February 10, 2016
Call to Order:
Adjourned: 11:25am
Meeting Held at: Hoodsport Port Commission Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA
Roll Call: Commissioner Brazil
Commissioner O’ Laughlin – Commission Chair
Commissioner Petz
Staff Present: K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager
B. Osborne, Director of Maintenance
Public: Cheryl Haywood~Director, Timberland Regional Library
Masteller– Director of Admin & Public Relations PUD#1
Ruth Beven~ Hoodsport Coffee Company
Stephen Bray, Jan Morris, Chuck Morris, Carolos Hernandez, Geri Purvis
Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the February 10, 2016 meeting agenda, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.
Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the Regular Port Commission minutes of January 13, 2016; Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.
Commissioner O’ Laughlin made a motion to approve the following Vouchers for payment. February 2016 1 of 1 totaling $8,563.08 Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.
Public Communication:
Cheryl Haywood, Director of Timberland Library enlightened the Port Commission and audience with a wealth of resources offered by Timberland library, enticing everyone to go out and get a library card. Cheryl shared how Timberland libraries resources can help develop businesses and economies with access to a multitude of databases, online tutorials, freegal – free legal, songs, streaming & dvd movies, online magazines, books and so much more.
Kristen Masteller, Director at PUD#1 went over more details on the EV Electric Car Charging station, stating the income generated from people charging their cars would offset the annual service charge of $219.00 charged by Blink, the Car Charging Company. The next steps are to find a location for the Car charger, make sure the internal internet service provider supports the location and can communicate with the charging station, make sure the electricity source will support the charger, install the station, surround it with bollards and create the signage. A Memorandum of Understanding was written by PUD#1 and presented to the Port Commission. Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the MOU, it was seconded by Commissioner Brazil and was signed by the Port Commission. Providing all components come together to ensure connectivity and a safe environment, a tentative date for the EV Charging station to become operational will be April 15, 2016.
Ruth Beven, owner of the Hoodsport Coffee Company said she would like to resurrect the fireworks on the 4th of July weekend to bring tourists in to Hoodsport. She contacted the Alderbrook Resort who gave her the pyrotechnic company’s information that they will be using to provide a fireworks display during the 2016 4th of July weekend. Ruth got a quote of $5,000.00 for a 12-15 minute fireworks show she would like to see shot off a floating barge in Hoodsport on July 3rd. Geri Purvis reminded everyone there was an accident several years ago where the fireworks being shot off a floating barge caught on fire and the pyrotechnic crew all had to jump into the water which prompted the fire Marshall to ban shooting fireworks from a barge. Commissioner Brazil reminded everyone the fire Marshall stated that fireworks cannot be launched within 200 feet of a business which caused a problem for a local restaurant and their patrons. He also said the Port of Hoodsport’s Fireworks Resolution states that a fireworks event is permitted on the Ports dock with an approved WSDOT parking and traffic plan that includes WS Troopers to direct traffic, a designated remote parking area for all of the cars with bus service to the fireworks location, sheriff deputies for crowd control, a tow truck for violators and a crew of people to clean up the trash after the event. Commissioner O’Laughlin stated the Port did not budget for traffic control or law enforcement for 2016 because the events committee disbanded. He spoke to many people who were happy with not having a fireworks show on the 4th of July weekend. He also stated the first weekend in July is the start of ‘crabbing’ season and the Port Commission must clear the dock of fishermen/women, boats must be cleared from the slips and no one can park along the Hwy in front of the Marina in order for the pyrotechnics crew to set up and the fire department to be in place. Geri Purvis reminded everyone that the 4th of July event attracts lots of rowdy people this one day a year who come to Hoodsport around noon, camp out in their vehicle, start drinking early and get belligerent for the 15 minute show that doesn’t even start until approximately 10pm. IGA grocery store has to literally guard their parking lot so that their customers can park to come in to shop which often results in misunderstandings. The people who come into town do not fill up the motels or spend money in town. Commissioner O’Laughlin asked the business owners who were present how their business was last year when there were no fireworks on the 4th of July; all businesses stated they had a phenomenal income day. Ruth Beven said she was still considering ‘fireworks only’ and hoped they could figure it out. Commissioner Petz reminded Ruth she needed to have a plan in place. Stephen Bray said he would like to see ‘Tall Ships’, a ‘Regatta’ or a car show to bring tourists to town. Geri Purvis said she would love to see an Events Committee create events throughout the year to draw people in to town. Commissioner O’Laughlin told everyone the Hoodsport Trail Park will be fully open in the Summer of 2016 with a Championship Disc Golf course which is environmentally clean and will draw 200-300 people in to town. Commissioner Petz said it would be better to take advantage of, focus on and leverage your business on how to draw these people in to your businesses. The way this course is being designed, it will be the best in the USA and will draw competitors from across the country. Commissioner O’Laughlin said if there was an events committee and a plan they could consider fireworks for next year. Ruth wanted to know if Mason County Tourism could help and asked everyone in the room if they would volunteer to form an events committee, there were no volunteers. Commissioner O’Laughlin said from a logistics standpoint, it was too late to start planning fireworks this year and that the Port would definitely consider fireworks another time providing all approved plans were in place.Chuck Morris asked the Port Commission if he could donate liquid fertilizer to the Hoodsport Trail Park which was a bi product from his Distillery. Commissioner Petz asked him to get a scientific breakdown of the components and suggested if it consisted of good nitrogen and other elements that were garden grade; it could be donated to Hunter Farms or the Kiwanis for their garden that supplies the food bank. Commissioner Brazil suggested after testing it could also be donated to the Lake Cushman Golf course for the greens.
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner Petz moved to approve the Resolution 2016-01 to amend the Port of Hoodsport’s Comprehensive Plan to include a Comprehensive Parks & Recreation plan, it was seconded by Commissioner Brazil. Commissioner O’Laughlin asked Bruce Osborne what the Kiwanis were doing to rebuild the garden shed that floated away in the Skok Valley during the flood, he said there was no update on the plant sale because everyone left town for the winter.
Port Maintenance Reports:
Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: B. Osborne reported that we are waiting for the welder to reinforce the existing shackles that hold up the sliding plank, weather permitting.
Public Restrooms: Restrooms remain busy. Toilet paper continues to be a desired target for thieves.
Hoodsport Trail Park: B. Osborne is working on the sign posts and barriers at the second entrance to the Hoodsport Trail Park. A surveillance camera will be put up in the parking lot. People are doing peeling out in the new parking area.
Port Operations Manager Report:
K Wyatt spoke to the Mason County Elections department regarding costs from the Mason County Auditor sweeping the Ports general account for election fees. The Election office stated the payment analysis was likened to paying their fair share percentage of the total election cost. All Port & county districts would have to pay their share of the cost depending on their budget. Districts are only billed if it was an election year for their district even if they ran unopposed. K. Wyatt sent a letter to Steve Kim, Region Traffic Engineer and Steve Bennett, PE with WSDOT to verify they would partner with the Port to apply for grant money that would pay for the crosswalk beacon and vehicle speed feedback signs that will be erected in Hoodsport as a result of the public town hall Traffic and Pedestrian Safety meeting from September 8, 2015 that was held in Hoodsport, they agreed. K. Wyatt contacted the welder who is going to repair the shackles on the Ports Marina dock; he is waiting on equipment, assistance and good weather. K. Wyatt spoke to the company who is reinforcing the Marina dock slips and gangplank; they will be working on the dock as weather permits. The 2016 Tax Levy for all districts was received and presented to the Commission for their information. The Biennial Septic tank pumping was done on January 22nd; the next pumping will be scheduled for June 27, 2016. There will be no Port Commission meeting in March with two meetings scheduled in April.
Budget: Port of Hoodsport November/December 2015 Financial Statement was reviewed
Old Business: As discussed above
New Business: None
Next Meeting: Regular Port Commission meeting Wednesday April 6, 2016 at 9am
Adjourn: Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 11:25 am.
2016 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:
Wednesday’s at 9a.m.
April 6,
Thursday April 28th
________________________ _______________________ _____________________
Commissioner O’ Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil