2011, 12 20

Date Published: May 3, 2012



December 20, 2011


Call to Order:   9:00am                                                                  Adjourned: 11:45am


Roll Call:                               Commissioner O’Laughlin

                                                Commissioner Brazil

Commissioner Petz


Staff Present:                      KS Wyatt LeMaster, Port Operations Manager

                                                Pat Hoff, Port Maintenance


Public:                                   Travis Wilson ~ web designer

Jim Goodpaster ~ Mt. Washington Excavation

Forest McCullough ~ NW Land & Tree

Geri Purvis ~ IGA

Carl Parker ~ Kiwanas

David Cullerton


Approval of Agenda:  Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the 12-20-11 meeting agenda. Commissioner Petz made the second. Unanimously approved.


Minutes: Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the minutes of November 15, 2011. Commissioner Brazil approved.


Vouchers: Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the Vouchers November (2of2) & December (1of1 & 2of2) Commissioner O’Laughlin made the second. Unanimously approved.


Public Communication: 

Jim Goodpaster, with Mt. Washington Excavation stated the permit to burn the slash was denied to burn the slash on the South side of SR 119 due to a possibility of a South wind which may blow smoke through the residential area.  Solutions would be to move the material to the North side of the road and burn it if the wind is blowing to the North or to haul all of the debris to the other side of the road and spread the bark around or to haul it to a recycle center.  Jim Goodpaster will give the Port a bid on recycling.   The least cost option will be considered.

Geri Purvis, IGA brought a menu for the ‘All Ports’ meeting to be held on January 17th.  Choice #3 was selected for the menu.

Travis Wilson, Web designer is linking an underwater video ‘Diving Hood Canal’,with permission of the videographer & Video Tourism. Travis is updating ALL information and keeping the website current.

Carl Parker, Kiwanis – There are 24 current members & they meet Thursday mornings at 6:45am at the Library.  As VP of the Kiwanis it is Carl’s duty to be a direct contact between the Kiwanis and the Port regarding community functions.  Lights on the Christmas tree, which is on the Port property, need to be replaced next year due to saltwater corrosion.  Carl suggested Port maintenance trim the tree to better suit the lights.  Flower baskets were discussed and it was determined the Business Assn. & Hoodsport Community Events Committee were responsible for collecting money and organizing placement.  Commissioner Brazil will be attending the next HCEA meeting to discuss what the Port can and cannot do for the community.  The Kiwanis are grateful for the 18 cords of wood that was donated by the Port of Hoodsport; the wood is seasoning for 2012.

Forest McCullough, NW Land & Tree presented a Proposal to include a back line abatement of all brush 100’ from the road.  The Port’s property is landlocked & is awaiting approval for access from Green Crow, Easement from the State and Easement from Lake Cushman store. Removing diseased trees will improve the properties.  In the fall of 2012, trees not subject to the ‘root rot’ disease can be purchased for fall planting. NW Land and Tree and the Commissioners will be doing a walkthrough of the park on December 27th at 10a.m.  A motion to approve NW Land & Tree’s Cutting Proposal was made by Commissioner O’Laughlin, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.

David Cullterton, C&C Landscaping stated he feels he was terminated for unjust cause and wants to file a ‘tort claim’ against the Port.  The Port is officially put on notice.

Commissioner Reports:  

Commissioner Petz spoke about the Concrete boat owned by Mr. Hopple, which broke moorage & washed up against the Port dock on November 23rd.  Thanks to the Port staff, Mike Purvis for rope, Commissioner Petz, Captain Cindy Sund & Byron (a citizen from Lake Cushman), the boat was secured on a slip and the owner contacted to remove the boat. The boat will remain moored at the Union Marina through April 2012.  A letter will be written to DNR addressing the issue of the boat being moored in front of the Port of Hoodsport and damage it could cause if it should break anchor in the future.

Commissioner Brazil spoke about the ‘All Ports’ meeting that will be hosted by the Port of Hoodsport on Tuesday January 17, 2012.  This is not an official meeting; it is a workshop only to share areas of concern & a work session to discuss mutual concerns where no formal action will be taken.  The speaker will be Commissioner O’Laughlin and the subject, “Port Security Nationwide”.

Commissioner O’Laughlin is proud to announce an 82’ Coast Guard Boat will be at the Port of Hoodsport in May 2012, there may be guided tours onboard.

Port Maintenance Reports:

Port of Hoodsport purchased a ‘Grand Fir’ tree which was picked up by the Kiwanis & planted by the Port.  The Kiwanis decorated the tree and the Hoodsport Community Events Association advertised the annual ‘Tree Lighting’ ceremony and Captain Cindy Sund and the Lady Alderbrook brought carolers onboard who disembarked at the Port of Hoodsport dock for the ceremony.

A broken PVC pipe on the dock was replaced with galvanized pipe and a natural fall to prevent water from settling in that section and freezing again.  It will be drained down when the sprinkler lines are blown out each winter.


Port Operations Manager Report:

It was suggested to power wash the dock before events to minimize Seagull, Otter & Seal poop on the entire dock.  Public records were requested by two citizens.  The ‘All Ports’ meeting in January, a non official meeting, has been verified with attendance from the Ports in Mason County.  A speaker and menu have been selected.  A comment from a PUD #1 employee said the Port did a beautiful job on the park and it has never looked better.  There has been a request for the Hoodsport Fire District to inspect the water lines on the dock as a Drill, they will consider a date.  DNR has been contacted regarding the derelict boat and is discussing possible solutions on what the Port can do to help the situation.  The Port of Hoodsport filled out paperwork for ‘Firewise’, a Lake Cushman group to acquire matched Grant monies for forest fire fuel reduction.

Integrity by Design Consulting proposed a $500. Per month increase for 2012.  Commissioner Petz made a motion to accept the proposal; Commissioner O’Laughlin seconded the motion, unanimously approved. The Ports copier, fax, scanner, printer is broken and un repairable, the Port will purchase another one.


Budget:    Review of Expenditures/Revenue

2012 Budget reflects cutting the budget for Commissioners per diem from $9500. to $2500. per year.


Old Business:

  1. Discussion/Direction Regarding the Septic Design, Temporary & Permanent Restroom Projects: 

Septic Design:  County Environmental Health Specialist is reviewing the Easement.

Put on Hold until more research is done & other avenues explored.  A pre site inspection was done.

Permanent Restrooms:  CXT Montrose is the consideration.

Temporary Restrooms:  Up & running & being monitored.

Still working on a permanent solution to the Public restrooms, looking at all possible options.


A pre application conference is arranged with the County building departments to go over all issues to tie together the septic system and permanent restroom.  The Septic system is a priority and a final scenario in order to install the permanent restrooms by the Summer of 2012.


New Business:

The local Food Bank who supports 167 families on the 1st & 3rd Mondays of each month, is looking for operable space for 9 freezers plus dry storage.  They are currently considering a Bank Owned residence close to town with 2 out buildings.  Layout, Parking and security are essential.

From the Port of Hoodsport’s perspective, a Community Center (which is within the Comprehensive Plan) with additional space for incubator businesses would be a way to support the community and for the Food Bank to have a place big enough to support the needs of our community.  Uses for the Community Center could include space for the food bank, a meeting place for the Kiwanis, Business Assn, Events Committee, Senior Center & parking for the 4th of July.  Currently Commissioner Petz grows a garden in the Valley & purchases food to help supply the needs of the food bank.  Todd Nelson with ‘Hood Canal Patient to Patient Grow Collective’ is matching the purchase of food for the food bank.  Ron Gold is donating dirt work to help, Operation First Harvest & North West Harvest also donates food to our local Food Bank.


Next Meetings:  Next meeting date is Tuesday January 17th @ 4 pm.


2012 Tuesday Meetings are scheduled as follows:

January 17th at 4pm,        February 14th at 9am,         March 13th @ 9am,

April 10th & 24th @ 9am,                  May 8th & 22nd @ 9am.


Executive Session:    None


Adjourn: Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner O’Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 11:45 am


Minutes Approved: November 15, 2011



________________________  _______________________  _____________________

Commissioner O’Laughlin        Commissioner Petz                  Commissioner Brazil