2013 05 14

Date Published: January 28, 2014






May 14, 2013


Call to Order:


Meeting Held at:    Hoodsport Port Commissions Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA


Roll Call:     Commissioner Brazil – excused absence

Commissioner O’Laughlin     

    Commissioner Petz


Staff Present:     K. LeMaster, Port Operations Manager

                HP Maintenance & Janel’s Janitorial


Public:     Mike Purvis – IGA


Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the 5-14-13 meeting agenda. Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.


Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the minutes of April 30, 2013. Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.


Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the Vouchers May 2013(1of1) $14,438.98 Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.


Public Communication:

Mike Purvis made some suggestions regarding signage for the Public Restroom area. The Port would like to thank Mike and Geri Purvis for their support with the public restrooms and for supplying the Port with all of the beautiful flowers in town.    


Commissioner Reports:

Commissioner O’Laughlin walked the Hoodsport Trail Park, there are dead trees down by the creek and both bridges will need to be repaired, caution tape will be put up on both bridges until they are repaired. The downed trees will make a dam in the creek if they aren’t removed. Commissioner O’Laughlin would like to thank Commissioner Mike Petz for his time and devotion to the local food bank. Both Commissioner’s O’Laughlin and Petz donate their per diem checks to the food bank each quarter.



Port Maintenance Reports:

All plants have been planted around the Office, Marina, Waterfront Park and public rest rooms. The Big baskets that hang from the telephone poles will be in on Friday. A picnic table was purchased for the public restroom area. The Port of Hoodsport was wood burned in to the top to discourage vandalism. The Pet poo station and sign has been ordered for by the restrooms. The restrooms are auto locked and the hours are 6a.m. to dusk. A shuttle schedule for the ‘Celebrate Hoodsport’ fireworks event was mailed to all Lake Cushman residents and brought to the meeting in anticipation of the preparation for the fireworks celebration. A utility sink was not included in the design of the public restrooms; a mobile sink was made to facilitate the maintenance of the restrooms. The fire line on the dock must be tested and certified. A metal plate needs to be replaced by where the rollers are. It was suggested to use Marine grease to prevent the constant squeaking from the wave/wind action.


Port Operations Manager Report:

A grand opening celebration will be held on Friday June 14, 2013 between 11-2pm, a Press Release has been submitted to the Shelton Journal to invite the public. The Hoodsport fire department charged the fire line at the dock and it has a major leak at the last cuppling. The fire line will be inspected and certified by a professional company to be compliant. The email from the forester was reviewed by the Port Commissioners verifying the total number of trees that were planted and the invoice was approved for payment. There is another meeting with WSDOT regarding the placement of the Public Restroom sign on the highway. The ADA port o pot has been removed, there are no port o pots being rented and the new public restroom is working hard. The Hoodsport trail maps were printed and distributed at the Visitors Information Center, the trail park, and various businesses for the public. The Port of Hoodsport will provide traffic & citizen safety at the annual Celebrate Hoodsport fireworks event, State Troopers will be stationed at Hwy 101 and State Rt 119 to direct traffic, Sheriff’s deputies will be on foot patrol for crowd control and a tow truck will be on call again this year, preparations are under way for the Celebrate Hoodsport fireworks event to be held on Saturday July 6th.


Review of Expenditures/Revenue month ending April 2013


Old Business:


  1. ADA Handicap parking sign is ordered, it will be installed and inspected by the County

  2. ‘As built’ to be sent to County

  3. Replace microchip in float controller


New Business:

Next project for the Port and updating its Master Plan, this will be tabled for discussion at a later date, a public meeting will be held to revise what the public needs.


Next Meetings:
Next meeting date is Tuesday May 28th at 9am.


Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port meeting. Commissioner O’Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 9:47am


2013 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:


May 28th @ 9am, June 4th @ 9am, June 18th @ 9am, July 2nd @ 9am, July 23rd & 9am, August 13th @ 9am, August 27th @ 9am, September 10th @9am, September 24th @ 9am.


Minutes Approved: April 30, 2013



________________________ _______________________ _____________________

Commissioner O’Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil