2008, 09 24

Date Published: July 21, 2012



September 24, 2008


Call to Order:    9:35am                                                                  Adjourned: 11:32am


Roll Call:                                       Commissioner Benavente

Commissioner Hamlin

Commissioner Wyatt


Staff Present:                                 Rich McEachin, Exec. Director

Terry Veitz, Admin. Asst.


Public:                                            Mike Petz, Citizen, related his concerns regarding the

purchase of the building and the budget process. He

furnished the Commission with a letter of concerns

and asked that it be made part of the record. The letter

is attached to these minutes as requested.


                                                        Jean Claude Paris,citizen, related his concerns about

the impacts to residents/taxpayers regarding purchase

of the building and property. Commissioner Wyatt

asked if he would submit his concerns in writing and

he agreed to do so.


Thomas Sheldon, citizen, related that he understood

that an audit was being conducted and the public

should be given financial disclosure.


Brad Carey, citizen, related his knowledge of the public records Act and compliance thereof. He said a process should be disclosed on the Port website with procedures and forms, if not already there. He suggested that the Port consider having an index of                                                                files. Commissioner Wyatt asked if he would submit  his concerns/ideas in writing. He related he would.  Commissioner Wyatt stated that he was happy to see the public participate and the Commission welcomes  it. Commissioner Benavente also stated he would like to thank the public for their concerns and that the Port welcomes this process and will do everything possible to accommodate their concerns.


Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Hamlin made the motion to approve the agenda for

September 24, 2008 as presented. Commissioner Wyatt made the second, passed unanimously.


Commissioner Reports:

Commissioner Wyatt: Reported on attendance the County EDC meeting and WRIA-16 meeting. He offered his notes to the Commission for both meetings.

Commissioner Hamlin: Reported that he has been working with a representative of the Lake Cushman Board regarding developments in Hoodsport and potential traffic issues that may impact the Lake Cushman area because of it.

Commissioner Benavente: Reported on his attendance at a meeting in Alderbrook, HCWA, County Parks Advisory Board and the RTPO.


Executive Director Report: Executive Director McEachin reported that he received an email from the representative of the surplus ferry acquisition and the State is now looking at scrapping the vessels instead of selling them. He requested that the Commissioners give him feedback as to what projects they would like to see put forth for LTAC funding. The funding is for the period October – May only. The application is due October 31st.

He further reported that he received an email regarding the Hoodsport Trail Park property. It should be completed very soon with only a minor amendment regarding financial reporting to the US Forest Service. He further reported that he will be meeting with the Attorney tomorrow regarding the purchase of the All Star Building and he has a building inspector due on Monday.


Consent Agenda:

Minutes: Commissioner Hamlin made the motion to approve the September 10, 2008 minutes as recorded. Commissioner Wyatt made the second, passed unanimously.


Vouchers: Commissioner Wyatt made the motion to approve voucher 9-02 in the amount of $1,049.61. Commissioner Hamlin made the second, passed unanimously.


Old Business:


  1. Resolution setting fees for Public Records Requests: Executive Director McEachin read the Resolution by Title and provide a form to be considered. He said the process and form would be put on the Port website for easy access by the public. Commissioner Wyatt made the motion to approve the Resolution, setting a fee schedule for release of Public Records. Commissioner Hamlin made the second, passed unanimously.


  1. RFP for Feasibility Study: Executive Director McEachin explained that the feasibility study will provide the necessary information required to submit for grant funding of Port projects. He received 3 RFP’s ranging from $32k, $34k, and $50k. The Commissioners further discussed the RFP’s and they wanted more time to look at them before a decision was made. Commissioner Hamlin made the motion to Table the issue until they had more time to review. Commissioner Wyatt made the second, passed unanimously. The Executive Director will include this item on the next meeting agenda.


3.    Pier Piling Replacement: Executive Director McEachin reported that the contractor, Marine Floats had sent the Port’s insurance company a breakdown of the costs to repair or replace the pilings. They also suggest that a structural engineer should make an assessment as to whether it was storm related damage. By Consensus of the Commission, the Executive Director is to contact the insurance company to see how they wish to handle this.


New Business:


1. Update on State Audit: Executive Director McEachin reported that he had received 2 email requests for information from a State Auditor representative. He has already sent the Master Plan and Comp Plan and will be mailing out all other information promptly.

It was noted that a new appraisal was being done due to several typo’s and incorrect information and that it would also be included in the packet sent to the Auditor.


2. All Star Building: The Executive Director noted that he has an inspector scheduled to look at the building on Monday. After further discussion, it was the Consensus of the Commission to have the Executive Director request the seller give the Port an extension on the Contract in order for the attorney’s opinion to be obtained, the appraisal amendments to be completed and the State Audit to be completed. The Building inspection should also be delayed at this time.


Commissioner Hamlin made a motion to recess the Regular meeting and convene the Study Session. Commissioner Wyatt made the second, passed unanimously. The Executive Director related that he had been contracted with the Port for 6 months and the Administrative Assistant, Terry Veitz,  for 4 months. He related that he wanted to know if he and Terry were meeting the expectations of the Commission. Commissioner Benavente called a recess of the Study Session at 10:45am. At 10:48am, Commissioner Benavente reconvened the Study Session. Commissioner Hamlin stated that he was totally satisfied with the services and they were very professional. Commissioner Wyatt stated that he would like to see the Executive Director have more involvement with the EAB. Commissioner Benavente agreed that the EAB needed continuity and support, assistance with insuring the membership continues and expands and that they participate. The dock is an issue because the Exec Dir doesn’t live in Hoodsport. As part-time, it would be expected that he make a daily visit to check for boats that may not be paying, etc. Commissioner Benavente requested that he be given more information daily, regarding those issues that may impact the Port so that he has the most updated information to share with others as he attends meetings. Commissioner Wyatt noted that he was extremely pleased with the contracted services being provided. Commissioner Benavente asked if the Admin Asst would be taking over the payroll and other issues now being done by the Accountant. The Exec Director related that the financials are not in the Admin Assts contract. He further stated that he can do the budget and monthly’s, but he nor the Admin Asst have the credentials to do payroll, payroll taxes, etc. It was the Consensus of the Commission that the Accountant would continue completing that criteria for the Port. At 11:31am, Commissioner Hamlin made a motion to reconvene the Regular meeting. Commissioner Wyatt made the second, passed unanimously.


Executive Session:



Adjourn: Commissioner Benavente adjourned the meeting at 11:32am.


Minutes Approved: October 8, 2008