November 12, 2013
Call to Order:
Adjourned: 2:15pm
Meeting Held at: Hoodsport Port Commissions Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA
Roll Call: Commissioner Brazil
Commissioner O’Laughlin – excused
Commissioner Petz
Staff Present: K. LeMaster, Port Operations Manager
Public: None in Attendance
Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the 11-12-13 work session meeting agenda. Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.
Commissioners Petz and Brazil met with the Port Operations manager and reviewed Actual costs for 2013 and preliminary numbers on the 2014 Budget line by line. The Commission took a good hard look at what it costs to maintain the Waterfront park, Dock, Hoodsport Trail park and the Public Restrooms. It was determined the Port of Hoodsport does not create much revenue and relies solely on moorage fees, timber tax and its levied tax base. The determination was the Port of Hoodsport needs a way to create an income stream to maintain its assets in order to continue to provide services to the community, the public and tourists. Approximately $20,000.00 in expenditures was taken out of the preliminary budget as a result of the line by line review.
The Commission discussed looking for a source to create revenue. One of the possible solutions discussed would be to purchase a Commercial income producing property at a reasonable price to provide services for a possible incubator business, auto body shop or other business. The idea is to create an income stream for the Port to help in maintaining its recreational properties for the continued use to the community and the Public. The Port discussed different ideas and determined it needed a lot more study before making any decisions.
Next Meetings:
Next meeting date is Tuesday November 19, 2013 at 9am.
A Public Hearing is being held to consider testimony before adopting the FINAL 2014 Port of Hoodsport Budget. This hearing is scheduled to be held prior to the Port of Hoodsport’s Regular Commission Meeting.
Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port meeting. Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 2:15pm
________________________ _______________________ _____________________
Commissioner O’Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner