2011, 11 15

Date Published: May 3, 2012



November 15, 2011


Call to Order:   9:00am                                                                  Adjourned: 9:45am


Roll Call:                                Commissioner O’Laughlin ~ excused absence

                                                Commissioner Brazil

Commissioner Petz


Staff Present:                         Kathleen Wyatt LeMaster, Port Operations Manager

                                               Pat Hoff, Port Maintenance


Public:                                    Travis Wilson ~ web designer

Bill Sostrich ~ Firewise representative


A Public Hearing was held to consider testimony before adopting the FINAL 2012 Port of Hoodsport Budget.  It is noted that the there were significant reductions from the 2011 budget in appropriated funds for the 2012 Budget.  The Commissioners per diem was reduced by 70%, Administrative salaries were reduced by 50%, Relocation of the Port Office resulted in a rent reduction by 50%, Onsite storage reduced costs by 100%, better reporting on the Waterfront Park & Marina, Hoodsport Trail Park & the Public restrooms will track costs within the budget. The public was invited to speak, there was a question posed as to the revenue under ‘other financial sources’. Commissioner Brazil elaborated on the revenue from the Port removing only the dead & diseased tree’s to save the forest and eliminate dangerous tree’s falling or blowing onto the road or other people’s properties.  There were no other questions and the Public Hearing was closed.  


A motion was made by Commissioner Petz to approve the 2012 Budget with the Revenue amount being $364,682.00 and the Expenditures amount $364,682.00 and the motion was approved by Commissioner Brazil.


______________________    _____________________      _____________________

Commissioner Brazil               Commissioner Petz                 Commissioner O’Laughlin