2008, 12 10

Date Published: July 21, 2012



 DECEMBER 10, 2008


Call to Order:   9:37am                                                               Adjourned: 10:25am


Roll Call:                                  Commissioner Benavente

Commissioner Hamlin

Commissioner Wyatt


Staff Present:                            Rich McEachin, Executive Director

Terry Veitz, Admin. Assistant


Public:                                       Gary Carlberg, Potlatch Water

Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Wyatt made a motion to approve the agenda, for December 10, 2008 as presented. Commissioner Hamlin made the second, passed unanimously.


Public Communication:

There was no public communications requested.


Commissioner Reports:

Commissioner Wyatt stated that he attended WRIA-16 meeting and EDC meeting and would provide any material requested.

Commissioner Hamlin stated that the Lake Cushman Maintenance Board had put together a new process that will illicit more public input.

Commissioner Benavente stated that he sits on the Parks Advisory Board and they continue to move forward with current projects. They also received some RCO grant funding. The Parks Board asked if the Port of Hoodsport would be willing to give or sell them 3 coin boxes they have. This item will be added to a future agenda. He stated that he attended the Regional Transportation Planning Board meeting in which they discussed the 6 week closure of the Hood Canal Bridge. All information on the project and closure is on their website. He will be attending the EDC meeting later this week.


Executive Director Report:

Executive Director McEachin reported the following: He met with a representative from CTED and added her suggestions to the grant application. The grant has been submitted. He met with the local State Parks person regarding the Hoodsport Trail and any potential maintenance issues. The only issue is the removal of a tree that has fallen over a small bridge. The total project is $50,625 with a State match of $33,750, $16,000 from the Port, $8,000 cash and $8,000 in-kind (staff time). The State Parks representative will also be looking into new signage for the staircase area. Executive Director McEachin received a notice from the County that the docks must be inspected at a cost of $68.00. He will schedule that inspection. He further reported that Resolution R08-14, approval of the 2009 budget was fine, but he also received an additional form that must be submitted to the County. The form will be signed and sent to the County.


Consent Agenda:

Minutes: Commissioner Hamlin made a motion to approve the November 12, 2008 minutes, as presented. Commissioner Wyatt made the second, passed unanimously.


Vouchers: Commissioner Wyatt made a motion to approve the vouchers 12-1, pages 1, 2, and 3 as submitted. Commissioner Hamlin made the second, passed unanimously.


Old Business:

1. Revision of Commissioners Protocol Manual: Executive Director McEachin explained that he has made a change to the wording under selection of a new chairman. He read the proposed changes. Commissioner Hamlin made a motion to approve the changes as read. Commissioner Wyatt made the second, passed unanimously.


2. Resolution approving deed transfer of Hoodsport Trail Park: Executive Director McEachin reported that the Governor has signed the transfer. Passage of the Resolution after taking public comment is necessary to complete the process. The Resolution was read by Title. Commissioner Benavente entertained public comment. Gary Carlberg, citizen, stated he felt it was a good idea. There was no further public comment. Commissioner Benavente stated that WSU Extension program is interested in helping with the trail park in any way they can. It would be volunteer labor. Commissioner Wyatt made a motion to approve Resolution R08-15 as read, for acquisition of the Hoodsport Trail Park. Commissioner Hamlin made the second, passed unanimously.


New Business:

1. Direction regarding hiring a Structural Engineer for data regarding dock piling replacement: Executive Director McEachin stated that he talked to the insurance company about the issue and they stated that the only way a reimbursement could take place would be if a Structural Engineer were hired to make the inspection. The insurance company related that even if the Engineer determines the damage is not storm related, the insurance company will pay the costs of the inspection. The company being recommended for doing the assessment is Madsen, Kneppers & Associates, a firm the insurance company has worked with many time before. Commissioner Wyatt made a motion to approve the contract for structural engineering for data regarding the dock pilings. Commissioner Hamlin made the second, passed unanimously.


Recess Regular Meeting and Convene into Executive Session: at 10:05am, Commissioner Hamlin made a motion to recess the regular meeting and convene the Executive Session to discuss real estate matters per RCW 42.30.110(1)(b). Commissioner Benavente stated the Executive Session would last approximately 10 minutes.


Adjourn Executive Session and Reconvene Regular Meeting: as 10:15am, Commissioner Hamlin made a motion to adjourn the Executive Session and reconvene the regular meeting. Commissioner Wyatt made the second, passed unanimously.


Regular Meeting Reconvened:

Commission Wyatt made a motion to direct the Executive Director to respond to the Hoodsport Winery proposal which is to include that the Port is not in the position to move forth.


Adjourn: Commissioner Benavente adjourned the meeting at 10:25am



Minutes Approved: January 14, 2009