together when time permits.

Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner O’ Laughlin talked about his helping the Hood Canal Elementary School to write a grant which would enhance their sports track, and said that when it’s not in use by the children, it is a safe place for seniors and others to walk and get exercise. Commissioner O’Laughlin said the Kiwanis club will be picking their first vegetable crop of the season to donate to the local food bank. Commissioner Brazil commented on the Washington Public Port Assn newsletter called ‘the Manifest’, which is a variety of information that covers news items from all of the Ports in the state of Washington who are members of the WPPA. Commissioner Brazil asked K. Wyatt to submit the Port of Hoodsport’s Fall and Spring newsletters to the WPPA so some of the projects the Port is currently working on will be recognized and could be published in the WPPA’s newsletter. Commissioner Brazil also asked why there is a Community events tab on the Ports website, K. Wyatt responded that any community events could be posted on the Ports website for tourism purposes. Commissioner Brazil reminded the commission there will be a ‘Small Ports’ seminar hosted by the WPPA on October 20th and 21nd at the Enzion in Leavenworth and suggested that Commissioner Petz may entertain the thought of attending this year. Commissioner Brazil also brought up the Commissioners meeting hosted by the WPPA at the Alderbrook Resort on August 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Commissioner Brazil will be posting the Port of Hoodsport’s sign at the Lake Cushman golf course for the Cart Path project golf tournament on August 6th. Commissioner O’Laughlin said someone posted on facebook that there would be fireworks in Hoodsport on the evening of the 4th of July. He heard that a private group of people shot off lots of fireworks on the Port beach at 10pm July 4th. He asked Bruce if there was evidence of spent fireworks, a mess to clean up or trash at the dock or on the Port beach. B. Osborne responded that the ‘No Fireworks’ signs were posted on Port property, there were neatly stacked boxes of spent fireworks and only 5 bags of trash everywhere as opposed to 25 bags of trash on a scheduled fireworks event weekend. The people who set off fireworks did not ask for permission but did it and cleaned it all up. Commissioner O’Laughlin walked around to the local businesses in Hoodsport to ask how they did without the fireworks this year. They all responded that they were extremely busy and had the biggest revenue on the 4th of July weekend ever. Commissioner Brazil stated there was excessive traffic on the 4th of July going through Hoodsport because the Hood Canal Bridge opened up the bridge for water traffic then could not close the bridge so all of the traffic from the Olympic Peninsula had to drive through Hoodsport to get where they were going. Commissioner Brazil volunteered to research and purchase a surveillance camera system to install around the Public restroom and parking area, the camera system will also provide coverage of the Port dock and waterfront park as well.

Port Maintenance Reports:

Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: B. Osborne is training C. Treadwell to cover all aspects of the port maintenance job as a backup and to cover two days per week.

Public Restrooms: Restrooms remain super busy. The exhaust fan in the men’s bathroom will be replaced. The septic tank was pumped prior to the 4th of July weekend.

Hoodsport Trail Park: B. Osborne mounted the game camera and downloaded the first photos at the upper parking area showing nothing unusual or controversial.
The Vault toilet was pumped at the lower parking area. Some of the trail signs were torn down during the 4th of July weekend. Disc golfers are still working on the disc golf baskets and trails.

Port Operations Manager Report:

K. Wyatt received sample accepted grant application reports from RCO to better understand the kinds of information that will be needed to write a grant for public funding for a vault toilet at the current disc golf course upper parking area and to make a destination ADA compliant disc golf course on the 20 acre side of the Hoodsport Trail Park. The grant applications will be reviewed by K. Wyatt and Commissioner Petz in anticipation of 2018 funding for the disc golf project. K. Wyatt emailed Ron Satterfield, Hoodsport Fire Chief and Commissioner O’Laughlin spoke to him about doing a fire line pressure test at the dock as part of their fire training. The EV Car Charging station will have to be in the Port of Hoodsport’s name as the end user in order for PUD#1 to donate the charging station. The Port signed the contract and will submit $216.00 for the annual network fee. PUD#1 ordered the unit after the contract was signed. The Port will pay for the installation of the unit and the monthly modem cost. IGA will make a renewable energy donation to the Port in the amount of $819.00 annually to help the Port offset recurring costs. The electric car users will be swiping their credit card to pay for the electricity which should be enough to recover the electricity cost. K. Wyatt received the invoice for the semiannual pumping of the public restrooms septic tank and submitted the pump report to Commissioner Petz for his review to make sure the system is working as anticipated. The public restroom is extremely busy in the summertime with tourists and regulars; it is cleaned & restocked every morning and checked in the afternoons on weekends and holidays. The Port received a letter from the County Commission soliciting comments regarding a request for $450,000. Per year from 2016-2018 from the Mason County Rural Sales & Use Tax fund for the Belfair Wastewater Treatment & Water Reclamation Projects planning and infrastructure development. The letter was given to all three commissioners for their personal responses. K. Wyatt received information from a local business owner who was working late one evening and noticed that most of the street lights along the Ports waterfront property and office were burnt out. He asked if she would notify PUD#1 to replace the bulbs as it was very dark.

Budget:     Port of Hoodsport June 2016 Financial statement was reviewed

Old Business:     As discussed above

New Business:     None

Next Meet:     Regular Port Commission meeting Wednesday July 27, 2016 at 9am

Adjourn:         Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 9:55am

2016 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows: Wednesday’s at 9a.m. July 27, August 10, August 24, September 21, October 12