July 17, 2012
Call to Order: 9:00am Adjourned: 10.30pm
Roll Call: Commissioner O’Laughlin – excused absence
Commissioner Brazil
Commissioner Petz
Staff Present: KS LeMaster, Port Operations Manager
Pat Hoff, HP Maintenance
Public: Krag Onsoeld ~ WSU 4H Forestry
Frank Phillips ~ Fire Commissioner
Mary Mead ~ Citizen
Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the 7-17-12 meeting agenda. Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.
Minutes: Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the minutes of June 5, 2012. Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.
Vouchers: Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the Vouchers June (1of1), June (2of2), July (1of1) Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.
Public Communication:
Fire Commissioner Phillips introduced himself and was here to observe. Mary Mead was concerned about the timeline to rebuild the Hoodsport Trail Park, it was discussed that the WSU 4H crew was starting on Friday July 20th to start reformatting the trails, clean up the area, work on a new trail map and plant native plants. Krag went over the WSU 4H forestry plan to start work on the Hoodsport Trail Park with regard to the trail work, planting of natives, & plan to make a trail with a special monument to the 200 year old Maple. They are devoting 11-12 days for the project to re format & establish trails on both sides of St. Rt. 119. Commissioner Brazil would like to see the trail cut close to the old Railroad grade and with a plaque making reference to historical information, he will contact a local historian. Commissioner Brazil & Fire Commissioner Phillips to discuss a fire drill at the Hoodsport Trail Park utilizing the Water tender truck.
Commissioner Reports:
Port Maintenance Reports:
Work continues to clean up and maintain the Hoodsport Trail park. Two cement picnic tables & benches and a trash receptacle will be delivered for the public to use at the Trail park, the park will be closed on Thursday night August 3rd for delivery & set up as the tables/benches weigh 2500 lbs each. A couple of Alder trees fell due to root rot and were being removed from the park.
Port Operations Manager Report:
Discussed the proposal made by WSU 4H Forestry crew for replanting of the Native plants. It was suggested by the WSU 4H administrator to utilize the Naval ROTC group to help with planting of the native plants.
The Celebrate Hoodsport Fireworks event was discussed; the Port of Hoodsport hired two State Troopers to ensure through traffic on Hwy 101 at State Rt 119, two Deputy Sheriffs to ensure public safety, a tow truck driver on standby & provided a clean dock for Public use and the Pyrotechnics crew to set up the fireworks. The public restrooms were monitored for cleanliness, supplies; the septic company was hooked up and on standby. It was a consensus that this year’s event was the most peaceful and without incident. An ‘event application’ will be provided for groups who are interested in using the Ports property for their events to dispel future confusion of who has permission to utilize Port property. A meeting will be requested with the Hoodsport Community Events Committee to discuss the date anticipated for 2013’s Celebrate Hoodsport.
The Marina Beautification project Phase II was discussed and HP Services did a wonderful job to have the grassy area & Waterfront park ready for the Public to enjoy at the Celebrate Hoodsport event. The project was under budget by $2000.
It was discussed that the State Auditor’s annual Schedule 22 was completed and an Asset Management policy will be put in to place.
The fire line on the Hoodsport dock was discussed and a call will be made to Enduris regarding the liability to ‘cap it off’ as suggested by the Fire Commissioner McDougall.
Budget: Review of Expenditures/Revenue for the month ending June 2012
Old Business:
- Discussion/Direction Regarding the Septic Design, Temporary & Permanent Restroom Projects:
Septic Design: Commissioner Petz & the architect are moving forward as per requirements made at the pre conference meeting with Mason County.
Permanent Restrooms: CXT Montrose is the consideration.
Temporary Restrooms: Up & running & being monitored.
Commissioner Petz summarized the current tasks in the process of the Permanent Restrooms. The Septic permit has been approved by Mason County contingent on the recorded Easement. The Variance permit has been approved, the Shoreline management plan has been accepted. Bid packages are ready to go; there is a 3 week process, 1 week to consider the bids during a Regular Commission meeting. A time line can now be laid out once the Contractor is selected, he will be the General contractor overseeing the septic system, the landing for the permanent restrooms, hook ups and electrical. The Permanent prefab CXT restrooms will be ordered with a 90 day timeframe.
New Business:
Next Meetings: Next meeting date is Tuesday July 31 at 9am.
Adjourn: Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port meeting. Commissioner Brazil approved, meeting adjourned at 10:30am
2012 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:
July 31st @ 9am, August 7th @ 9am, August 21st @ 9am
Minutes Approved: June 5, 2012
________________________ _______________________ _____________________
Commissioner O’Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil